
April 15, 2010

Banana Muffins ~ Healthy Version

These were for breakfast this morning.
"Biscuits, Muffins and Loaves" by Jean Pare
is one of my most used cookbooks.
I have altered the original recipe to make it healthier.
I hope you like them as much as we do! :)

**Updated April 20, 2010 ~ You may find that they burn easily...just reduce the heat to 375* ~ if you keep the temp at 400*, begin checking them at the 15 minute mark.**

~ Banana Muffins ~

1 & 3/4 cup Whole Wheat Flour (I use organic)
1 tsp. Baking Soda
1/4 tsp. Salt (I use sea salt)
1/2 cup Butter, softened (I actually melt it!)
3/4 cup Sucanat (alternative to refined sugar)
2 large Eggs ~ free range and organic (if possible)
1/4 cup Plain Yogurt (organic)
1 cup mashed ripened Bananas (organic)

Measure flour, baking soda and salt into large bowl.
Stir together and make a well in the centre.

In a separate bowl ~

Cream together butter, sucanat, and eggs.
Mix in yogurt and banana.
Pour into well in flour mixture.
Stir just until moistened.
Batter will be lumpy.
Line muffin tins with paper liners and fill 3/4 full with batter
(I fill mine a little more than that)

Bake at 400* F for 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
Remove to wire cooling racks.

~ ENJOY! ~


  1. Thanks for posting this, Camille. I'm trying to go "clean" with eating but it may take awhile :)
    Little bits at a time.

  2. I have a freezer full of ripe bananas, so I will be giving this recipe a try! Thanks for sharing, Camille!

  3. mmm...they look yummy!
    I have some bananas that need to be used up, perhaps I will give this recipe a try!
    Thank you for sharing!


  4. So glad you to see you using the sucant! Isn't it awesome? This recipe looks yummy. Next time I have some bananas on hand, I'm going to try them. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Dear Heather ~ Oh yes! Baby steps is definitely the way to go! I have done things gradually and still have "slip-ups", but it is about the big picture, right? I like the 20%/80% long as 80% of the time you are eating well and making good choices, the 20% will be okay. Sounds good to me! :)

    Dear Raeann ~ I do hope you like them! I find that they are done by the 20 minute carefully at the end of baking so they don't burn. AND do ENJOY! :)

    Dear Nadine ~ I *love* having to use up ripe bananas...they make such yummy things! I do hope you enjoy them! Be sure to watch carefully at the end of the baking time, they can tend to burn easily. :)

    Dear Jackie ~ I have used Sucanat off and on for the last while, but am getting more exclusive with it. Thanks for the nudge in that direction! And...I have made your mock maple surup and it is great! Thanks so much for sharing! :)

    With Love,

  6. Hi Camille,
    I think I'm going to try these muffins. They look so delicious!


  7. Dear Christa ~ I do hope you enjoy them! :)


  8. We love banana anything :-) I usually make banana bread and the browner the banana the sweeter the bread.


  9. Dear Cinnamon ~ You are right...the browner the bananas, the sweeter the muffins! We *love* having muffins for breakfast...they are a treat. :)



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