
January 15, 2011

Something to Ponder

Now, this is an amazing verse to ponder.
A wonderful verse to comfort your soul.
A beautiful verse to rest your heart in.
The Lord Jesus Christ spoke these words.   

Have you come to Him?
If you haven't, and you do, He will be true to His Word.
The Lord always keeps His promises!
What a precious thing to hold onto.  Always.

With Love,


  1. so true...Did I tell you that I'm also memorizing the entirety of Psalm 91? So far I have the first five verses memorized!!!! Plus, I decided to memorize all of I Corinthians 13, too...I like verses 4 - 8a...but then I thought "why not memorize the whole thing?" So it's challenging and my dad has been really good to let me recite things over and over and over and over..:) :) Thanks for sharing this verse. I love the truth of it :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  2. Yes, dear Camille, He certainly does!

  3. Amen! Thanks for sharing scripture and your faith with others on your blog. I really shouldn't be visiting blogs but napping. Just wanted to drop in and say hi and love Sundial dreams again!

  4. This is one of my favorite verses...not only the assurance of Him holding us...but the assurance that we WILL go to Him; not that we may or we might but that we WILL!

  5. Dear Heather in Oregon ~ How wonderful that you are memorizing all that Scripture! I *love* Psalm 91...such an encouraging Psalm! And, I have referred to First Corinthians 13 often...what a blessing it will be to have that committed to memory too! Keep it up!! :)

    Dear Dianna ~ Oh how precious HE is!! :)

    Dear Becky ~ I am glad you chose to spend some of you nap time visiting's lovely to hear from you! :)

    Dear Michelle ~ How true! Isn't the Sovereignty of our Great God an amazing truth to rest in? How precious that HE draws us irresistibly to Himself!! PRECIOUS! :)

    Many blessings to you all!
    In Him,


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