
November 8, 2011


He lied about his age.
He was young and full of life.
The only boy of a farming family.
He was the baby.
He went.

He never came home.

Letters were written from France.
They would have been cherished.

The boy never came home to
be cherished in their place.

He never got married.
Never had children.
Never lived beyond his teens.

November 11th is
Remembrance Day in Canada.
May we all remember those who
went to fight for our freedoms.
For our liberties.

May we pray for those who
are fighting and defending even now.

May we always be thankful.
May we never forget.

Many Blessings,

**Letters in this post
were written home by Camille's
Great-Great Uncle Johnnie
during WWI ~ 1915.


  1. Yes, for those who risk their lives for us and have in the past ~ we should be grateful. Have a good day, Camille.

  2. Joel,s great grandpa lied about his age too. We figured he was about 15 or 16. He did come back. Thank you for sharing this with us.

    Remembering the cost, the bravery, and the dedication.

  3. Amen and amen. Beautiful.

  4. Tomorrow is also Veteran's Day in the US. How cool is that, especially since our militaries are close allies (relatively speaking!) What treasured letters those must be!

  5. That was beautiful! What a dear post Camille~


  6. Dear Patty ~ Thank you my friend...may the LORD bless you with a wonderful day too! :)

    Dear Jenn ~ How difficult it must have been for those Mothers that watched their young men go so far away to fight in those terrible battles!! How wonderful that your husband's Grandpa did come home! :)

    Dear Tami ~ Thank you my sweet, encouraging friend! :)

    Dear Lois ~ Yes, indeed...allies! Thankfully that is the case...and as it says on the Peace Arch..."May these gates never be closed"! :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ Oh I am so glad you approved my friend...seeing as you know first hand what it is like to have your men go and fight! Thank you for letting them go! :)

    Many blessings,

  7. How special that you have these letters. What an awesome hands-on reminder to your family about the sacrifices our veterans (past and present) have made for our countries. Precious!

  8. Just wanted to say you have a great site and thanks for posting!…

  9. Dear Jackie ~ I am very thankful to have this letter in my collection of family really is a treasure. And, I agree, we are all blessed by the sacrifices of those who have gone to defend us! :)

    Dear Anonymous ~ Welcome! Thank you for your kind words! :)

    Many blessings,


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