
January 28, 2011

Dropping the Ball

Have you ever "dropped the ball"?
Lacked in discernment?
Done something you regretted?

I have.

What a blessing to know that the LORD
gives us fresh starts and a
*clean slate*.

When we first
come to HIM for Salvation,
HE justifies us.

Justification ~
"Just as if I never sinned."

But we don't stay there.
We need to be sanctified.
A daily learning and growing in grace.
This process is not completed until the day we die.

How precious it is to know that the
LORD Jesus Christ has paid for all my past,
present, and future sins.
And that HE is with me
each step of this journey.

I have not arrived.

I must run the race.
One foot in front of the other.
Step by step.
Day by day.
Never quitting.
Never giving up.
Always moving forward.
With HIM.

"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended:
but this one thing I do,
forgetting those things which are behind,
and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize of
the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
~ Philippians 3:13-14 ~

Forgiveness is so rich.
Grace is so rich.
We are rich in HIM!
What a PRECIOUS Saviour we have!

The older I get,
the more I *know* this
at the core of my being.
More of HIM.
Less of me.

All is grace and mercy.

"Being confident of this very thing,
that he which hath begun a good work in you
will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."
~ Philippians 1:6 ~

May the LORD bless each of you, kind friends,
this weekend with HIS peace and presence,
and might HE lead us ever unto Himself.

In His Love,


  1. YES! So true and beautiful. We are blessed with a loving Father who forgives and longs to have us come to Him with open hearts and arms.

  2. What a blessed post for me to start my day. Thank you and Blessings to you, ~~Sherry~~

  3. Camille, Thanks for the Scriptures. So precious and so true. When I read Phil. 3:13-14 the word "apprehended" in this context, when you think about it "I haven't caught it yet" puts an interesting spin on the words. It makes it really practical for me!!! I LOVE God's Word!!!

    Isn't it awesome that God is there for us? Oh, I've been listening to Dave Ramsey lately, a Christian guy who talks abo ut finance/budget..really good..but on his radio show, people always ask "How are you?" He always answers "Better than I deserve" It makes me think of how good I'm doing, I don't deserve it, but God loves me/takes care of me anway" Oh well, it looks like I rambled a bit, but I especially liked this post today :) :)

    Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  4. Camille, I really enjoyed this post. How true these words are. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh you are so right!! Starting a new is such a wonderful gift. I see this when my children forgive me. When my sweet husband hugs me when *I* am in the wrong. Such precious gifts~


  6. A precious reminder of His precious grace, Camille. Thank you, sweet friend.

  7. This is wonderful spiritual encouragement. We can sing praises to Him in each and everything you said! Oh but how I long to see less of me and more of Him! And I must keep in mind Phill 1:6 when I want it in my time and not His.

  8. The Lord is so gracious
    We are so undeserving
    BUT because of HIS LOVE
    we can be part of Him!

    I'm so grateful to God for His Love for me, too!


  9. Dear Jenn ~ How precious HE is!! We are truly blessed to belong to HIM!

    Dear Sherry ~ Welcome here! Thank you for your kind words. May the LORD bless you too! :)

    Dear Heather in Oregon ~ Thank you for your encouragement! Ah, yes...*better than I deserve* true that is! When we think about what we really deserve it is amazing to think we have been given mercy! Blessings upon blessings. :)

    Dear Patty ~ It's lovely to hear from you! Thank you for your sweet encouragment today. :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ Precious gifts indeed! Oh, the hugs I have been given when *I* have been in the wrong too! How wonderful to be blessed in such a way. :)

    Dear Dianna ~ Where would we be without HIS grace and mercy? I cannot bear to even think of it!!

    Dear Michelle ~ How wonderful that we can rest in HIS perfect timing for everything! What a blessed Saviour we have! :)

    Dear Julia ~ Precious thoughts! Yes, we are so undeserving, but HE is so gracious and we belong to HIM! What wonderful truths!

    Thank you to each of you for sharing your thoughts is a blessing to my heart!

    In His Love,


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