
May 27, 2010

Wonderful Collection of Books

Over the years we have built up our home library to the point of overflowing.
Both my husband and I have a weakness for books!
One of the bookshelves in the schoolroom has books doubled up.
And yet, we still find more books to bring home.

What is this teaching our children?
They say children will follow your example more than your words.
Will they value books as we have?
Will they read the MOST important BOOK every day?
Oh we do pray to that end.
We desire to see them glorify God in their lives and
pray that they would be equipped to teach and lead the next generation for HIM.

The Rare Collector's Series of books is worth looking into if you are building up your library.
Or if you want to give something of lasting value to a young person in your life. They work well as read-alouds...and the stories tend to be thought provoking
as well as touching in the way the valuable lessons are taught.

If you live in the Lower Mainland of BC you can find these titles at The Valley Gospel Mission Bookstore.
Phone 604-530-7880 for hours of operation and directions.

**I do not receive compensation for any of my reviews ~
they are humbly submitted for your examination only.


  1. I am so excited you shared about these. We LOVE books, too and we pray our children will love them, too - and daily spend time reading God's word. My Mom wanted to find something to give Little Man that wouldn't be more "junk" - something he would appreciate and we suggested nicely bound books, perhaps beginning with a few of the classics...but oh how much more fitting would these be!? You are a wonderful resource! Thank you for taking the time to share these.

  2. Thanks for your review on these. I have seen these in several places. I will keep these in mind for future reading.

    (I'm a book junkie too!) :)

  3. J ~ I think it's a wonderful idea to begin to collect some good books for your children. How blessed you are to have a Mom that wants to give in this way! May the LORD lead each of us in the training up of these young ones in our care. Isn't it precious that they are HIS first? :)

    Jenn ~ How wonderful that you love books too...I think it's the mark of a homeschool Mom! ;-)


  4. Discipling our children ~ so necessary. Not always easy. Thanks for sharing these resources.

  5. You are so right Patty! Very necessary and not always easy! Parenting is definitely NOT for the faint-hearted! :)


  6. Hi Camille,
    I have some of these books and they are wonderful.
    Are you also familiar with the Henty books? They are great books too.
    Have a wonderful weekend.


  7. Christa ~ I so appreciate your opinion on this subject...thanks for adding your thoughts! Oh yes...we have MANY Henty novels and highly recommend them as well. May the LORD bless you with a lovely weekend too! :)


  8. Heading out tomorrow to go yard-saling in my sister's town. What will I return with? Books, I'm sure. I have a slight addiction as well. Now, getting around to reading them all is another thing. My prayer too, is that they always carry their "sword" and use it everyday.

  9. How fun to have that special time with your sister Heather! I hope you enjoy it!! :) My children always want to go into our little local bookstore and I have refused to take them on occasion as I have a difficult time just browsing! AND yes ~ I agree with you wholeheartedly...may our children always value the WORD above all else!



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