
December 9, 2009

Gift in a Jar

Carrie at "Farming on Faith" posted a recipe for "Holiday Muffin Mix in a Jar" and they are yummy! I made them for our family to try them out (a few times)...the mix is now "home kitchen tested" and ready to be gifted to someone special!

Here is another link to inspire you with other "gifts in a jar" ideas. I have not tried any of these recipes yet...maybe you will discover a favourite there! I would just recommend that you do a "trial run" to make sure the recipe works before you give it as a gift. :)

Merry Christmas!



  1. I love the way you decorated the jar, it's adorable. I agree with you about trying out the recipe first before giving as a gift.
    I hope your Christmas season is a blessed one.


  2. That jar tag is absolutely adorable! I love commenting on your blog, Camille, because you always have the sweetest things to say and show us. I love coming to your blog. Thanks for being such a breath of fresh air in the blogging world.


  3. Christa ~ Yup...never give something away that you wouldn't want yourself. :) Thanks for the Christmas wishes...I trust yours will be blessed as well.

    Jackie ~ You have been a blessing to me today...thanks for your encouraging words! I meant what I said...never feel obligated.

    May the Lord bless you both throughout this Christmas season. Remember why it is we celebrate and take time for what is REALLY important!


  4. Oh your jar is so cute! I had Boston duty in the early hours of the morning. We rocked to your play list it was so soothing!
    I hope you have a wonderful day. Grammy might need a nap~LOL!

  5. Camille, Our family been enjoying your music tonight. Thank you.

  6. Carrie ~ I am sure you deserve a nap if you had night duty! But how precious the memories are that you are making!! I'm so glad you've had these special days with Boston!

    Heather ~ Thanks for the visit! I am glad you are enjoying the music...that makes me happy! :)


  7. I've done this before and I think it's a great idea. Who doesn't love cookies?

  8. Thanks for the vote of confidence Mavis...I agree...we all love baking! :)


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