
August 4, 2010

Growing Up!

Our third boy was a precious addition to our family.
What you see in the photos below pretty much sums up Fraser's personality.
He is joyful and easy to please.

We called him our "Jolly Giant" when he was a baby.
He was our largest baby ~ at 9lbs 4oz.
He was usually happy...

Eleven years ago today Fraser was placed in our
home by our Loving Heavenly Father.
Our third son.

A treasure.

What would we do without you Fraser?
How precious it is that you are in our family.
It would not be the same without you!

We all love you very much.

We pray that the LORD would early have your heart
and that you would all your days serve and honour HIM!
Follow the LORD Jesus FIRST and we will be the happiest of parents!
Whatever HE desires for you is our desire too.
Follow HIM wherever HE leads!

"Let no man despise thy youth;
but be thou an example of the believers,
in word, in conversation,
in charity, in spirit,
in faith, in purity."
I Timothy 4:12


All our love,
Daddy and Mummy


  1. What a blessed day it is when the Lord gives us another child. I too wonder what it would be like without one of my kids. They are such a blessings.
    Fraser looks like a wonderful young man. Tell him happy birthday from the Smith family in Tennessee!


  2. Precious blessings they are. Happy Birthday to Fraser.

  3. Camille, please pass along our Happy Birthday wishes to Fraser. He looks like a happy well adjusted young man. Our grandson Josh is 11 for another month. Such a wonderful age this 11!

  4. Happy Birthday, Fraser!!!!

    This was such a sweet post...nad it's clear you love your son :) :) :) With parents like you, he'll do well!!!

    Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  5. Happy Birthday, Fraser!
    Oh, I love these photos, especially the one from the dining room.
    Have a great day with your boy.

    love, Heather

  6. Happy Birthday to your son Fraser!


  7. Oh Camille.. what a wonderful post..
    he is a very handsome young man.. my youngest is going into high school this year.. and my heart is breaking. I never wanted me kids to grow up, and against all my wishes, all 3 of them have..But I love them as much now as I ever with age comes history and memories and lots more time to love them ..
    Happy Birthday Fraser..
    Congrads mom.. it looks like you have done a fine job..

  8. What a sweet tribute to your son! He's so handsome too! I love your kitchen picture :-)


  9. Happy Birthday to Fraser!
    May Blessings abound for you today!

  10. Happy Birthday to your dear Fraser, Camille! He looks like he does have such an easy to please spirit. I can't imagine your having such a big're so petite! Enjoy celebrating the gift of another year. Hugs!

  11. Dear Christa ~ Fraser was blessed by your greetings...I showed him this post and since you were the first to comment, he saw your words then too. Thanks for your friendship...all the way from Tennessee! :)

    Dear Patty ~ Fraser saw your note as well...thank you for sending him greetings for the day. It means a lot! :)

    Dear Dianna ~ Oh, how I would like to "freeze" them in these "young" can it be done? How precious you have grandchildren to cherish! Thank you for your greetings...I will let Fraser read them all! :)

    Dear Heather's Blog-o-rama ~ Thank you once again for your sweet encouragement! What a blessing to have the LORD...with HIM we will ALL do well! :)

    Dear Heather ~ Thank you so much for your sweet words...we have had a lovely day...such blessings to treasure! :)

    Dear Nadine ~ Thank you for sending greetings to Fraser...I will be sure to let him read them all...he's enjoyed being "featured" on the blog. :)

    Dear Karen ~ Oh yes! They DO grow up...without our consent! You are so right...we have a history and is all a blessing! Might we cherish the days the LORD gives. :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ Thank you for your sweet comment! How we desire for the LORD to have the hearts of each of our children...what a comfort to see them go on with HIM! That is the ONLY thing that matters!

    Dear Raeann ~ Thank you! We had a lovely day together...these are days to treasure! They go much too fast for my liking! :)

    Dear Trisha ~ I will pass your greetings on to Fraser...he will enjoy it all. LOL...I am nearly 6 foot tall! :)

    Blessings to you all!
    In His Love,

  12. Happy Birthday Fraser! I hope you had a wonderful and blessed day.
    Camille-I loved the tribute to your son. Children are a blessing from the Lord. Children grow up so fast so enjoy each and every precious moment. Beautiful photos of your son.
    Have a lovely day!
    Blessings and hugs.

  13. Happy Birthday to Frasier! What a beautiful post about your son. Love that last picture!

  14. Dear Linda ~ Thanks for the encouragement to enjoy it...I am learning that it ALL goes WAY too fast!! A little late for those baby days, but I am trying to cherish these days!! How precious that you have a new little grandson to snuggle and cuddle all over again...I think it must be so wonderful to be a grandma!! ENJOY! :)

    Dear Jenn ~ Thank you! I will give him your greetings...he enjoyed reading all the others last night.

    You have all been a blessing...thank you each for taking the time to comment!

    P.S. Trisha ~ I wanted to explain a little further my was to do with the "petite" comment...because of my height I don't think I have ever been referred to that way! I enjoyed it!! :)

    Blessings to you all!
    In His Love,

  15. Thanks J! I will tell him you sent greetings. :)



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