
June 16, 2010

For Better or For Worse

When we said our vows, did we REALLY
comprehend the solemnity of the promises we made?
On our wedding day we were full of hopes and dreams.
We did not foresee calamity or troubles.
We anticipated only JOY.
And rightly so.
Every marriage ought to begin this way.
With JOY.

We cannot tell how long it will be before trials
or tragedies will enter our lives.
But they will surely come.
The only way we can keep the vows we make is
with the LORD and HIS strength.

We are not to become paralyzed with fear about the
"what if's" and the "worry".


But we do need to dig deep into the LORD and HIS WORD
to fortify ourselves against those potentially devastating
trials and troubles.

We need to GROW.

If we have a sound view of Who God really is.
AND we have a living and breathing walk with HIM.
AND He is our LORD and SAVIOUR.
HE promises that NOTHING will overtake us
and we will NOT be overcome.
HE will NEVER leave us nor forsake us.
**See Hebrews 13:5b**
It is all about HIM!

How precious to know that we will not be tested
above what we can bear!
**See I Corinthians 10:13**
What a sure foundation that is!
AND the LORD will carry us through those impossible times
as we look to HIM for the strength and grace to do so.

We, like most, have experienced some heartache and trials along the way ~
but we can testify that these things have only made us stronger...
in the LORD and as a couple.
Like the strong winds that force the roots of a tree to grow deep,
the trials of life are useful to fortify us and make us strong

If you are facing troubles and trials right now, do not lose hope!
Our Great God is the God of HOPE!
Look to HIM and seek HIM out...
study HIS WORD and seek HIM in prayer.

The following passages of Scripture have meant so much to us,
especially during the trials we have faced ~

Psalm 91 is the "Life-Psalm" we chose together ~
it is WONDERFUL to meditate on!

Psalm 40 would be a glorious Psalm to pray through.

Proverbs 3:5-7

Isaiah 26:3-4
Isaiah 40:25-31
Isaiah 41:10

Jeremiah 29:11-14a

Romans 8:26-39

Hebrews 12:1-3

How WONDERFUL God's Word is!
May the LORD use it to encourage each of us as we
seek to walk with HIM.



  1. Amen Camille! Thank you for those encouraging words.
    I had a very long comment written because I have so much to say on this subject but I decided not to write a book on your comment section. :0) So for now, thank you and I pray this encourages all who read this today.



  2. Thank you, Camille, for this beautiful post. Your love of and for Jesus as a couple is so evident in these words you've penned.

    When we love Him deeply it becomes easier to trust Him with any trial. I love the way He teaches us line upon line, precept upon precept. Some of the times He finds it best for our growing and maturing through trials through those lines and precepts.

    My favorite of the Scriptures that you've listed is Proverbs 3:5-7. Once we can get past leaning on our own understanding life is so much easier.

  3. God continues to use marriage to sactify me. I have to die to myself daily and that is a good thing. I thank God He chose me to participate in this amazing journey called marriage.

  4. Oh yes, yes, yes! Those hard winds and bitterly cold winters God does use to force our roots that much deeper in Himself. And you are so right...our marriage began with such joy and hope - and belief that we were somehow different from everyone else, that we wouldn't face the same difficulties because we really, REALLY loved one another. A short four months later, we faced our first "tragedy," and it's been followed by many more periods of heartache...stormy seasons. And in the midst of it all, like you said, God forces our roots deeper in Himself and the joy and hope we have today is far different, far deeper, and so much richer in Christ than on that first day so many years ago. I'm so glad you shared this!

    I once read a quote that went something like this: "the tragedies in life, the hard places are merely the bass notes of our life song, To God Be The Glory."

  5. Wonderful post, as usual, Camille! I'm going to try your bbq hamburger recipe tonight. Can't wait! Thanks again for posting the recipe.

  6. Like another commenter stated, I die daily. We will be celebrating 39 years this fall, and it has not been an easy road, for sure. Would I change anything? Sure would! SO many wrong decisions, stupid mistakes.....but I'd marry him all over again.

  7. Dear Christa ~ I wish you left the "book" up...I would love to know what you were going to say!! I am sure it would be a blessing to many others as well...I give you permission to write it all out if you so wish! :)

    Dear Dianna ~ Oh yes, the LORD is so WONDERFUL and we are so blessed that HE extends HIS grace to each of us, aren't we? How precious to realise that HE is Sovereign in all things...such a comfort! :)

    Dear Stacie ~ Sanctification is what's going on here in my heart wonderful that the LORD promises to give us all we need day by day, isn't it? :)

    Welcome Emily ~ Thanks for your kind words! :) How blessed we are to have the LORD throughout this life...He graciously gives the wisdom we need as we ask ~ James 1:5.

    Dear J ~ Oh how precious that your testimony is of God's goodness to draw you nearer to HIM through the trials of life! I do know of what you speak...the LORD will NEVER give us more than we can bear. Oh sometimes it feels as though we cannot bear any more, but we get through it all and come out the other side more conformed to HIS image ~ for HIS glory!! :)

    Dear Jackie ~ Thanks for your sweet encouragement! Oh I do hope you like those hamburgers!! :)

    Dear Cindy ~ I love it that your testimony is you would marry him all over again! How precious is that? May the LORD give you MANY more years and grow your love for each other even deeper for HIS glory! :)


  8. Yep. His strength is all.

    I sometimes wonder at the fact that I am positive I/we would be a hopeless case without Him...

    so thankful.

    amy in peru

  9. Dear Amy ~ I cannot imagine what I would be like without HIM! What a blessing I don't have to!! More of HIM, less of beautiful to be on this journey. :)


  10. Hi Camille~ Every time I attend a wedding of a non believing couple. I know they have no idea what they are saying to each other. What the words really mean.

    It's such a contrast between a young unbelieving couple and a young couple dedicated to the Lord. But the Lord can do a great work in any young married life. Just look at me, married at 18, and a total unbeliever, get the picture. Married to a wonderful man who was no more prepared for marriage than I. But the Lord took us from that young beginning to where we are now and while the trip has been hard the fruits are glorious!


  11. Camille:

    More wise words about never giving up HOPE!! Love the scriptures and many of them - the entire chapters speak volumes like Isaiah 40 and Hebrews 12!!

    Only GOD can sustain us personally and in our marriages - when we are totally surrendered to His plan and His way!

    Thank you for sharing more necessary words of HOPE and the scriptures to make it practical!

    Choosing JOY, Stephanie

  12. Dear Cinnamon ~ Oh I know exactly what you mean!! How wonderful that the LORD took you from your unbelieving state to where you are today! All HIS grace!! Precious! :)

    Dear Jenn ~ Thanks for your is a blessing to belong to the LORD ~ where would we be without HIM?! :)

    Dear Stephanie ~ I appreciate your input is a blessing. We ALL need the LORD and HIS WORD...I cannot imagine life without HIM!


  13. Thank you for you wonderful comments on marriage. My hubby and I have beem married 22 years - and God has sustained us. He is the reason we can say 22 years!! I feel so blessed to know when we face trials it's not just the two of us but God who is keeping us together!! Thank you for visiting my blog. I took a quick peek around yours and saw that you are veggie gardening for the first time - have fun - there is nothing like planting those seeds in fertile dirt and bringing in yummy food for your family a few short months later!!!


  14. Welcome Christine! ~ It's lovely to "meet" you! Oh where would we be without the LORD to keep us?? Congratulations on 22 years...doesn't it just seem like yesterday (in some ways)? But we wouldn't go back, would's much better now. :) Thanks for your encouragement about the shall be interesting since we get more rain than sun here ~ thankfully we are not depending on it like so many in this world are!!


  15. Camille,

    So nice to catch up with you again. Thank you for "checking" on me during my blog absence. This is a great needed. Thank you for the encouragement. My husband is truly my best friend. And we too, have had some trials and heartache along the way. But, with Christ, they have only made us stronger. What a blessing a Godly marriage is.


  16. Dear Jackie ~ I am so glad to hear from you!! :) How wonderful that you can testify to the keeping power of our Great truly is a blessing! Oh that we would all look to HIM for ALL things.

    With Love,

  17. So beautiful and so true Camille!

    What a wonderful post. Our first year of marriage we literally took turns in the emergency room. I am so thankful that we clung to the Lord because it brought us closer to Him and each other. My prayer is for all marriages to flourish in the knowledge of Jesus and for the Lord to restore those that are hurting.

    Thanks again for such beautiful promises :)

    Have a blessed weekend friend!

  18. Dear Sharon ~ What an amazing story you have...what an incredible "first year" of marriage! How precious that the LORD kept you both through it all and drew you to Himself! May the LORD give you a wonderful weekend too ~ thanks for stopping by! :)



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