
November 19, 2009

Hamburger Soup

This was a staple soup in my growing up years, so naturally I took it with me into marriage. In the early years I would make just one recipe which filled my "big" pot to the brim and yielded enough leftovers to freeze for many days after!

Now that I have four children who ALL have very HEALTHY appetites that "big" pot no longer fits the bill...I use it for "leftovers" and reheating what will be devoured through the course of one meal! What you see here is a 16 quart stock pot with a double batch simmering inside it. At supper we polished off about 1/3 of it!! Here is the recipe...hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

**One request...if any of you know of a way to make your own condensed tomato soup, would you mind sharing the recipe? I am trying to get away from using the mass produced stuff. Thanks!

**Update ~ My friend Terri posted the answer to my is her post on homemade condensed soup...thanks Terri! I hope to try her recipes soon. :)

Hamburger Soup

2 lb lean ground beef
2 medium onions, chopped
2 ~ 28 oz tin tomatoes, diced
4 cups water
6 cups beef broth
2 ~ 10 oz tins condensed tomato soup
8 carrots, chopped
8 celery sticks, chopped
1 bunch parsley, chopped
2 bay leaves
2 tsp. dried thyme
1 cup pearl barley ~ rinsed before adding
pepper to taste
3 cloves garlic, minced (optional)

Brown beef and onions ~ drain fat.
Add remaining ingredients and bring to boil.
Reduce heat and simmer (covered) for 2 hours ~ Stirring often.
Check for seasoning...may need more salt.


**This soup freezes very well**


  1. Yum~it is a lot like mine but a twist here or there. I will try this! Thank you for sharing!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Camille,
    This looks yummy and sounds like it would be quick an easy. I love these kinds of meals. I think I will make it this weekend for our church fellowship meal.
    Thanks for sharing!

    Have a wonderful weekend my friend,


  3. Mmm....I do a soup that is very similar, and, like yours, mine doesn't last very long!

  4. That sounds like a great staple soup. You could put a lot of spins on it depending what you had for leftovers that week.

    I answered your question about corn starch on my Nearly Flourless Cake post. Hope it helps!

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  5. mmm...I have my Grandmother's hamburger soup recipe from years ago and we just love it - very comforting on a cool day!
    Your's is a bit different, so I will give it a try next time, thank you for sharing!


  6. we just enjoyed a very similar soup for dinner tonight! yum, yum!

  7. Carrie ~ I hope you like it! You have a wonderful weekend too! Countdown is on for exciting!! :)

    Christa ~ It is very easy and your church family will love it...I am sure! :)

    Cindy ~ Thanks for the vote of confidence...I is a "keeper"! :)

    Jackie ~ Do you know a recipe for the condensed tomato soup that's healthy?? Thanks for answering the question I asked about corn starch...good to know! :)

    Nadine ~ I hope you like it as much as your Grandma's recipe! :)

    J ~ I agree...YUMMY! Sometimes I actually crave it! :)

    **Something I neglected to say in the post is the following ~ We serve with a splash of red wine vinegar in the individual may be surprised how good it is! Only...try a LITTLE at first to be sure you like it! ;-)

    **Shredded cheese is also good sprinkled on top...let it get "melty" and enjoy!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Hi Camille,
    For uncanned condensed soup recipes (including tomato) check out my blog. I'm going to put some recipes on there right now for you.

  9. Camille,
    I don't know about a condensed tomato soup. I would think that you could make a regular tomato soup recipe and just cook it down? I'm thinking about trying to do that with cream of mushroom soup. Just haven't tried it yet. One of these days...

  10. Terri ~ Thanks so much! How sweet of you! I linked to your post in this one. :)

    Jackie ~ Thanks for answering my you might notice...I have updated this post and included the link to my friend Terri's recipes for condensed soups. Have to try them soon! :)

  11. Thank you for posting this link! I'm so excited to try this. Talk about waaaay cheaper and healthier!


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