
August 25, 2010

The Power of Music

I have visibly seen the effect of good music.
AND the effect of music that is not so good.
The workings of it have been witnessed in my own soul.
For good and for bad.

There have been times when I have encountered my
children playing together ~
doing something like Lego,
and the attitudes and words exchanged
amongst themselves were not edifying.

Quietly I turn on *the* music...
happy, children's music ~
Scripture in song.

A transformation takes place.
The children *suddenly* are happier...
and kind.

They sing along...
almost subconsciously.
And they don't even realise what I have done.


Music is powerful.

What are we filling our minds and homes with?
Pause to consider the effect.

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom;
teaching and admonishing one another in
psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."
~ Colossians 3:16 ~

Many Blessings,


  1. Thanks for your post...short & you have any particular CD's you'd suggest for a home where the mother easily overloads on noise clutter (sounds of children, dishwasher, etc.- even music)?

  2. Amen I love good music too, God bless you dear and lots of hugs, Barbara

  3. Hello Camille,
    Thank you for your post. I love soft instrumental hymns playing at different times during our day. Uplifting and yet not overstimualting. The music sets a wonderful atmosphere in our home...
    Blessings to you and your family.


  4. Welcome Janet ~ Lovely to "meet" you! I do know where you are coming from...I really do! There are times when we all benefit from a "quiet hour" in our home...nap time for the little ones and reading time for the older ones. It's definitely a blessing to implement a daily "quiet hour".

    To answer your question ~ One of my favourite CD's that I play as "background music" can be found at the following link (just copy and paste) ~

    I trust this will be a blessing in your home as it has been in ours.

    Dear Barbara ~ You are always an encouragement to me...thank you! :)

    Dear Virginia ~ Thank you for adding your insight here...I am sure it will be an encouragement to others. :)

    In Him,

  5. Excellent! You are so right. Music has an ability to transform us without us even thinking about it. We must be wise to choose godly music. I've experienced the effects of both kinds of music, too, and am so thankful now for all the access to good music now. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Camille,
    We enjoy Chris Rice's music as well, and the CD you mentioned has been on my wanted list. So you like it that much, huh? :) We listen to quite a bit of classical, too, during the school day.

  7. I just sat down to put your music on my computer because I'm about to go in and take a long HOT bath after working outside all day with some volunteer helpers [kids]. I saw this post and am amazed at the timing of it! I just ordered two new CD's today from amazon. God knows I have to have music playing almost all the time and always praise and worship or music which is intrumental like most of yours. It takes me to the heights with HIM! Love it!

    Blessings, Stephanie

  8. You are so right. Music has the power to change attitudes and the atmosphere in the home. We experience that often. Great post.

  9. Dear Lisa ~ Yes, it is powerful and we must have wisdom to choose wisely...well said...thank you! I am thankful for all the edifying music available too! :)

    Dear Trisha ~ Yes, I do like that is the only one we have of his music, but it is such a good one! :)

    Dear Stephanie ~ It is a blessing to have good music to fill our homes with...and there are such amazing resources available to us these days! I'm glad you enjoy the music here...that's encouraging. :)

    Dear Treasures ~ It is interesting to observe, isn't it? I *love* it when the children don't even know what I've done and yet changed by it. I think it should make us really stop and consider what it is we and our children are listening to. :)

    Thank you all for your input is a blessing to me!

    In His Love,

  10. Hi Camille.. Im so glad you stopped by,, and thanks for asking about my son.. he got his cast off yesterday,, and he has been on that dumb bike once or twice.. only cause he doesnt have any other means of transportation. I take him when i can, but can not always be there when he wants me.. But he is dating a nice girl right now and he is riding with her every where now... so thanks again for asking and I appreciate your prayers..
    Hope you have a wonderful day..
    God bless... talk to ya again real soon

  11. Dear Karen ~ So glad he is healed up, and glad too that he is riding less...but I am sure you would like it to be never! :) Thanks for stopping by! May the LORD bless you this day!

    In Him,

  12. Yes, yes, yes! This is so true!

    Great post!

  13. Thanks Jenn! Good music does indeed lift the soul! May the LORD help us to discern between the "good" and the "bad". :)


  14. Hello, Camille :)
    I have also experienced this influence with music (good and bad) and have seen the change in my children when it's worshipful. I'm trying to put a songbook together for each of them for our homeschool day. That way, when we're not PLAYING music, we can be singing it. Nothing starts the day better!

  15. Encouraging thoughts on music. Yesterday we were on our way home from being in southern Oregon. Hubby likes to listen to a talk show and at one point it was irritating. But finally show was over. I then switched radio to Christian music and I was happier. I have many favorite CDs and hubby listens to them as well.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog. Yes, the Frozen Multnomah Falls photo was a post in Dec. 2009. Now I have Crater Lake and Diamond Lake photos to download today. Awesome world that God created and we get to see it all! Oh so little time! Hugs!

  16. Dear Heather ~ What a great idea to do a school songbook...I am sure it will be a blessing to all of you! :)

    Dear Becky ~ Sounds beautiful...your photos are lovely! Such a blessing to live in such a gorgeous place! God's creation is amazing and brings glory to HIS name. I thought I recognized your falls pretty! :)

    Blessings to you both!
    In His Love,

  17. Camille,

    You are so right about God-honoring music! I'll have to try that when siblings are arguing--haven't thought of it then. I am a musician, and one of the times this was pressed home to me was when I was in labor with our first daughter. It was getting long, and fear was setting in. I started listening to hymns and the fear left! Praise is powerful.

    I'm looking up the Chris Rice CD right now. Looking for some peaceful instrumental music, like that on your site:)

    Lord bless you!

  18. Dear Teresa ~ What a lovely story about your labour and how you were calmed by music! Yes, praise IS powerful! :) I do hope you enjoy his CD...I think it is lovely.

    Blessings to you!
    In Him,


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