
November 3, 2010

Freddy the Pig

**Please see the "update" at the bottom of this post ~
I just wanted to be sure you all see it. :)



Freddy the Pig
is a favourite around here.

He talks.
He has adventures.
He tickles the funny bone.

The boys have all enjoyed these books ~
I'm sure Emma will appreciate them in the coming days as well.

This series of books was written over 75 years ago.
One of our adult friends read many of these as a child ~
She was so excited to learn that the boys had some to read for themselves!
She even borrowed one ~
rekindling the memories, I suppose. :)

Treasured books from our childhood always hold a
special place in our hearts, don't they?

I'm sure the young people in your life
would happily thank you for introducing them to Freddy.
He's a wonderful read-aloud as well!
I hope you enjoy Freddy as much as we have.

Want to find out where to purchse your own set?
Click Here

Something just was drawn to my attention about the
"Freddy Goes Camping" book ~
there is a character who dresses up ghostly to scare people
away from his property in this novel...mildly scary for little ones ~
if you wish to avoid such things, this would not be the one for you.

On the whole, these books tend to be full of "good, clean fun" ~
having said that, they do not appear to have been written by a Christian.
As with any recommendations that I make ~
Please consider what is best for your family and
draw upon the wisdom God promises to give.
I would still highly recommend them. :)

**I am not compensated in any way for this opinion**


  1. I have never heard of these books before...but I think my boys would enjoy them. Thank you for sharing as I am always on the lookout for "boys" books.


  2. Hey Mum. You sure made a great post here!! That's true, Freddy Books.......... Fantastic. Good post!!!!


  3. I am so glad you are so faithful to put such recommendations up for us! As we prepare for Christmas, I'll be clicking on "books" under your blog many wonderful ideas and recommendations! Thank you!

  4. Those books look sweet! I haven't heard of them so thank you for sharing. I'll have to look them up.

  5. Hi Camille,
    Checking in to say hello.
    The books look great. I just love the books that are available for our kids that I didn't know about when I was younger. The Henty books have been special to our family and I hope to own all of them some day. Do you know about these?

    I hope you have a great week...Christa

  6. Oooo thank you! I LOVE book recommendations!!! It feels like I get to do childhood all over again with this homeschooling thing. I missed sooooo many books as a child so most I'm reading for the first time when I read to my children. It's thrilling to me that they enjoy books so much. I've got this one (and others) bookmarked for future reference so you can't ever remove this blog, okay? ;o)

    Love to you from TX!

  7. Isn't it just the way that some of the old books are the best? We have always loved animal stories so must go and check these out - I've not heard of them before but they sound wonderful. Thanks for sharing the recommendation Camille!

  8. Treasures ~ YAAY for *boys* books!! Although, I would say these appeal to both boys and girls...they are just good, overall fun! :)

    Tigerman ~ LOL!!! You make me smile! Thanks for the unbiased review. I'll give you a hug in a few minutes...when you are awake! ;-) Lots of love, Mummy xo

    Jennifer ~ I sure do hope you enjoy what you choose to purchase! We *love* books around it obvious? ;-)

    Heather ~ Oh yes, do look them up! I found many copies at Black Bond Books a few years ago for a great you have them out east?

    Christa ~ I'm glad you stopped in to say's always lovely to hear from you. :) As for Henty...oh yes! The two oldest boys enjoy them very much...they are wonderful novels! We have about 20 of far. Thanks for adding them in here...great recommendation. :)

    Tami ~ You made me smile too...thank you for your sweet words about the blog! And, I *love* books too...there are soooo many wonderful ones out there! Enjoy! :)

    Ann ~ Oh I'm sure your children (and you) will enjoy Freddy...he really is a chuckle. :)

    Blessings to each of you!
    In His Love,

  9. Camille,
    Thanks to you Terri has already posted these for a Christmas idea but I am having a hard time picking the best ones to order. I really want to order the Freddy the Cowboy one and wondered if your family had read that one. Amazon seems to have them mostly in hardback so if I am going to pay that much, I want to be sure to get the best ones! I see you have Freddy Goes Camping and that one appeals to me, too. Are they all about equally good or does your family have favorites? Thanks for posting! ~Peg V.O.

  10. Mrs. V.O. ~ The recommendations from my boys are "Freddy Goes to Florida", "Freddy and the Ignormous", and "Freddy the Pilot"...I hope they enjoy them! We do not have the cowboy one, but I am sure it is great too! What a blessing that you are building their library! :)


  11. Mrs. V.O. ~ Just one more comment...I adjusted the post to make mention of the "Freddy Goes Camping" contains ghost stories being told around the campfire. As with anything, please be sure that you are comfortable with what you bring into your home. I truly seek to recommend things that are wonderful for every family...that is my goal. As a general rule, these are just "good, clean fun" and we have been blessed to have them in our home. :)



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