
October 19, 2010

The Feast We All Need

We feast at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.
We feast at weddings and celebrations.
We tend to think of feasting only
as it pertains to food.

Feasting does involve food.
But there are two types of food ~
Physical and Spiritual.

What is Spiritual food?
What does it mean to feast on God's Word?
HOW do we feast on the Bible?

After all, the Bible says ~
"...Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceedeth out
of the mouth of God."
Matthew 4:4

We will eventually die physically if we do not eat.
But more importantly, we will die spiritually
if we do not "eat" of the Word.

"And Jesus said unto them,
I am the bread of life:
he that cometh to me shall never hunger;
and he that believeth on me shall never thirst."
John 6:35

Only by taking the LORD at HIS Word
can we truly be saved.

And only when we are saved
can we truly FEAST.



And only by the Holy Spirit is any of this possible.
We cannot *know* anything apart from HIM.
HE opens our eyes that we might see.

Feasting on the Word.

Reading it.
Memorizing it.
Meditating on it.
Praying through it.
Living it.

Until it becomes part of who we are.
Until we cannot help but share it.

May the LORD enable each of us
to truly FEAST.

Many Blessings,


  1. What a beautiful post, Camille! So true!

  2. I'm feeling a little hungry :)
    Time to feast.
    I love how you wrote this, Camille, especially the practical advice at the bottom of the post.
    Have a great Wednesday!
    Love, Heather

  3. Dear Terri ~ It's lovely to hear from you my friend! Thank you for your encouraging words! :)

    Dear Heather ~ Ah, yes...we really do NEED it, don't we? I have been enjoying your refocus posts...the LORD is doing a lovely work in you. May HE be honoured in our moment by moment living...for HIS glory!! :)

    With Love to you both!


  4. So beautifully said Camille...and how very true. It is so much more important to get our spiritual food to begin the day than our physical food! Thanks for this wonderful reminder to feast on the true Bread of Life!

    In Him,

  5. Yes, may He enable each of us to truly feast! And to learn to recognize that our hunger is for Him; only He will satisfy. I love how you phrased it:

    "And only when we are saved can we truly FEAST."

    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Dear Jackie ~ Oh how we NEED the LORD and HIS Word!! Thank you for your visit and for always being such an encouragement. :)

    Dear Lisa ~ How precious HIS Word is and how blessed we are to have access to it in our own language! The LORD has truly blessed us abundantly, hasn't HE? Thank you for taking the time to visit today. :)

    Dear Jennifer ~ Thank you my God be all the glory!

    Blessings to each of you!
    In Him,

  7. Welcome Stephanie ~ Thank you for is lovely to "meet" you! May the LORD bless you too. :)

    In Him,

  8. I think this is why it is so important to ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance before we even read that first word on the page.

    I think I would "die" if I didn't have my "meal" regularly. Once you have had it consistently, if you stop and wing it, you really feel a difference in your spiritual walk.

  9. Dear Stacie ~ Oh how we depend on the Holy Spirit for the ability to even true!! Thank you for adding your thoughts here Stacie...wise advice. We really need the LORD for everything in this life...and you are right, when we just "wing it" we fail. What a blessing HE picks us up and helps us start fresh time and time again! :)

    Blessings to you!

    In His Love,

  10. Often. YES!!! And Routinely. YES YES!! How He blesses intentional time with Him - not as much those haphazard bits and pieces. After all, a feast isn't nibbling and snacking here and there - a feast is generous, filling, well-thought out, well-prepared, and served on a grand scale. YES!!!

    Love to You!

  11. Dear Tami ~ I *love* your is wonderful!! I also love how you put it..."after all, a feast isn't nibbling and snacking here and there - a feast is generous, filling, well-thought out, well-prepared, and served on a grand scale"...beautiful! Thank you for joining in here today my friend. Have a lovely weekend!

    In His Love,

  12. Dear Camille,
    What words of truth. I do not think I could make it through the challenges that come up in life if I did not soak up and feast on HIS words. I have something to draw from in my heart which gives me strength to BELIEVE all HIS promises.

    God bless you,

  13. Dear Virginia ~ How blessed we are to have the faith to believe all HIS promises...HE is so merciful and gracious! Oh that more eyes would be opened to truly *see*! I so agree with would we cope?? Blessings to you my friend!

    In Him,

  14. I'm experiencing the "spiritual food" as I have never done before. I can't get enough, don't want to get enough. Always want this hunger :)

  15. Thank you so much for your encouragement and inspiration. Our sermon last Sunday was all about the importance of the you can really know who God is! Thanks for your words today!

  16. Dear Jackie ~ What a beautiful comment...I'm SO happy to read of your love for the Word! Oh that HIS Word might always be something we treasure and feast on!! What an encouragement to my heart you have been this night. :)

    Dear Carrie ~ Oh yes! That we might know HIM and bring glory to HIS name! Blessings to you! :)

    In Him,


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