
June 28, 2010

Cherish the Moments

We do not know how much time we will have with our loved ones.
The moments may be marked by years, or mere days.
The LORD has blessed us with parents that are all still living ~
We are so thankful!
Recently, Emma and I had the chance to spend some
precious time with Howie's Mum ~
It was a blessing!

"So teach us to number our days,
that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."
Psalm 90:12

We headed off on a bit of a journey ~
Emma and Grandma walking through the park hand in hand...

Passing the old church ~ old for us...established about 100 years ago.
We are a "young" country remember. :)

We made it!
The Old Clayburn Village Store ~ candy shop and tea room.

Getting our bearings...

"Just Looking"...

Waiting for our lunch to arrive...

Everything tastes better in a tea room! :)

Precious Mum ~ and the BEST soup! YUM!

The three of us together ~ a very special treat!

Drinking REAL tea like a REAL lady. :)



Resting for just a few minutes...half way home!

So the numbering continues ~ I am thankful for these...

621. That we can still have these moments together

622. And that Mum was able to walk BOTH ways ~
about two hours of walking! :)

623. Tea Rooms for memory making

624. Old-fashioned candy shops

625. "Good" days amidst the "Bad"

626. Less than 50 mile drive to Grandma and Poppa's house

627. That Grandma and Poppa are still able to live in a house

628. British traditions to enjoy together

629. Heritage to pass on

630. "Girl" moments ~ a treat!

631. The rain that stayed away ~ *smile*

Many Blessings,


  1. How special to share time with family. How fun--lunch at a tea shop! I think I need to come visit! :0)
    I spent nearly 4 hours with our granddaughter yesterday afternoon. Helped clean her room (toys all over the floor). Her mom helped some then went and laid down for awhile. She's pregnant and not feeling the best so Mel and I had fun together. Couldn't get her to nap, though. Special times. Memories to count, indeed.

  2. Precious time, indeed, Camille!
    I grew up in my grandparents home, and my grandmother was my 'mom'! She lived well into her 90's but the time seemed too short. Each day with loved ones is a gift and we should treasure the time. I don't get to spend near enough time with my daughters, now married and with lives of their own, nor with my precious little granddaughters.
    What memories your sweet Emma (and 'Mum') is making just spending time ~ a precious gift~ together!

  3. PRECIOUS!!! So glad you had that time together.

  4. It seems to be the word of the day, but I too was going to comment that these were "precious" pictures!

  5. Dear Becky ~ How wonderful that you could have such a special time with your granddaughter! I know that it would have been a blessing to her Mommy. So exciting to be expecting another grandbaby...yaay! :)

    Dear Raeann ~ Oh yes...these days are truly gifts from God! You must have some lovely memories of your sounds like she was a wonderful part of your growing up years. :)

    Dear J ~ Thank you! I am so thankful for days like was lovely!! :)

    Welcome Ambre! Lovely to "meet" you...thanks for stopping by. Yes, precious is the best way to describe it. :)


  6. Oh Camille! It was truly a "seize the day" kind of a day, wasn't it? What precious memories for you and for her!

  7. What a sweet time! I love that tea/candy shoppe!! Adorable!

    And the picture of you, your "mum" and your dtr, very precious~


  8. Dear Cindy ~ Oh how true! We all should stop and consider more often how precious these days really are...and make time for what's REALLY important. :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ It's a very sweet little place in an original building of the town. The owners are British so Mum has always felt "connected" to it (as long as she has known of it). I love it that we were able to enjoy it with Emma ~ it was her first visit. :)


  9. Hi Camille,
    What a beautiful post! So thought provoking and yes we all should stop and think how precious moments and days are! A wonderful reminder and I loved all your photos!
    I am truly thankful for these precious moments spent with famiy and friends.
    By the way the cookies were absolutely delicious! Thank you so much for the recipe!
    Blessings and hugs.

  10. Dear Linda ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement. I am SO glad you enjoyed the cookies! They are definitely not in the "healthy" category...but OH DEAR ME...yummy! :)


  11. This post brought tears to my eyes, we live far from our loved ones and don't get to see them nearly often enough. My Mom is not in the best health and it is so true to cherish each day because you don't know. My husband lost his cousin at 38 years old totally unexpected from a massive heart attack. Really makes you think. 6 months later my husband ran a half marathon in his memory. Thanks for writing such a beautiful post. Glad I happened upon your blog.

  12. Welcome Jill! Lovely to "meet" you ~ although I am sorry this post brought you to tears! NOT the intention at all!!

    So sorry also to read of your husband's cousin...but how wonderful that your husband did that run in his memory. We really must cherish the times we are given with loved ones...they are very precious. Isn't it a blessing that we live in this day where there is internet and phone, etc...I often think of the pioneers and the pilgrims and ALL that they left behind with the knowledge that it was likely a permanent separation. Again, how blessed we are! I am sure when you DO see your loved ones it is a joyous occasion! :)


  13. Camille. I don't think that I have met Howie's mother. I was scrolling through your pictures and had to look twice at the one of your mother-in-law sipping tea. YOu can definitely see where Lesley gets her looks from! What special memories you make for your kids. I know how much my kids love their grandparents! Thanks for taking the time to keep this blog going. It has definitely been a blessing to me.

    God bless, Brenda

  14. Dear Brenda ~ How lovely to find a comment from you here! Oh. Dear. Me. You should SEE pictures of Mum as a young could be Lesley!! It is actually very incredible how alike they are! I take to heart your sweet comments about the blog...thank you SO much! Please pray that the LORD would be glorified and exalted through it. May I decrease and HE increase!

    Love to your precious family!

  15. This is really sweet!!! I visited my grandmother for a few summers when I was teenager. We'd have tea everyday about 3 or 4 o'clock. Oh, this shop that you visited looks absolutely lovely. I'd go crazy....good a store like this!!! Beautiful!!!!

    Oh, Camille, I think you left some comments on my blog a few days ago...but I can't seem to find them. Blogger has been acting up..yesterday it deleted a comment left on my blog BEFORE I published it. Today, it deleted about 5 comments left on various posts...right after I had published them. :( :(

    Okay, back to top. This a great post and what a blessing to have grandaughter and grandmother together :) :) :) Love and hugs, Heather :)

  16. Dear Brenda ~ So lovely to "hear" from you here! :) You are so right...Mum and Lesley are VERY alike! I could show you pictures of Mum when she was would think that it is Lesley. AMAZING! :)

    Dear Heather ~ It's been acting strange here too! How lovely that you've had experience with afternoon tea. :)


  17. CAmille,

    My grandmother would usually make homemade oatmeal molasses cookies...because even if it was tea, the goodies had to have an element of healthy in them :) :)..or homemade cinnmamon rolls, her mother's recipe..or we'd go to this bakery,...called The Scotch Bakery..and buy the day old danishes...cut them in half, freeze them..and then eat them..unfrozen of course ) :) :) I also remember her drinking lots of chamomile that's what I had too :) :) I don't remember any other tea that she served!!! I LOVE tea...!!! A Scottish friend always had tea...with the cream/sugar first...then add the tea. That's how I have my tea now too!! Anyway, can you tell I love tea :) :) :) this post was extra special for me!!!

    Apropos blogs...if you ever create a blog button, let me know. I'd be happy to post it on my blog!!!!

    Hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  18. Dear Heather ~ How WONDERFUL all your memories sound!! So precious that you have those to cherish! I *love* various teas too...I grew into that one more recently, but now it is something I really enjoy! Thanks again for stopping by and for the sweet encouragement. I would love to have a button someday, but it is not a priority at the moment. :)

    Have a wonderful day!

  19. The chocolate shell recipe sounds easy and good. I have never bought coconut oil--where do you find it in the store?

  20. Welcome Marie ~ Lovely to "meet" you! I found coconut oil in the Real Canadian Superstore, but you can get it online from Amazon (in grocery section) or from a health food store. I hope you find's so good for you! :)


  21. Hi Camille. My name is Karen from
    I ran across your blog,,and love the post of your daughter and grandma.
    my parents have passed away, but i treasure the moments my children had with them and now God has blessed me to be a grandma, and i want to make every moment count..
    Please stop by my blog and say hi.. I will surely be back to visit you..
    God Bless you and your family..

  22. Welcome Karen! It is lovely to "meet" you! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a sweet is a blessing to my heart. :) May the LORD help us each day to live our lives for HIS glory and look to HIM for the needed grace to do it!



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