
September 15, 2010

Skor Bar Trifle

Now THIS is worth every calorie!
Or, at least, you could get lulled into thinking such
thoughts when you try your first spoonful!

It originally was supposed to be a layer cake,
and called for a cake mix.
To simplify things, I altered it to become a trifle dessert,
which is served in a bowl.

I recently discovered a new cake recipe that works
so well in this trifle.
My friend Linda from Prairie Flower Farm
has it featured on her blog ~
You will find her recipe at the very bottom of this post ~
just omit the icing.
Of course, you could use a regular cake mix,
but the homemade cake is more dense,
and in my opinion ~ better.

So, how do you create Skor Bar Trifle?

Bake a chocolate cake.
Use a mix or the above recipe, or one of your own.
Let it cool.
Once it's cool, cut into little chunks.

Whip up 500 ml (2 cups) of whipping cream
with 1/4 cup cocoa powder and 1/2 cup sugar in it.
Whip until stiff.

Crush 4 Skor Bars ~ chocolate bars with hard toffee inside.
Stir the little crunched up pieces of Skor into the
chocolate whipped cream.

Layer the cake and the cream mixture in a pretty bowl
alternating twice, ending with the cream.
Decorate with another crushed Skor Bar,
or with chocolate sprinkles, or just a dusting of cocoa powder.

Refrigerate until serving time.


  1. Looks so yummy!!! How can anything chocolate ever be bad? Right? LOL
    Thanks for sharing another great recipe! Have a great day.


  2. mmm...looks good Camille!
    My hubby has a Skor bar sitting on the counter right now! :)


  3. Wow, I just gained five pounds while reading...BUT, I will definitely try this recipe on the weekend...thanks for hips ALSO thank you:-)

  4. Dear Jill ~ LOL..."How can anything chocolate ever be bad?" ~ My sentiments EXACTLY. :)

    Dear Nadine ~ Thank you! Mmmmm....I am jealous of your hubby! :)

    Dear Treasures ~ I hope you all enjoy it! SOOO easy and SOOO yummy! :)


  5. Now, really, how is a girl supposed to keep to her diet with delish stuff like this tempting me/her!!??
    I don't think I can walk far enough to work this off! But I may just have to try anyway!
    What a combination ~ chocolate cake, chocolate whipped cream, and a candy bar!!! Euphoria!
    Thanks for sharing, Camille! ;~P

    Yikes! My word verification is

    dedlyzin ~ sounds too much like
    Deadly sin! :~O

  6. I could use a good helping of that right now in the sad mood I'm in but I'm eating some MnMs so that will have to do! Thanks for sharing the yummy recipe. :0)

  7. Oh dear! Now THAT is a recipe I may have to try! But only for a get-together. I could see my husband and I devouring the whole thing in one evening if I just made it for our family!

    Blessings to you!

  8. Dear Raeann ~ Maybe I should take down word verifications?? ;-) Please do give it a try...just make sure there are plenty of friends and family around to share with! :)

    Dear Becky ~ So sorry to hear you are in a sad mood! I will pray for you today! May the LORD give you HIS peace and comfort...Jeremiah 29:11-14a is such a precious passage of Scripture to meditate on at such times.

    Dear Tami ~ Oh YES...definitely a sharing dessert!! It can be doubled or tripled to suit any size gathering. Maybe take it to church? :)

    Blessings to each of you!
    In His Love,

  9. Camille,
    I just got caught up! You continue to point me to the cross. Thank you!

    That crab bisque sounds and looks WONDERFUL!!! And the Skor Bar!

    And on your numbered thanks - when I read of a 13 year old coming alongside and taking your hand, and then an 11 year old taking your other hand - well, it made me want to run upstairs and gather Little Man in my arms and hold him tight! My, they do grow up fast!

  10. Dear Jennifer ~ I have missed you while you were away...thanks for stopping by. grow WAAAYYYY too quickly! Just enjoy.enjoy.enjoy every minute and squeeze those little ones every single day. Before you know it they will be as big as mine...truly, they will! :)

    With Love,

  11. Looks so yummy Camille! May be a good one for our dessert contest for family day at church. Thanks for sharing it:)


  12. Dear Teresa ~ Oh how fun! Yes, I'm sure it would go over well at a function like that! You can double it or triple it...I have made it in a punch bowl before. Oh. Dear. Me.!! :)



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