
May 3, 2010

Faith Building Audio Drama ~ For Kids

The Jonathan Park Audio Series has been a wonderful tool to help build our children's faith.

This engaging series features a boy and his friends and family as they discover some amazing things about God's Creation. They are biblically based and offer sound evidence for a Young Earth as opposed to the widely accepted (and promoted) Evolutionary thinking of the day.

As the stories unfold, the characters find themselves engaged in mystery and action adventures ~ they are exciting and keep the children asking for more. We used to travel 1 hour (each way) to church each Sunday and these were wonderful to listen to as we drove along. Even Emma entered into the fun and she was only four or five years old at the time. Those of us at the other end of the age spectrum enjoyed them too! :)

**Disclaimer ~ I am in no way compensated for this opinion.


  1. I just purchased these at our homeschool convention! We've only listened to a few minutes so far but very exciting :)
    Thanks for all your encouragement, Camille!

  2. We love these too! We have a few albums and each one is great!!


  3. My girls used to listen to Jonathan Park when they were younger. They are really wonderful stories.

    Hope you are doing well, getting to do some blog reading tonight. Enjoyed my stay. Loved the music!

    Blessings sweet friend, Linda

  4. I'm so glad you shared these! I just spent around 8.5 hours in the car with the kids this weekend. We listened to Adventures in Odyssey and sermons...I'm thrilled to have a new resource! I'm sure Sister would enjoy them...hopefully Little Man might pick up on some as well!

  5. My two oldest boys are addicted to these. We seriously have to limit their time listening to them!

    They are excellent and are helping them concrete their faith and their beliefs in our Creator more and more.

    I highly recommend them.

  6. Camille,
    We LOVE these! Did you notice the transformation of the characters from the earliest CDs to when Vision Forum took over the recordings? Do you have the zoo or aquarium ones? Those are the only ones we haven't purchased, yet. Definitely great listening..over and over.

  7. I've seen these. They look really interesting. I'm sure my boys would love them.

  8. Camille,

    I would have to agree with you and everyone else here~ *love* Jonathan Park. They are a great long car ride diversion or perfect for a rainy day here.


  9. Camille,

    Yes, I join the long line of those with children who crave these! They are indeed educational and spiritual uplifting!


  10. Heather ~ I'm so glad you have these...they are a wonderful resource! :)

    Cinnamon ~ How fun that you have them too! :)

    Linda ~ So lovely that you stopped by! Thanks for the endorsement for these...we think they are great! :)

    J ~ We also really enjoy the Focus on the Family Radio Theatre...they have titles like "Anne of Green Gables" and "Ben Hur" (for when the kids are older) and MANY more titles. You should check them out...great gift ideas for the grandparents to give you (if you do alot of car travel)!

    Stacie ~ Oh how wonderful that you have them too! have to LIMIT them?? That's great! What an endorsement!! :)

    Trisha ~ I did notice that they got better as time went on. We don't have the aquarium or zoo ones...and we bought them before the sixth set was out, so we don't have that either! I'm so glad your family enjoys them too. :)

    Jenn ~ Maybe you could put it on a "wish list" for Christmas or birthdays? I'm sure your family would enjoy them! :)

    Susan ~ Yes, long car rides!! We don't avoid rainy days as it does alot of that where we live, but we have listened indoors as well...great for the imaginations of the kids, don't you think? :)

    With Love,

  11. Hi Jackie! Sorry to have missed you on that last and I were leaving a comment at the same time! Thanks for adding your family's experience...I hope it will encourage others to get some into their homes...they really are a blessing! We have so much Evolutionary thought bombarding us from every direction and it is so wonderful to have access to great material that tells the Truth! :)

    With Love,


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