
November 16, 2009

Thankfulness Journal

The challenge is to find 1000 "gifts" to thank God for.
And, this is the first installment of my list ~
I hope to add many more items as the days go by.
Everything may not be photographed and
the list may end up simply being recorded and numbered ~
we will see how it all takes shape!

One thing I have found is that as I consciously give thanks,
funny enough, I am more thankful!

Amazing, isn't it?

Might you want to join in?
If you don't have a blog,
a spiral bound notebook is a wonderful place
to record your "1000 things".
May this exercise bring Glory to God,
which is our ultimate purpose in this life.

It says in the Bible the following ~
"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and
the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Ephesians 5:20

1. God's Word ~ The Bible

2. Our wedding rings ~ Our marriage

3. Finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross ~ John 3:16

4. Handwritten note from Emma

5. Diligent grade nine student

6. Calvin's vacuuming!

7. Warm and dry house on a rainy day

8. Fraser's piano fingers

9. Little girl that still loves a bath with toys!

10. Filtered water "on tap"...a new feature of our home

11. Four wet children...just back from a blustery "beach walk"

12. Makings of a welcome hot honey and lemon drink for a cold

13. Greetings from dear ones both near and far

14. "Home"...such a precious word!

15. Faded flowers from the hand of a child

16. Display of God's handiwork...

Many Blessings to each of you!
In His Love, Camille

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  1. Thanks for sharing your thankfulness journal. What a great treasure to pass on to your children and then to your grandchildren as well.


  2. Lovely List! I particularly LOVE the one on the FINISHED work of Jesus on the cross! Man-o-man... I could run up and down my street shouting "Thank you Lord!" An with I get done with that i'd like to stand on my roof top and be like Paul in the 21st century sharing of the power in a a revelation of grace! Yipeeee Jesus!

    Scribbling Thanks,

  3. Lovely post and such a loving Father. Thanks for sharing and joining in the community.

  4. LOVED reading this! So encouraging. I have those very loved, but faded flowers from a child on my kitchen windowsill. :)

  5. The more thankful we are, the more we find we have to be thankful for each day. The more miracles we expect and look for, the more miracles we will see. They are all around us all day.

  6. Christa ~ Thanks for your encouragement! :)

    Heather of S-A-M ~ Welcome! What a blessing the Lord has saved us...thanks for the reminder that THAT is what really matters! :)

    Tyne ~ Welcome! Thanks for stopping by...I really appreciate your welcoming words. :)

    J ~ Have you ever had flowers given to you with the roots attached...AND a clump of dirt still clinging?? LOVE IT!! :)

    Jenn ~ Thanks! :)

    Jackie ~ Thank you! :)

    John ~ Welcome! Thanks for stopping by is a blessing to hear that others are blessed with the giving of very powerful!

    Blessings to you all!

  7. Good day Camille :)
    What a wonderful list. We do have so much to be thankful for. The journal is wonderful, a perfect reminder of how much he loves us and cares for us :)

  8. What a great list! I love the photos. They always make me feel like I know you a little better :)

  9. When my dad died, mom started a "thankful journal" - she determined to find 3 things each day to be thankful for - in the midst of her grief and pain. And she did - some days were harder than others, but simple things such as receiving a phone call were on her list.

  10. Sharon ~ I agree...we have SO much to be thankful for! So powerful to have a specific record of it to keep it in perspective. :)

    Heather ~ What an encouraging comment...I enjoy seeing your pictures too! :)

    Heather ~ I love it that you are didn't feel pressured...did you? ;-) What a great testimony of your Mom and her "thankful journal" really is a mood lifter and gets our eyes focused on the Lord's many blessings.



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