
August 17, 2010

Thirst Quencher ~ For All Ages!

How do you quench your thirst on a hot summer's day?
We've been having another HEAT wave!
The children always ask for

And it must be

We quench the thirst of the masses...
or at least the neighbourhood children ~
whoever comes when I call gets a glass.

~ Camille's Lemonade ~

Squeeze the juice from as many lemons as it takes to make 1 & 1/2 cups of juice ~
I use organic lemons
Add about 10 cups of water (including the water used in the ice cubes)
Stir in 1 & 1/2 cups sugar ~ I use organic evaporated cane juice

Adjust to taste ~
This is not an exact recipe...
make it your own.

It may be too sweet or strong for you...
add more lemons, water or sugar to make it ~

Be forewarned ~
your customers will appear out of nowhere!

~ Enjoy! ~


  1. Camille,
    I LOVE lemonade! Do you hand squeeze the lemons or do you have a juicer? Sounds delicious and refreshing.

  2. looks so refreshing!

  3. This sounds and looks ABSOLUTELY delightful! Refreshing! Wonderful! You are such a good mama to your children! One day Emma will grow up and think back on these days and her heart will overflow with love and appreciation for your attention to detail, for your pouring yourself out for your children. Homemade, fresh squeezed lemonade...what a gift you're giving your children! You make me want to be a better mama to my children!

  4. Yumyum sounds mighty good to me, I do love homemade fresh squeezed lemonade, with lots of ice, that is a keeper for sure, Hugs and blessings, Barbara

  5. How precious that you're the "Neighbour Lady" who supplies the kids with love and juice. I love finding new ingredients that I've never heard of on your recipe posts :)

  6. Dear Trisha ~ We *love* lemonade too...yum yum! I have an electric powered reemer (sp?) that basically means I hand squeeze with power. :)

    Dear Jill ~ If you lived nearby I would offer you a glass. ;-)

    Dear J ~ You make me sound like super-mum...which I am not! LOL...thanks for your sweet encouragement...but I fail in so many areas...all of the LORD, right? May HE help us each to be better and better for HIS glory! :)

    Dear Barbara ~ Oh is a must in this drink! I am not usually an ice type of girl, but it's been HOT! So I keep on making ice and making ice...always available...necessary! :)

    Dear Heather ~ Are you speaking of the evaporated cane juice? It is basically unrefined organic sugar and it is YUM! I am able to buy it in Costco cross much cheaper that way. :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ Come on over! :)

    Blessings to each of you!
    In His Love,

  7. I am going to try this with raw sugar. I LOVE lemonade, but hate the white sugar that goes in it. Thanks for the idea!

  8. Dear Stacie ~ I hope it works well for you! Yum Yum! :)

    Dear Traci Michele ~ I hope you like it! :)

    Blessings to you both!
    In His Love,

  9. Yum! I made watermelon lemonade for Hailey's party and it was awesome! I'd love to try adding watermelon juice to this recipe someday.

  10. Dear Jackie ~ How fun! I have never tried watermelon lemonade...I bet it's YUMMY! :)


  11. Hello Camille,
    The lemonade looks great. I think it will be fun for our Labor Day Weekend Picnic Fun. (in our own back yard)
    Blessings in the Lord,

  12. Dear Virginia ~ It's lovely to have a name to call you by! Thank you for stopping by again...I will plan to visit you again too. I do hope you enjoy this I said, tweak it to make it "just right"....soooo yummy to just use REAL ingreidents! :)


  13. **UPDATE**

    For any of you who might have "subscribed" to this post...just a little update!

    I made this using the measurements originally supplied and it was too strong. I have adjusted the recipe within the post itself to reflect what the *real* measurements should be. The amount of water and lemon juice has been altered.

    So sorry for the mix-up!



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