
April 23, 2010

Wonderful Bible Story Books for Kids

One of my friends recently asked about some of the story books
we have in our home and I proceeded to tell her about these.

We have MANY MANY books, but these are unique.
Bible Stories are taught in an accurate and
respectful way ~ our children have enjoyed them
and so have we.

Over the years we have used these books for devotional times
with our children, but they would be appropriate at any time of day.
One book focuses on all the events surrounding the Birth of Christ
and two books are dedicated to the Easter stories.

We have enjoyed reading through this series and would recommend them to
anyone desiring to teach the Bible to children in a God honouring way.
They would be a wonderful Sunday School tool or a
great gift idea for any children on your list.

You will find the website for ordering by clicking on this link ~
just scroll a little way down the page you arrive at and you will see
individual listings for each of the books shown above.

Please be aware that these are not your "typical" cartoon-type Bible story books ~ we felt increasingly uncomfortable with how many of those types of books handled the is, after all,
the Word of the Living God.

**Disclaimer ~ I am in no way compensated for this opinion.

**If you live locally (BC Lower Mainland) there is a little home-run bookstore that has fabulous resources. These books are available in their store for a great price. Their phone number is 604-792-5411 ~ they have limited hours and methods of payment. Call to get their address and details.


  1. Thanks for sharing these with us. I couldn't agree more about how some children's Bible story books treat Biblical stories as pure entertainment. We received two (from different authors) as gifts for our kids that are completely inaccurate. It just goes to show the lack of awe and respect some authors (Christian or not) have for God and how vigilant parents need to be if we want to teach our children truth.

  2. Camille~
    I feel exactly the same. I used to be the Sunday School Director at our little church. I changed over all our Childrens Sunday School curriculum. I had a difficult time finding some that stayed true to God's Word and didn't have cartoon type images.
    I love the images in the old Standard Bible Story Readers (I have three of the six) that I got off of Ebay. I have been looking for the other three to finish the set. These books you share look very much like them, although newer.:~}
    Thank you for sharing the link. I will have to go check it out.

  3. Thanks for sharing these with us. I am always looking for Bible story books since my grandkids are all under 6 years old! They are never too young to hear and know the TRUTH - even in the form of a story geared for their age.

    Blessings to you, Stephanie

  4. Thy Hand ~ It is so very sad that many children are growing up not knowing the Truth! How blessed your children are that they are being taught the things of God from a young age! :)

    Raeann ~ I haven't heard of the Standard Bible Story Readers...I am intrigued! I hope you find the rest of the set! :)

    Stephanie ~ Oh yes I agree...children are the RIGHT age! The LORD said that unless we come to Him with the faith of a little child we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven! Oh that we would be faithful to teach our little ones the great Truths of the Bible! :)


  5. Camille,

    Thank you for this post and link. I can't wait to check it out, I love the fact that the accounts are accurately portrayed, I'm not one for fluff even for children :)

    Have a blessed day tomorrow!


  6. Dear Sharon ~ I hope you find the resources at that site to be of is wonderful to know that these types of books are still available.

    May you have a blessed LORD's Day too!



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