
August 22, 2011

Just 10 Minutes A Day!

Our Fraser LOVES languages.
He is interested in everything from
Arabic to Hebrew to Chinese.

These books
have helped to satisfy his thirst for
knowledge in this area.
And at only *ten minutes a day*
they are perfect!
Fun and interactive.
Engaging and interesting.

He has tried different programs
(some were strictly computer based) ~
but, he keeps coming back to this system.

This is not a school requirement.
He is doing this *just for fun*.
Not to say that it could not be for school,
just to let you know how enjoyable they can be.

These books are *introductory* in nature ~
The goal being to equip the child
with the ability to converse simply
in the chosen language.

This was his response when I asked what he would
like to try next, and I quote ~

"Anything to do with Bilingual Books...
it's always good!"

Imagine this being said with a great deal of
animation and enthusiasm.
As I previously mentioned,
he LOVES languages!

What does the LORD have in store?
My Mama heart wells up with tears
at the thought of where this might lead.
But then, I have to remind myself that
he is only twelve and we do have a few years left
to care for him in our home...up close! :)

The LORD is so gracious with us
and never gives us more than we can bear.
HE will lead and guide and give
the grace for whatever it is HE
calls our children to do.
What a blessing to rest in that!

In the meantime,
we are encouraging this love
for learning these languages by giving
him the tools to explore them all!
But, not all at once...
maybe just one or two at a time. :)

May the LORD bless you
all as you seek to raise up your
children for HIS glory.
And may HE give us each the grace to
allow them to flourish in HIS World!

Many blessings,


  1. How neat that your son chooses to learn this. You are right ~ who knows where God will lead our children. May He lead us as we lead them daily. Blessings to you and yours, Camille.

  2. What an amazing blessing to see his love for learning! I pray I will see fruit such as t this one day!

  3. Way to go, Fraser! Wish I had put my nose to the grindstone ~ I took two years of French and two years of German in high school, and can't speak a word of either! Maybe I should take a peek at these books!

  4. Thanks for sharing Camille! These look like a fun way to learn!


  5. That is wonderful...the curriculum looks very interesting as well. I know he will do great...and have fun as well.

  6. Interesting! I have never seen this! I will have to check it out! My kids would love something like it for fun also!

    Wherever the Lord leads him...whether it be a different country to be a missionary or he befriends someone who speaks "different", I know you will be happy if he does it for the glory of the Lord!

    Have a blessed week, my friend!


  7. How wonderfully exciting!!! I marvel with you at God's work in shaping the desires of our children and where He will lead them. Sister has a deep interest in India and wants to go there to share the gospel with the street kids. She's wanted to do that for the last two years...I too, wonder how God is shaping her heart and just where that desire might lead. :)

  8. Any time a child takes an interest like that is a time for rejoicing! Who knows what the Lord has in store for him???

  9. Wow! How neat is that! I think it is amazing that he loves languages so much.

  10. Camille,

    So glad you're back! I hope your time away was helpful as your post indicated below. I'll have to try the Ten Minutes as Day--looks like a good introduction to spark interest in further study. Tell me, how do you get him interested in doing educational things like that in his free time? That seems to be our struggle here, even though I try to incorporate variety, interest and fun in schooling. Any tips?


  11. I will definitely have to check into these for M. Her heart's desire is to be a missionary overseas someday.... I am just starting to pursue Spanish with her a bit this year. Thanks for the recommendation! Oh -- and my heart knows how yours feels.... :) Thankful we can trust the Lord!

  12. Hello sweet friend :)

    How awesome that Fraser WANTS to learn. You and Howie must be so proud of him for that (and I'm sure that you are proud of all of your children :))

    You never know what the Lord has in store other than it being a good thing to bring Him glory :)

    Have a most blessed evening and welcome back :)


  13. Dear Patty ~ Yes, indeed...may the LORD lead us as we lead them! Blessings to you and your family as well my friend! :)

    Dear Michelle ~ Each of our children is unique and given abilities from the is nothing we have done! The LORD will continue to give you wisdom as you raise your young ones for HIM as you seek HIM for it. How wonderful HE is! :)

    Dear Raeann ~ I hear you! Languages were not my strong point either...I think it is something you have to WANT to do. :)

    Dear Jill ~ Fraser thinks so. Thanks for your encouragement. :)

    Dear Connie ~ It helps that he enjoys it and is interested. Isn't it wonderful to see the different interests of our children being manifested? :)

    Dear Christine ~ You are right...we will be happy to see our children follow the LORD...wherever HE may lead! :)

    Dear Jennifer ~ How very interesting that this desire is in the heart of your daughter. Yes, it will be wonderful to see what the LORD does with the lives of these precious ones HE has entrusted to us for such a short time. :)

    Dear Cindy ~ You are precious. Thank you for your wonderful encouragement to see the good in these things. God is good. All the time. :)

    Dear Jenn ~ We find it fascinating, since neither of us were drawn to languages in the way that Fraser is. How wonderful the LORD is to give us a variety of interests...may we use them for HIS glory. :)

    Dear Teresa ~ Thank you for the *welcome back*!'s nothing we have done...promise! Fraser finds studious things fun. Each child is a unique creation by the LORD for HIS glory! How wonderful to explore the possibilities with each child HE has given to each family. Hang in sounds like you are doing a wonderful job! :)

    Dear Terri ~ Oh yes my friend! SO thankful that we can trust the LORD for whatever it is that HE has planned!! How wonderful that your M has a heart for missions....may the LORD be glorified through each one of our precious children's lives! :)

    Dear Sharon ~ Thank you for your encouraging words my friend! Each child has unique characteristics and we marvel at the variety the LORD has placed in our family alone. HE is to be praised for all things! Thank you for the *welcome back*. :)

    Many blessings to you all!
    In HIS Love,

  14. Thank you for sharing your resources. Josiah also has a head for languages and I think he would love something like this. I do everything in small increments with him, so 10 minutes a day sounds great!

  15. Dear Jackie ~ I do hope your Josiah likes this way of learning some of a language as much as Fraser has! Fraser enjoyed it so much that he spent more than the allotted 10 minutes doing it. :)

    Many blessings to you!


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