
February 9, 2011

Classic Cheesecake ~ Oh Dear Me!

Jennifer Jo is a girl who knows about food.
I have yet to be disappointed by any of her recipes.
When she speaks about food, I listen.
And in this case...I bake.

There was no one coming for dinner.
There was no reason to bake.
We rarely have dessert.
Unless I am craving something...
which does happen now and again.

I wasn't craving Cheesecake.

But, the way it was described and documented,
I couldn't help myself.
The craving seemed to descend upon me.
Out I went to purchase the necessary ingredients.
The next day I baked.

It is an all-day affair.
But well worth the effort.

Well worth it!

I will not repost the recipe.
Instead, I will give you the direct link to the
exact post where the recipe can be found.
Click here to go there.
Thank you Jennifer Jo! :)


  1. CHEESECAKE, CHEESECAKE, CHEESECAKE. I LOVE CHEESECAKE :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :) :)

  2. Oh dear me! is right...

    I would have to say "you're making me crave that", that's for sure!

  3. yuummmmm...I love cheesecake! Mmmm ...this looks delish, Camille!

    My daughter Sarah is dairy-intolerant so I need to find a nice dairy-free recipe for her as she loves cheesecake and is disappointed she can't eat it. :-(

  4. Dear Heather ~ I couldn't agree more! ;-)

    Dear Bevy ~ Give in...oh do give in! ;-)

    Dear Patty ~ Wouldn't it be fun if we could share something like this through cyberspace? :)

    Dear Julia ~ How sad I am for your girl! There must be something you could substitute...there are so many things available *out there*...hope you can make it work! :)

    Many blessings,

  5. THAT looks like real cheesecake. The problem with having a cheesecake like that in the house is that I would then want to eat it. All of it. So...I should just have company over! Soon....

    In His grace,

  6. Dear Cindy ~ YES...have someone over!! It really is too good not to share. I am with you on the difficulty with having something like this in the fridge...that's why the *leftovers* from last night are frozen solid! Keeps me a *little* more accountable. :)

    Dear Heather ~ Oh...please do!! :)

    In His Love,

  7. Oh my! Have you ever seen anything so beautiful in all your life??????? Time to go shopping! Its a lovely creation & it needs to be eaten :)

    How are you??????

    love in Christ, Patrizia

  8. I'm so glad you liked it!!! Your account and picture actually made me crave cheesecake, which is perfectly ridiculous since we've just burned our way through two and I still have a couple pieces left in the fridge.

  9. Dear Patrizia ~ It's lovely that you stopped by...we are well, thank you! I trust all is well with you? Will you be baking some cheesecake soon? If so, I'll be right over! ;-)

    Dear Jennifer Jo ~ LOL...remember YOU are the one who inspired it in the first place! Two? Give me time...I've only baked one so far, but this is sure to be my new favourite *go to* cheesecake recipe. Thanks again for sharing! :)

    Many blessings,

  10. Dear Sweet Friend,
    I e-mailed you about my absence but was not sure if you received it. My mother whom I have been taking care of for the past 3 years passed away. Since September everyday has been a struggle for her. Watching her in pain was unbearable. She went home to the Lord on January 27, 2011 at 7:01 p.m. I have missed her everyday. I know that she is in a better place but knowing this does not remove the pain of seperation.

    Thank you for caring about me and checking on me. I am so blessed to know you.
    Your friend,

  11. This looks so delicious...I feel a day of making a cheesecake coming on!

  12. mmmmmm if you keep posting these yummy recipes I fear I'll gain 5 lbs just visiting! LOL This looks delicious! Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great weekend.


  13. Yumilicous!!! Yep, Jennifer Jo definitely has some awesome recipes!

  14. Dear Donna ~ I am so sorry for your loss...thank you for taking the time to visit and tell me! How precious to know that she knew the LORD and went home to be with HIM in glory! May the LORD comfort you and your family at this most difficult time. Sending love to you this day!

    Dear Jackie (Cheesemakin') ~ Yum is right! Cheesecake is a weakness of mine...good thing the rest of this cake is frozen! LOL! :)

    Dear Jackie (Bondservant) ~ LOL...yes, I think that's a very good idea! :)

    Dear Jill ~ All in moderation, right? Once in awhile it's okay, don't you think? :)

    Dear Jenn ~ Oh yes...she really does! :)

    Many blessings to you each one!
    In His Love,

  15. Just as soon as we finish the pan of fudge my daughter baked, and we "work that off" I may try this. It's been a long time since I made cheesecake. MMMMM.

  16. Mmmm Lois...FUDGE!! I will trade you some cheesecake for some's that sound to you?? ;-)

    Many blessings,


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