
May 11, 2010

What We All *Should* Be Doing...

Food for thought...when we lose weight (or are trying to) ~ it is important not only to exercise, but to do light resistance training. I didn't always know this and I haven't always been faithful to do it, but it's very easy to add into the daily routine. Apparently, women are extremely susceptible to muscle and bone loss while dieting. Even if you are one of the fortunate ones who does not need to lose weight, you will help protect yourself against osteoporosis if you work some of this into your day.

Get some dumb bells (start with light weights...even one or two pounds) and search out a basic routine on the internet or from a book and do it! One of the programs I have used is this easy "8 Minutes in the Morning" routine by Jorge Cruise. It is a great place to begin!

Increase the weight when the exercises become too easy. Just be sure to begin with very light weights if this is new to you! Even 10 minutes a day will make a difference.

Now, where ARE those dumb bells? ;-)


  1. Thanks, Camille, for the reminder! We get so wrapped up in walking, dieting and treadmills that we forget to do some weight training. I am guilty! :~{ I will have to go set the weights out to carry along (and maybe even use!)on my walks! :~}

  2. I have been exercising but no weights. I think I'll check out the "8 Minutes in the Morning" routine you mentioned. Have a great night.

  3. Raeann ~ I am guilty too! Let's encourage each other!! :)

    Patty ~ I didn't realise how important it was, but it really is! Hope you find the link helpful!


  4. I'm hoping to get some of this in my day. I think I can spare 8 minutes.
    I hope you're doing well. I've missed blogging these last few weeks.


  5. Oh dear. I am cringing. I it is after midnight and I am sitting in bed, blogging, and eating watermelon twizzlers. My dumb bells are in the closet. Hmmm...I think I'll try to do this tomorrow. Perhaps I should dust off the elliptical while I'm at it? No. Baby steps. :) Weights first. Thanks for the encouragement. I know I need to. I've been arguing with myself for weeks. Yes, I know I need to take care of myself in this way. I just dread it. :)

  6. Oh boy, what a timely reminder. Better bring those weights back upstairs.
    Have a good day, Camille.
    Love, Heather

  7. Christa ~ It's even difficult to "schedule" in 8 minutes, but it is really important! I say this as I sit here typing while the weights are in the closet where I put them last...sad, but true! Let's encourage each other! :)

    J ~ Yes, my weights are in the closet too...but at least they are handy, right? You push a stroller around...that's good exercise! I found it was so wonderful to include the kids on my walks and it is still a tradition. At one point it was two in the stroller and two times! :)

    Heather ~ Oh yes! Do bring those weights to a place where they will remind you to be used! The 8 minutes in the morning routine is so do-able! I trust you will have a good day too! :)

    With Love,

  8. This is great idea... I wonder if people would stare at me if I took along soup cans on my walks instead of weights :)

  9. Can I just do on my farm work? heehee. Wish I could buck bales. If I did I would probably end up on the other side of the truck, bale and me!

    Thank you for the good reminder!

    Have a blessed Lord's Day

  10. Hey Camille~
    I fixed the link on my blog! Don't know why it did that ~ it worked when I first tried it. Then, after you said it din't work, I tried and it took me to someone else's blog?! Strange! I think it is fixed now. Come to the garden! :~}

  11. Mavis ~ LOL...probably not! ;-)

    Linda ~ May the LORD bless you on HIS day as well! :)

    Raeann ~ I'll be right over! :)

    Heather ~ Thank's always nice to come home! :)


  12. I'm so grateful I'm able to go to Curves (a women's only work out club). While keeping my heart rate up, I'm also doing resistance training as well. I've been doing it for 10+ years and love it!

  13. Jackie ~ How wonderful that you are in the routine already!! The most difficult thing about all of this is just beginning and getting it to be part of what gets done every day! Good for you ~ keep it up! :)



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