
July 6, 2011


It's not REALLY possible
that we have been married for 20 it??
Time marches on.
We are growing old together.

On our wedding day we sang Steve Green's song
"I Cherish the Treasure of Youto one another.

Little did we know that in
the midst of our joys and blessings,
there would be trials.  Difficult days.
Heartache and sorrow.

And through it all, we would grow to love more.
Deeper.  Stronger.  Little did we know.

 Oh how FAITHFUL our Great God is!!
HE is the ONE Who keeps us.
HE is the ONE Who sustains us.
HE is the ONE Who gives us life.

All praise and glory to HIS Great Name!

If I'd known then what I know now,
I would have married my Sweetheart MUCH sooner.
AND I wouldn't have given him as
much trouble as I did! :)

It has been a great source of comfort and blessing over the years.
We are so thankful to belong to the LORD!
HE alone is worthy of all our praise.

Many blessings,


  1. Happy Anniversary! :)
    A beautiful couple...may God continue to bless you both in your marriage!


  2. Oh Camille!!! Congratulations!!! What a blessing and testimony to God's goodness and grace!!! I am all smiles and I thank you both for the example you are living out! So. Very. Precious!!!! Happy 20th!!!

  3. Happy Anniversay! We had that same song sung at our wedding.

  4. Congratulations and may God continue to bless your marriage as you walk with Him. Have a great day.

  5. Oh Camille,

    A Blessed Anniversary to you and Howie! Your post brought tears to my eyes. What a blessing indeed to have a marriage based on our Lord.I believe that during those trials it is something to bring us closer to the Lord and each other.
    All glory be to God!

    Enjoy your day together!

    btw: only your hair looks different :)

  6. What a precious couple you were/are!
    Happy Anniversary, my dear sweet friend!
    Our Anniversary is next week ~ almost double your years! Seems like yesterday....

  7. Happy Anniversary Camille! What a blessing it is to read about strong marriages that are founded on the Rock! Thanks for sharing your pictures too.

  8. Happy Anniversary, Camille. Twenty years is such a precious milestone...especially when those twenty years have been spent growing together in the Lord. We are closing in on 40 and I can attest to the fact that it only gets better and better, my friend! ;-)

    You were a beautiful bride, Camille.

  9. Hi Camille,
    Congratulations on your 20th! How humbling it is to see how the Lord grows us and other believers through marriages. We just celebrated our 23rd with much thanks to the Lord for all His blessings and we pray for the same for our children and even better.
    Your wedding pictures are beautiful.

    Thank you for sharing your special day,


  10. Camille,

    congrats on 20 years together. I really enjoyed seeing your wedding photos :) :) May God give you many, many more years together. I'm going to read Psalm 91 :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :) :)

  11. Happy Anniversary Camille. We will celebrate 22 years in December. I can tell we married in the same era - my dress was a similar style and my veil. We also had pastel flowers embellishing our cake. I am glad we were able to wear what I call 'real wedding gowns' as today many wedding dresses are not much different to evening wear. And wow, your boys look just like their father!
    Have a lovely celebration - are you doing anything special?

  12. Dear ThyHand ~ Thank you so much! :)

    Dear Nadine ~ Thank you! We are only one day off from your birthday...I just realised that yesterday. How fun. :)

    Dear Jennifer ~ Your sweet words make me smile...thank you! To God be the Glory. :)

    Dear Chelle ~ Wonderful words in that song, don't you think? It really is all about the LORD! :)

    Dear Patty ~ Thank you so much for your kind words...the LORD truly is good! :)

    Dear Sharon ~ Oh yes...the trials do bring us closer to the LORD and one gracious the LORD is to us, don't you think? And...more than my hair has changed...LOL...but, it is sweet of you to say. :)

    Dear Raeann ~ How wonderful that the LORD has given you nearly 40 years!! Happy Anniversary (next week) to you and your Gentleman Farmer. It was just yesterday, wasn't it? :)

    Dear Lisa ~ Only on the LORD and in the LORD is it possible! How precious HE is! Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. :)

    Dear Dianna ~ What a sweet encouraging friend you are...thank you! I appreciate your testifying attesting to the fact that it gets better and better with the LORD...congratulations on your nearly 40! God is indeed so good!! :)

    Dear Christa ~ Thank you my friend! Congratulations on your quickly the time flies by!! Yes, we desire for our children to do better too...and with the LORD, it is so attainable! HE is able to amazingly wonderful things!! :)

    Dear Heather in Oregon ~ Oh, Psalm 91 is SUCH a blessing!! The LORD is so good to us to have given us HIS Word!! Might we always cherish it and hide it in our hearts. :)

    Dear Ann ~ Too funny...yes, *real* wedding dresses indeed!! Do you think any of our daughters will be wanting to wear what we did?? I *loved* it though...and I'm sure you did too. :) Congratulations on celebrating 22 years the time flies! We went away for a night and two days while the children stayed behind with their older cousin...what a treat! Thanks for asking and for your kind thoughts toward us today.

    Many blessings to you each one!

  13. What a wonderful blessing for you both and an awesome testimony of God's Love and Grace in your lives! I wih I had the same with my husband....

  14. Happy Anniversary! 20 years - a testimony to God's goodness and faithfulness and your love for each other! May God continue to bless you in the coming years!!

  15. Happy Anniversary Camille...God is so gracious isn't he? It truly is a gift these days to be married to the same person for so long. We will be celebrating 27 years in Sept.

    Blessings to each of you.

  16. What a beautiful couple!! Happy Anniversary, my sweet sister! I love those pictures. :)

  17. What a beautiful picture of you two. Happy Sweet Anniversary!! You know being married that long to the same person is becoming an oddity. Aren't you glad you're odd? :-)

    You two look just as wonderful as you did on your wedding day ♥ in the wedding picture you look like *two* but in your current picture you look like *one*.

    "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh"

    Genesis 2:24


  18. Oh, I loved this post! You guys look so great 20 years ago and now :) Happy anniversary! I hope you get to do something fun as a couple :)

  19. Dearest friend, Camille,
    What a wonderful testimony of the keeping power of the Lord! You are SO incredibly blessed to have known Him since the beginning of your relationship with your husband. We were not so fortunate, and spent the 1st 7 years of marriage trying to get out of it! Nearly succeeded, too. We will be celebrating 40 years this fall...only by His incredible mercy and grace.

    In Christ alone,

  20. Happy Anniversary, Camille! I loved seeing pictures of your wedding day and the picture of the two of you now!

  21. Dear Julia ~ I'm sorry my friend. What a blessing to know that the LORD is with you in your sorrows...HE will gently lead you along...hang in there!! Keep your eyes fixed on HIM! HE alone is worthy. (Hebrews 12:1-3)

    Dear Heather ~ Thank you so much for your encouraging words. Yes, indeed...the LORD is Faithful!! :)

    Dear Connie ~ You were married the same year as Howie's sister and her husband! Happy anniversary to you and your husband in September. :)

    Dear Trisha ~ Thank you my sweet friend!'s hard to believe that we were once that young! :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ Thank you for pointing us again to the LORD and HIS Word! How precious our Saviour is!! Your comment made me tear up. :)

    Dear Jackie ~ Thank you for your sweet compliments...we really are getting older though! Nearer to Heaven!! :) We were able to go away for one night (without the children) to was lovely!

    Dear Cindy ~ What a precious testimony of God's grace and mercy in your lives!! I think your testimony is wonderful and I am sure it has been used of the LORD many times over to be a blessing to others! Congratulations on 40!!! :)

    Dear Jenn ~ Thank you my friend! It really didn't seem as long ago as all that...but, now I realise we were just children! ;-)

    Many blessings,

  22. Dear Camille,
    Happy 20th!!!!! We are so happy for you. What a blessing! May God continue to guide you both in the years to come!
    Love in Christ,

  23. Happy Anniversary!! God has surely brought you this far and yes 20 years is a testimony to His provisions in your life. To 50 more:) Ps John and I are coming up for 25... Blessings Pippa

  24. Dear Sandy ~ Thank you so much my friend! God truly is Faithful! Before you know it, you will be celebrating 20! :)

    Dear Pippa ~ Thank you for your kind words! Yes, the LORD surely has brought us this far...HE is worthy of all our praise. Wow...25 is a wonderful mile-stone..congratulations! I hope you are planning something fun! :)

    Many Blessings,

  25. What a blessing Camille to have a relationship built on the Lord and the closeness that comes from many years together! We love that Steve Green song, by the way. May you grow closer with each passing year.


  26. Dear Teresa ~ Thank you for your sweet words of's lovely to hear from you. May the LORD draw you and your husband closer to Himself and one another in the days ahead. :)

    Many blessings,

  27. Oh Camille! 20 years!!! Such a blessing! Our anniversary was the 5th...14 yrs. for us!

    You were a beautiful bride, and you still are! You look so young to be married for 20 years!

    Marriage is a wonderful blessing from our Father in heaven. A picture of Christ loving His bride.

    I thank God He uses our marriages to sanctify us and grow us in Him and with each other.

    I am sure your husband would say you are more beautiful inside and out this day in his eyes because of the growth in the Lord he has watched and grown with you in these past 20 years.

    Happy Belated Anniversary!!! May our Lord continue to grow you two closer to each other and most importantly in Christ to bring Christ glory!


  28. Dear Christine ~ Happy Anniversary to you too! How fun that you were married only a day earlier (and six years later) than us. :) You are such an encourager my friend...thank you for your kind words! It is hard to believe that we have been married for 20 quickly the time passes...the LORD surely is good to us, isn't HE? :)

    Love to you!

  29. So glad you got to go to Victoria even for just a night. I think that is one of the most romantic cities ever!

  30. Dear Jackie ~ I agree with's one of my favourite places to go. Thank you for being happy for us. :)



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