
October 26, 2010

It's a Keeper!

Oh. Dear. Me.  Are you ready for this?
Absolutely the B.E.S.T. Cinnamon Rolls ever!

I came across this recipe one day awhile back.

I figured the day would eventually arrive when
Cinnamon Rolls would be *needed*.  So I saved the link.

Today was the day.  

There are a few happy people around here.
It's a "keeper"!

The dough before the first rise.

Punched down and rolled out with butter,
cinnamon and golden sugar spread on it.

Rolled up and sliced into individual buns.

Set for the second rise.

Risen and ready to pop into the oven.

Freshly baked!

And glazed...

Beware of the consequences if you bake these ~ they are SO difficult to resist!
Don't say I didn't warn you! :)

Perfectly Wonderful Cinnamon Rollsfrom the Sisters Cafe Blog.
I altered the recipe just a bit as follows.

They required a little more flour than was listed in
the recipe ~ be sure that you knead the dough until it is
elastic and smooth...about 5 minutes of kneading.
The resulting dough will be slightly sticky,
but should make a nice, smooth ball.

The sugar I used to spread with the cinnamon was golden brown sugar ~
it wasn't clear which type of sugar was called for in the original recipe.

I found that mine took about 15 minutes to cook.
And they ended up touching each other during baking ~
even though I spaced them apart on the pan.

Please do let me know if you try them out!
Feel free to ask questions if you are unsure of anything...
I will try to be of help.

Have a lovely week!
Blessings, Camille


  1. Oh dear, Camille, this could get me in big trouble!!! These look FANTASTIC!!! I plan to file this away for the perfect day! I'm so glad you shared!

  2. Mmmmm....these look delicious. I have cinnamon rolls on my menu to make this week, too. I might just have to use your recipe instead since you've already tested it. Thanks for sharing this, Camille!

  3. I will definitely be trying this family LOVES cinnamon buns.

    Thanks for shsaring.

  4. MMMMMM! We love cinnamon rolls here. I usually make two 9x13 pans at a time. And you are right they don't last long!

  5. Oh, these just evaporate at my house full of boys. I use a recipe that I got from my husband's aunt, a cracker-jack baker, so it's pretty special to know it's a family recipe that's being passed down.

    I can allllllmost smell these from your lovely photos!

  6. Camille, I am so glad that you enjoyed these Cinnamon Rolls! I agree, whenever I make them I have lots of happy people in my house! :)

  7. mmmmm i can just smell them baking, LOl Thanks for sharing!

  8. OK, NOT fair! Such yummy looking can we resist? :) I am thinking you and Terri need to have a Cinnamon Roll bake-off somewhere and all of us FB friends can come and be the judges! :)

  9. ThyHand ~ They were actually scary. LOL! :)

    Jennifer ~ Oh I do hope you give them a try...they are not difficult to do and soooo yummy! :)

    Trisha ~ I sure hope you all like them as much as we did. Be sure to read the "extra" little notes I made at the bottom of this post for clarification. Enjoy! :)

    Treasures ~ What family wouldn't love cinnamon buns?? I'm sure you will enjoy them...super easy and delish! :)

    Jenn ~ Oh yum...TWO pans at a time? How happy your family must be when you bake! :)

    Rhonda ~ Is it a *secret* recipe, or are you allowed to share?? That would be a fun post sometime. :)

    Erin ~ Welcome! Thank you for stopping by and for sharing your wonderful recipe!! We are happy you did! :)

    Jill ~ Oh. Dear. Me. They are too tempting to make too often...and yes, they did smell yummy. (They are all gone now). :(

    Mrs. V.O. ~ Oh how fun that would be!! I'm in!! But who needs judges? I'm afraid Terri would win hands-down...from what I hear. :)

    Blessings to you each one!

    In His Love,

  10. Oh dear oh dear, I think I just gained 10 pounds just looking at those delicious pictures! They would not last very long at my house. :)

  11. LOL Christa! I think I *did* gain 10 pounds!! And I wish you had been here to share them! :)

    With Love,

  12. Oh me,Camille those are pure sin, lol look so tasty, my dh loves those cinnamon rolls too, I will try these and see how he likes them, hugs and thanks my friend.

  13. Barbara ~ LOL...that's one way to put it! But, we have been given all things richly to enjoy...just enjoy these in "moderation"! Please read the "extra" comments at the bottom of the post if you do try them out...I hope you like them! Have a lovely day! :)

    In His Love,

  14. These look SOOO GOOD!! I will have to try these on VERY special occasions!

  15. Jackie ~ Oh yes, only on very special occasions!! LOL! They really are dangerous. Have a wonderful day. :)

    In His Love,

  16. Oh, how did you know cinnamon rolls are my weakness, hee hee? My sis will make them for me sometimes when I come over and I'm like a Hoover vacuum cleaner, LOL! Yes, I do believe a cup of my hot cocoa with homemade marshmallows, would go quite nicely with these ;) BTW, easy homemade marshmallow recipe coming up tomorrow (Friday). Check it out! Made some tonight with the cocoa for our movie night. Yum!

  17. Hi Camille,
    These sound wonderful..The girls and I will enjoy making these for our family.. I will let you know how they turn out.


  18. Jackie ~ Oh yum...I can't wait to give those marshmallows a try! Thanks for sharing your hot cocoa recipe too...I'm currently sitting here with one beside the computer. (Confessions) ~ LOL!

    Virginia ~ I do hope you enjoy them...just be sure to knead in enough flour to make them into a soft dough...probably will need more than the allotted 8 cups. I would love to hear what you think! :)

    Blessings to you both!
    In His Love,

  19. Oh, my family would soooo enjoy these.
    A perfect treat...
    Thank you for sharing.
    Warm wishes, Tonya

  20. I think the girls and I will have to try out this recipe! Nummy!

    I am enjoying reading your blog tonight. My family and I are having a very relaxed evening. Much needed.

    Hugs sweet friend, Linda

  21. Tonya ~ I'm sure they would! The *perfect* treat for those you love...I do hope you enjoy them as much as we do! Thank you for stopping by. :)

    Linda ~ You have been one busy lady...I am so glad you have had a relaxing evening...wonderful!! Yes, do try these yummy! I'm sure you will make them perfectly. :)

    Blessings to you both!
    In His Love,

  22. Just had to stop by and say that I tried these rolls the other day...and they turned out amazingly! I've recently started making bread and buns and these rolls have been added to my list of favorites.
    I will be making these rolls for our Christmas Eve brunch with my husband's family. His family has recently down-sized their Christmas get-together from all aunts/uncles and cousins to just his immediate family - we're all having children and they group is just too large for an indoor gathering. My husband's aunt always made the most amazing rolls before, and now I'm attempting to fill those shoes for our smaller gathering. They're big shoes to fill but I think this recipe will help me do just that! Thanks so much for sharing!

  23. Cassie ~ Oh I am *so* glad they worked out for you!! I am sure your family was pleased with them for Christmas Eve brunch too! What a lovely tradition. I am sure you will fill those shoes wonderfully. :)


  24. The link for the recipe is broken, can you repair it for us?

  25. Sorry about that...I was aware that it was broken, but, I didn't know where the sisters had gone...I found them again! :) Enjoy! Camille


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