
October 27, 2011

Oven Baked Hash Browned Potatoes

Jennifer Jo and I seem to have similar taste buds.
I like her recipes.  And this was no exception.'s EASY!

(Is that a word?)

You can make these for a few or for many.
It all depends on how many potatoes you begin with.

Oh YUM!!

Head on over to Jennifer Jo's
for her recipe for these fabulous

You won't be sorry you did.
Your family will thank you.

The End.



  1. Oh, yum! Our family is big on hashbrown casserole. Not extremely
    "lite" but so delicious! It seems to show up at every family gathering. This looks a little healthier :)

  2. This looks like something we'd like too! Thanks for posting, Camille!

  3. I'll never avoid making hashbrowns again with this recipe! Thanks for sharing, Camille :)

  4. OH these look delicious!! I am heading over to Jennifer's right now.

    Thank you for sharing the link~


  5. Hi Camille,

    I'm back to blogging again :) :) Those potatoes look really good ;) :) It will be awhile before I can have potatoes again. My healthy, new eating plan as been doing wonders for me. I've lost over 30 pounds now.

    in any case, I just wanted to stop by and say hello, and I was thinking about you. Wishing you and your family all the best :) :)

    Love and hugs from the ocean shores (formerly from Oregon), Heather :)

  6. Dear Heather in Canada ~ I know the casserole of which you speak...and yes, this one is lighter...BUT...oh that other one is sooooo good! :)

    Dear Susan ~ Mmmm....I hope you enjoy it! :)

    Dear Jackie ~ It is soooo yummy! Go ahead...guilt free! Enjoy! :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ I hope your family approves. Mine sure did! :)

    Dear Heather in CA ~ Lovely to hear from you!!! I have thought of you over these last few months...all settled in and enjoying your new location?? Way to go on the weight loss...well done!!! :)

    Blessings to you all!
    In HIM,

  7. Oh. YUM. My mouth is watering and it's 9 in the evening. Those look delicious AND easy! Thank you for passing this along, Camille!

  8. Dear Tami ~ SO easy and SO yummy! Enjoy! :)



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