
August 20, 2010

Stop and Consider...

My greatest desire is to bring glory to the Lord
in this life He has given me.
What is your greatest desire?
Would you please read this article
and prayerfully consider the contents of it?
What is your response?

Do not live even one more day without the Lord Jesus Christ ~
HE is the only way to have peace with God!
We are all travelling to a destination ~
Where are you headed?

For more food for thought,
you might like to watch this video.
It is the testimony of one of Hollywood's former young stars.
May the Lord bless you as you seek Him ~
may you be found of HIM!



  1. Camille.. I loved that video , and then i went and watched the one of him and the gangs.. what a great testimony.
    I love Kirk Cameron..
    Thanks for leading me to that video and for your post..
    it was awesome..
    God Love You.. and me too..

  2. As usual Camille, you're speaking the TRUTH in love. Thanks for sharing the great link from MacArthur (sp.?).The gospel laid out, plain and simple.

    Have a beautiful weekend, friend.

  3. Dear Karen ~ I am so glad it was a blessing to you! I agree...his testimony is amazing ~ and all the glory goes to God! Thanks for your sweet are a blessing to me. :)

    Dear Trisha ~ Yes, you spelled his name right. :) We *love* that little tract and hand them out as the Lord gives opportunity. I clearly laid out...such a blessing! You have a lovely weekend too...I appreciate you!

    Blessings to you both!
    In His Love,

  4. Hi Camille,
    Thank you for a beautiful post!Loved the video and the testimony.
    I have been blessed.
    Have a wonderful weekend. Blessigns and hugs

  5. Just stopping by to say hi...and will go and check out the link you posted...and NO, I could NOT live one day without my Lord:-)

  6. Dear Traci Michele ~ Where would we be without the LORD? How wonderful that HE redeems our life from destruction!

    Dear Linda ~ I am so glad it was a blessing to your heart! Isn't it good to hear how the LORD has saved someone? The same power that was needed to raise Christ from the dead is the same power needed to save one amazing to think on that!

    Dear Treasures ~ I trust it was a blessing to you! true...not one day!!

    May the LORD bless each of you!

    In Him,

  7. Hi Camille: First off, thank you for praying for us...this adoption journey is rough right now, as we need so many answers and none seem to be coming...but we know God is thank you again.

    I went to the link...wonderful, wonderful and filled with "truth" of who Jesus really is. Thanks for posting this link.

  8. Dear Treasures ~ Welcome back! How precious that we can lift one another up to the LORD in prayer...HE is faithful and WILL do all that is BEST!! Hang in there! (Romans 8:28)

    Blessings to you!
    In Him,


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