
August 30, 2011

New Normal

Things have changed.
There is a new *normal* around here.

Since taking my break,
I have implemented a few changes
in my online life.

I have a notebook.
It can be carried from room to room.
It can be shut down
and put away.

that is exactly
what I have been doing.


It all waits until I take it off its shelf
for an online *session*.
My goal is to keep it
to two *sessions* per week.


How wonderful it is!

No more *quick checks*
that run into *long visits*.
No more *losing track of time* online.

There is a pre-appointed,
set aside,
allotted time.
For all of this.

And then, it is shut down.
Until next time.
By God's Grace
and with HIS help.
I am not perfect,
but HE is!

May the LORD help us all
to take stock and heed His Words.

"So teach us to number our days,
that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."
~ Psalm 90:12 ~

I fully realize that we are not
all in the same situation.

Life is always changing.

What works for me,
may not necessarily be what works for you.
We are all at different stages of life.
And that is good!

But, I would encourage you to pray about what
the LORD would have you to do.

And then...
Follow Him.

Many blessings to you each one!
In Him,


  1. So great to hear Camille, that you have found that balance. I'm trying to get more of that here as the girls have started school today. So quiet without them here. Kathleen will be back at lunch from Kindergarten and I can't wait to hear about her day!

    Hope your day is wonderful!


  2. I really appreciated this. I have been thinking about my online time as well, and next week when school starts, I will be implementing some changes similar to yours. Maybe we can encourage each other in this new normal!

  3. I'm with you on this Camille. I to will be having some major changes happening come next week. My blogging time will be on in the evenings when everyone is asleep. No more just checking in, here and there.

    My daughter has decided to head back to work. She only wanted to work on call...but received a call from the principal and asked if she would work permanent part-time or full was up to her...but they wanted her teaching at this school.

    So I will be babysitting our grandson during those days...and my time will be finishing our adoption...and the regular every day activities that mom's perform...oh yes...many hats are worn bly us all.

    Great post...and thank you for your encouraging words to me. It sure is for a GREAT reason.:-)


  4. Wonderful resolutions, Camille, especially since you have the Lord helping you! Anything else is just human effort and it often fails. I know this too well :) I have rarely been on the computer simply because of the busyness of summer but will put a schedule in place for September for computer time. That Scripture is one of my favourites for that very reason! May the Lord bless you as you honour Him with your time.

    Love, Heather

  5. That is absolutely the idea I have in mind Camille! When it comes time to replace this desk top computer I will be suggesting to my husband that we purchase a laptop because this computer is far too convenient. I'm finding that as more people find my blog I'm receiving more emails - all very lovely and complimentary ones and I've been trying my best to reply to them all but it all takes time. I don't know how those with hundreds of followers manage. I suppose they have to become a little more impersonal. Thank you for sharing what has worked for you. It has given me much food for thought. I know what's going to happen though - this old computer that is a bit slow at times that I bought at a garage sale for $150 is going to keep on going and going so I need to implement a time management strategy first!

  6. A good goal, I find that if not disciplined computer can take up sooo much time. Your flowers are lovely

  7. My sentiments exactly. I have been giving myself a time to do stuff on the computer then it's off! Some days no computer at all. And right now, I'm gonna get off and do the rest of my Bible study so I'll be ready for tomorrow nite's study with friend Tamara. It's easy to get sucked into the black hole of the computer and hard to find your way out! There's alot I want to do that's not on the computer, like sewing projects, so I need to prioritize and get to it! Take care and thanks for sharing!

  8. Good for you Camille. I think that this is something that I need to incorporate too. Thanks for always sharing and encouraging :)

    May the Lord continue to bless you and your family!


  9. I've learned that quick checks can be a deadly time waster. I'm learning to not go near the computer if I don't have the time. I get too easily sucked in, especially to facebook. Again, thanks for being such a great example in this area! Hugs, Jackie

  10. Dear Jill ~ Yes, it is always about balance, don't you think? I'm sure you had a wonderful lunch with your precious Kindergarten girl! :)

    Dear Lisa ~ It is such a blessing to take a step back and evaluate where our priorities lie. May the LORD give you wisdom as you seek HIM for what it is HE would have you do. He is faithful. :)

    Dear Connie ~ You have many busy days ahead...what a blessing that you will be able to care for your grandson...precious times! :)

    Dear Heather ~ What an encouragement you are! May the LORD give you HIS grace and strength as you begin another year of school with your precious family. Enjoy these days! :)

    Dear Ann ~ May the LORD give HIS wisdom to you as you seek HIM for it. How wonderfully gracious HE is to us! I really like having a notebook...much better for accountability. :)

    Dear Maryann ~ Thank you for your kind words. And for sharing your thoughts is a blessing. :)

    Dear Becky ~ How we must work to keep it in its proper place! How wonderful that you are already keeping yourself accountable...that's a blessing! Enjoy those sewing projects! :)

    Dear Sharon ~ Thank you my friend! You encourage me! May the LORD guide us all in this area...for HIS glory! :)

    Dear Jackie ~ I know the LORD has been leading you in this area wonderful HE is to us, don't you think? May HE help you to continue to follow HIM in all HE has laid on your heart to do. :)

    Many blessings to each one of you!
    In HIS Love,

  11. Totally agree with all you said here. I am cutting WAY back also...thus five days down the road I am reading this post! :) Have a great week, my friend!

  12. Dear Jenn ~ As always, you are a blessing to me! Thank you for your sweet friendship. :)

    Dear Trisha ~ You have encouraged me today as I read all you have written on the very same subject. :)

    Love to you both!

  13. Hi Camille,
    Love the flowers-so beautiful!
    Love your goals and yes the computer can take up so much time. I have been trying to not spend so much time here and it is working!
    I hope all is well with you sweet friend.

  14. What a truly great idea. I've been blogging for a year now and see the need for putting up limits.

    Thanks for being such a great example!

  15. Dear Linda ~ What a blessing that the LORD is leading you in this same direction. How gracious HE is to us!! Many blessings to you my friend!! :)

    Dear Cassie ~ It is wonderfully liberating! I am sure you will find it to be a blessing to follow some sort of plan too. Many blessings to you on this journey! :)

    In HIS Love,


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