
July 17, 2010


Do you ever feel weary?
Do you ever think you cannot go on?
Meditate on this verse and seek the LORD
in WHOM Salvation is found!

~ Isaiah 40:31 ~

"But they that wait upon
the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint."

Holy Bible


  1. Amen sweetie, and God give me this verse about 35 years ago, I claim it and ponder on it, and it has such a magnitude of power in it, if you really take this verse apart and study it. Shows so many different things in it, hugs and blessings. I do get weary in the work, but never of the word, it will be worth it all when we see Jesus.

  2. I needed this verse today!!! Thanks, Camille!!! Love and hugs, Heather :)

  3. I love this verse. We can do nothing without Him. He gives us new mercies every morning, great is His faithfulness!! :0)

  4. Dear Barbara ~ Oh YES...EVERYTHING will be WONDERFUL when we see Jesus!! How precious HIS Word is to us here on earth though...what a blessing to have it! :)

    Dear Heather ~ So glad it was a blessing to you! Hang in there! :)

    Dear Becky ~ How GREAT His faithfulness is and yes, HIS mercies are new every morning! I am so thankful for HIM and His Word. :)

    Blessings to you each one!
    In Him,

  5. Well, this is timely, considering my latest blog post :) This scripture has been so familiar my whole life--especially since it's a popular song, that I've often missed the meaning of the words. When I read it here, it looks different somehow. It looks like the Lord sends you these words of wisdom, Camille, judging by your commenters :)
    Have a lovely night.

  6. Dear is so wonderful to hear from you!!! I trust all is well with you? May the LORD give you that special grace day by day...HE is our sustainer and gives us all we PRECIOUS that is! God's WORD is always timely...isn't it. :)

    Have a lovely week my friend!
    In Him,

  7. Thank you for visiting my blog recently. And thank you for this post. I really needed to hear it today!

  8. Welcome Keri ~

    This is such an encouragement to my heart...thank you! May the LORD give the needed grace to each of us day by day. :)


  9. Thank you, Camille, for the verse in Isaiah that you posted here. It was just what I needed tonight. Hugs to you.

  10. Dear Dianna ~ How precious HIS Word is!! Thanks for your sweet is lovely that you stopped by. :)



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