
September 7, 2010

The Benefits of Stock

Homemade stock (chicken, beef, or fish)
is something I have been learning more about this past year.

Why did Grandma make broth?

Was there a purpose to it,
or was it something she just couldn't buy in cube form?
Maybe the answer is BOTH!

Last winter I made chicken broth faithfully ~
it was a staple in our diet.
I don't know whether it's by coincidence or not,
but we had the healthiest winter we can remember since having children!

Michelle at "She Looketh Well" posted an amazing video tutorial
on her blog to demonstrate the step-by-step method she uses to make stock.
I do mine in basically the same way and it is WONDERFUL!!
Just click on the link above to find her tutorial video.

Two of my favourite uses for this chicken stock are
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup and
Tanya's Turkey Soup.
Yum Yum!

**Update ~ I answered questions that were asked
in the comments section in another post.
Find it by clicking here.


  1. Hi Camille,

    This looks really yummy and really easy. I checked out your friend's blog for the tutorial...and I flagged it on my computer so I can take my time with it later this afternoon. I read her profile too..WOW, really neat lady and she does NOT look old enough to be a grandmother...must be that stock :) :) :) Have a great week. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  2. I LOVE homemade stock! I am going to try beef stock from the grassfed beef we have in the freezer. Michelle doesn't like the smell of beef stock as it cooks, so I think I will try it on a day I can have the windows open!!!

  3. Lu-UV some homemade chicken stock!!! I made it faithfully last winter, as well. We only suffered one bout of sickness...that's pretty good for us! I wonder...

    My freezer is currently filled to capacity with homemade broth. Do you ever can yours? If so, any tips? I am wanting to, but am a little afraid.

  4. Oh those recipes sound awesome.. I always wanted a gooooood chicken soup recipe.. my in always kind plain...

    but im sure the home made broth makes a big differnce

  5. Oh, soup sounds good right now! I would love to know how you make stock, but bummer! I only have dial-up internet and can't see videos! Perhaps, sometime, you can give just a quick review of the ingredients/steps you use!
    Here's to another healthy winter! :~P

  6. Hi Camille,
    We love chicken broth too. We make a lot in the winter and I can a whole bunch of it around this time of the year for those last minute meals that are needed in a pinch. I can't wait for the cold weather so we can have our favorite soups.

    Bon Appetit my friend,


  7. Okay how did you know I was thinking these same things today? Chicken broth is next on my list of to-do's. Thanks for the link, I will be checking it out soon~


  8. Hello! Congratulations on your blog. I went through it and felt a great peace. Thank you!
    His family is beautiful and you a blessed woman.

  9. Dear Heather's Blog-o-rama ~ Yes, Michelle is a lovely lady...may the LORD bless you as you visit her. The stock *is* easy to do! AND sooooo good for you too! I hope you give it a try...Michelle's tutorial really "walks you through" ~ very well done! :)

    Dear Cindy ~ I agree with Michelle! Yes, I think windows open is a good idea for cooking beef stock. I didn't like the smell of it either...LOL! I thought something was wrong when I tried it. :)

    Dear Jennifer ~ I've been *wondering* too...but I'm thinking that broth had a lot to do with it! I suppose the "proof's in the pudding"...maybe we will be sicker than ever this winter? :0)

    As for your question ~ I have never canned it before. You could check out some canning websites to see if it's safe to do...I don't have the answer. I don't tend to have enough broth to have much to store around here...I'm feeding some HUNGRY young men and it all goes into the soup...which ALL goes in a few days! :)

    Dear Karen ~ Oh yes, the BROTH makes ALL the difference! I have never had so many compliments on my soup (that would be "Tanya's" recipe in the post) than I have this past winter when I made homemade stock! Really, do give it a try! :)

    Dear Raeann ~ So sorry about the video situation for you! is *so* easy, really! I'll have to think about how to get that info to you! In the meantime, try this link ~ it will take you to one of my posts where I link to Christa's blog and her instructions are basically what I do...minus the feet. ;-) Here is the link, just copy and paste ~

    Dear Christa ~ You are one of the ones that inspired my to launch into this broth making thing! I linked to you long long ago in my first post on the subject! Hmmm...canning you just hot water bath can or does it have to be done in a pressure cooker?? My friend Jennifer (see above comment) was asking...I don't know, but you do! As for soups...yes, I crave them this time of year too! Funny how that works hey? Bon Apetit to you as well! :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ Funny that you were just thinking of this! It's *that* time of year. I'm sure you will find Michelle's tutorial wonderful and's super easy! Enjoy!! :)

    Welcome Lila Rosana ~ Lovely to "meet" you as well! Thank you for taking the time to visit and leave a sweet comment. The LORD is good...HE is the ONE that blesses me! May you know HIM as well...John 3:16. :)

    Blessings to you each one!
    In His Love,

  10. **One more thing ~ about the way I make is just like Michelle's method ~ I roast the bird first and use it on the first night as a "roast chicken" dinner. Then, the second day I use up what's left (skin, bones, carcass) to make my broth. I strip off the meat first and reserve for the soup to be made later. I hope that makes sense! :)


  11. Camille,

    I love chicken stock too! It is a great healer. Are you familiar with the GAPS diet? It is basically a diet based on stock to heal the colon and intestines. That is probably why you had such a healthy winter! Thank you so much Camille for your prayers. You are truly precious!

    In Christ,

  12. Hello Camille! Thanks for the tip about the translator on the blog. Already installed.
    If you want to go there, be pleased to receive it.
    Coming here is always good.
    Thank you for everything!

  13. Dear Jackie ~ It is lovely to hear from you!! Thanks for your input here on this post! I didn't know that it did all those things, but I do know that we were much healthier than in years past. Hmmm, interesting! Thank you for your sweet encouragement my friend. :)

    Dear Lila Rosana ~ Thank you for stopping by again. I will plan to return to "your place" and try the translator will be lovely to read some of your writing too. :)


  14. Camille,
    Thank you for stopping by the American Home. My summer became very busy because my mom has been so sick. I have missed our visits on the blogs. God bless you my friend and I hope your summer goes well. I cannot imagine living somewhere without this extreme heat. Your home must be beautiful. In Oklahoma, by August everything is burnt up and brown from the heat and lack of rain. When it does begin to rain again it is usually too late and the plants are all to dry.
    I can now imagine you in a wonderful place.
    Have a nice day.

  15. Dear Donna ~ I have never been to your part of the world, but it sounds similar to our Canadian Prairies in the summer rain, and hot days...evrything turns brown. We are in a part of British Columbia where it is green most of the year...and very little snow in the winter. The weather is temperate...we like that! :)

    I am so sorry about your Mom...we will be praying for you and her as you journey through this together!

    Blessings to you!
    In Him,

  16. I only just realized that I did not have your blog listed on my home page. Your blog now has a special place on my blog.

  17. Thanks Donna ~ That's so sweet of you! :)

    Have a wonderful evening!

  18. Question:
    Did you just eat Chicken soup a couple times a week? Didn't it get old?
    I would love to try this, since my kids most often sniffle all winter long, but don't know if I myself cold handle that much of the same soup! :-)

  19. Hi Becky! Thanks for asking...good question! my family there really is no time to get "bored" with doesn't last long! ;-) We would eat something made with the stock, such as soup, once or sometimes twice per week. Some weeks I would skip it all together. I would make sure I made stock at least once every two weeks...that seemed to be my pattern. If I were you I would do only one it as a roasted bird one night, make stock the next day and make soup with it the third day. You could freeze your leftovers and eat it the next week for one of your meals. That way you would only be making stock once every two or three weeks...make sense? I'm excited that you want to give it a try! :)

    With Love,


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