
November 23, 2009

Multitude Monday

The Thankfulness Journal and its will find the reason for the numbering here. I begin another week with consciously giving thanks to the Giver of all gifts. Might you consider joining in?

16. Spontaneous reading by my newest bookworm...

17. Children enjoying "Google Earth"

18. Little hands that willingly and joyfully help

19. Two finding pleasure in one another's company

20. Thankful that we were home when this happened!
~ Hot Water Heater leaking

21. Homemade mac and cheese...yum!

22. Husband who faithfully leads Family Worship

23. Children with open Bibles before the fire

24. Sibling friendship

25. Crinkly yumminess!

26. Medical miracles ~ Austin's yearly heart monitoring

27. Sharing a favourite story

28. Sunlight after the storm

29. Morning muffins...freshly baked!

Many Blessings to you!
In Him,


  1. Hi Camille,
    Wonderful pictures! What a neat family you have.
    We made the hamburger soup for church on Sunday and it was very yummy. We had leftovers last night with homemade biscuits. Yum! We still have more leftover and I think I will put hat in the freezer.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe. We'll be making that part of our menu.

    Have a wonderful week my friend.


  2. #24 Sibling friendship... the best gift a parent could ever wish for :)

  3. Okay, can I just have ALL your recipes? :) Those muffins look amazing! Love the photo in the woods.

  4. What wonderful blessings (well, not so much the water heater)!
    We enjoyed homemade mac-n-cheese for dinner tonight - yum!
    Your muffins looks so yummy!


  5. Heather ~ Those muffins are in "Company's Coming ~ Muffins and More" cookbook. Banana Chip Muffins ~ 1 3/4 cup flour (I use 100% whole wheat), 1/2 cup sugar (I use 1/4 cup), 1 Tbsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt (reduce if you reduce sugar), 1/2 cup chocolate chips (I usually use milk chocolate), 1 egg, 1/4 cup oil (I use olive oil), 1/4 cup milk, and 1 cup mashed bananas. You make them just like any muffin ~ dry ingredients and make a well and pour in wet ingredients and mix until just moist. Bake 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes till toothpick comes out clean. (They are supposed to be baked at 400 degrees, but I find they get dark too soon). Hope you like them! :)

    Nadine ~ Even the water heater going is a blessing because it makes us appreciate how much we have!! SO many blessings we daily take forgranted! The muffin recipe is above. Hope you like them too! :)

    Mavis ~ Truly a blessing indeed! Not always is it played out so peacefully in our in progress...ALL of us! ;-)

    Christa ~ Thanks so much for the sweet comment! Oh...I am so glad the soup worked out for is one of our favourites! Have a lovely week! :)

    Blessings to you all!

  6. Thanks so much Camille!
    I think I'll get the kids to try to make them.
    Have a great day.

  7. Okay, you're going to have to come on over to my blog to see the results! ha ha! :)


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