
January 2, 2011

Giving Thanks

How wonderful it is to give thanks.
It really is life-altering.
Have you begun?
You will not regret it.

"Giving thanks always for all things
unto God and the Father in the name of
our Lord Jesus Christ."

~ Ephesians 5:20 ~

Continuing to number the ways ~
The joys.
The everyday.
The extraordinary.

1031. Snow that comes and goes in one day

1032. Distant mountains freshly dusted with snow ~
So beautiful!

1033. The way the sun relects off the snow capped mountains
as the sun sets

1034. Lengthening days...
even if only by a few minutes at a time

1035. Cosy evenings by the fire

1036. A *real* fire to cosy up by...
I *love* the sights and sounds a real fire makes

1037. Quiet family times

1038. Leftovers

1039. A New Year

1040. Safety

1041. Winter Tires

1042. Health and strength

1043. Purdy's Chocolates ~ A Vancouver specialty!

1044. Classical CD's

1045. The holidays

1046. Getting back to *normal* (whatever that is...LOL!)

1047. Putting all the decorations away for another year

1048. A place to store everything...out of sight

1049. A place for everything and everything in its place

1050. A husband that works and work for my husband

1051. Tea in my new mug (courtesy of Fraser and Emma)

1052. Writing out recipes on lovely new recipe cards
(courtesy of Calvin)

1053. Enjoying the newly framed artwork of Austin...
a *forever* keepsake

1054. Hearing from friends and family via Christmas cards and phone

1055. A two-week computer break (mostly)

1056. No computer over the break for the children ~
peaceful...less really is more!

1057. Joy expressed over something *small*

1058. The *little* things

1059. A long, restful sleep

1060. Feeling refreshed

1061. New recipes

1062. New books

1063. No conflicts on the new hockey schedule ~
Two teams, three boys, two rinks, one van ~

1064. A little girl that still likes to play with dolls

1065. Boys that build and create

1066. Thank you notes to write

1067. Boys that took joy in disguising a gift for their little sister!
(It was a hobby horse)

1068. A long-ago gift that we still cherish and
enjoy each Christmas

1069. Bowls that I had my *eye* on in
Home Sense for a couple of months
that went on sale for $3 each!!


  1. Dear Camille,
    I love that you number all the ways you are thankful and how the Lord has blessed your life. God is good.. Your son's picture is awesome. Have a blessed New Year.

  2. Wonderful blessings and photos. It looks like your family had a wonderful Christmas together! Have a lovely day!


  3. Have a wonderful, healthy, happy, successful New year!
    Many blessings,

  4. Grateful, Camille, to see that you enjoy the beautiful sights of snow and that you dare to take in breathtaking sights like #1032...and isn't life a bit sweeter for having paused to view that beauty? I also enjoyed knowing that you and I both keep track of things such as #1034! Today's length was the same as yesterday's ...9.5 hours of daylight, but before much longer it will grow longer...spring will be here and we'll be out of doors more frequently. Until then we will enjoy those fires that chase away the chill.

    Happy 2011, my friend!

  5. Dear Virginia ~ Thank you for your is always a blessing to hear from you. Thank you for complimenting our artist...the LORD has given him this ability and look forward to see what HIS plans are for him. Happiest of New Years to you my friend! :)

    Dear Nadine ~ Thank you for taking the time to stop by for a visit...I appreciate your friendship. Happy New Year to you and yours! :)

    Dear Jill ~ Thank you for your sweet is a blessing to hear from you! Happiest of New Years to you as well. :)

    Dear Dianna ~ I wouldn't call it *brave* to observe the mountains from the safety of my kitchen! Maybe I wasn't very clear on that one?, we don't venture too close in the winter months...too daring for me! And yes, the days growing longer is something I do enjoy. But, it is a blessing to have seasons...keeps life interesting. Yaay for fires to enjoy during these cold, dark days of winter! Many blessings in 2011 to you my friend! :)

    In His Love,

  6. Thankfulness is the so wonderful. Without it life would not be good. I just loves sales. I resently found me some dishes , I have never had a set that matched. when company came over some had a different plate. The set had been 50.00 I got them for 20.00. I was so happy. God knew I needed them. hope you have a blessed new year.

  7. Dear Chelle ~ Oh I agree with you...thankfulness is a great blessing! May the LORD help us to be truly thankful people...for HIS glory! How wonderful that you found some dishes on sale...aren't these lovely gifts from our Father's loving hand? All things come from HIM. I think mismatched dishes are beautiful Aunt sets her table that way and it so *country* and welcoming. :)

    Blessings to you!

  8. Wonderful! The artwork by your son is amazing!

  9. Thanks so much Jenn! Happy New Year to you...may the LORD bless you and your family in 2011.

    In His Love,

  10. Austin's drawing (?) is AMAZING! Wow! That is awesome! You continue to encourage me to cultivate a thankful heart. Love you, sweet friend!

  11. Dear Jennifer ~ Isn't it interesting how the thankfulness list of another will do that?? I think that is what inspired me to begin in the first was such a blessing to read the journeys of others. Thank you for being so sweet to encourage me on the path...I appreciate you!! What number are you at now?? Let me know when you get to your first 1000. And yes, Austin did draw that picture...he used pencil and then got it copied and framed it for us for a Christmas's a treasure, especially because he thought it out and made it all himself. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Hello Camille~
    It has been so much fun catching up with your sweet family. I am so far behind on blog reading. With the Holidays behind us I am finally caught up.
    I loved seeing pictures of the kids at the kitchen table.
    You have a great day.
    New Year Blessings~Friend!

  13. You always put things so well and sweetly in your thanksgiving...even how you word it is thought provoking. Like #1050. And you must be a woman after my own heart with #1049! I may still have dust to sweep and corners to scrub, but I'm most satisfied with my home-keeping when everything has a place to belong!
    You are one blessed woman and it's clear! Once again, you encourage me with your thanks...blessings on you, my friend!
    Love from TEXAS!

  14. Dear Carrie ~ It is lovely to *catch up* with you too! How busy life can get!! Thank you for taking the time to stop by...many blessings to you and your family in 2011!

    Dear Tami ~ Oh yes, isn't it wonderful to have a working man to lead our families?? Thank you for your sweet friendship and for your kind is always a blessing to hear from you! Many blessings to you too my friend!

    In His Love,

  15. Camille,

    First of all, Austin, what a great job on your drawing! You've got some talent there.

    It's sweet to see them take joy in wrapping their sister's hobby horse. And "a place for everything?" You must be super organized. Is that your gift? We haven't reached that point yet with our small house. What nice bowls you found! We enjoyed using my mother's silver when my brother and sisters' families came for Christmas.

    I love reading your gratitude list. Your heart comes through:)

    Have a good year, my friend.

    Warmly, in Christ,

  16. Dear Teresa ~ Thank you for your sweet compliments to Austin...may the LORD use this ability for HIS glory!!

    About *a place for everything*...ahhh...that was a long time in coming, but we have modified so that I can truly say there is a place for everything...not always does everything stay in its place, though! LOL! I do enjoy being organised, but with all six of us in the house most of the time it isn't always possible. We're working on it.

    Happiest of New Years to you and your family my friend!

    In His Love,


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