
December 8, 2011

A Christmas Eve Tradition

Every Christmas Eve we have dinner by the fire.
Ever since the children were little.
It began with just Devon Cream Tea on the menu.

And includes all this!!

As the children grew there was a need for more
and more and MORE food!
We do a full-blown appies spread.  It's dinner.

What's on the menu?

Layer Dip for Nacho Chips.
(Recipe to follow)
Red Pepper Jelly on a brick of Cream Cheese
served with Rice Crackers.

Store-bought Sausage Rolls with Dijon Mustard.
Mandarin Oranges.  Hot Apple Cider.
And of course...Devon Cream Tea!
(See recipe below)

~ Gina's Layer Dip ~

8oz Pkg Cream Cheese (softened)
1/2 Cup Sour Cream
Mix together and spread into
a 9" glass pie dish.

Spread a layer of salsa over this.
Sprinkle with grated Cheddar.
Chop some green onions and tomatoes
and sprinkle over the cheese layer.
Keep refrigerated until ready to serve.
Serve with Unseasoned Nacho Chips.

SO easy and SO good!

~ Devon Cream Tea ~

Purchase some REAL Devon Cream.
Straight from England.  Click Here to view the brand I buy.

U.N.B.E.L.I.E.V.E.A.B.L.E. is actually SCARY how good it is! :)

Once you have some of the good stuff on hand,
you just need to whip up a batch of Rich Scones.

Recipe taken from Company's Coming
"Muffins and More" by Jean Pare (a Canadian!).

~ Rich Scones ~

2 Cups All purpose Flour
1/2 Cup Sugar
1 Tbsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
1/2 Cup Butter, cold
1 Egg
2/3 Cup Milk

Mix together all dry ingredients in a large bowl.
Cut in butter until crumbly.
Mix together egg and milk in small bowl.
Stir wet ingredients into flour mixture and mix quickly with a fork.
Pat into a rectangle on your counter.
Be careful to not over-mix!
Cut into triangles or circles.
Place on a parchment-lined cookie sheet.
Bake at 425 degrees F for about 15 minutes until golden.

Cool on cooling racks.

Once cooled, serve your split open scone
with the cream and some fresh strawberry preserves on top.
And be prepared...this may become a new tradition!

What special family traditions
do you revisit each year at Christmas-time?
Please share in the comments of this post.
I would love to read about them!

Many Christmas Blessings
to each and every one of you!
With Love,


  1. I love your traditions, but we haven't had a fireplace since 1999! I started making clam chowder with homemade sourdough bread for Christmas Eve when I lived in Tacoma, WA. Must have been the sea air that wanted me to try something different. Now that we've moved 3 times since then, it's a little of the Pacific NW. Definitely apple cider and whatever munchies my husband has provided. (Never send a hungry man to the grocery store!) The cider simmering in the crock pot is nice after returning home from church service.

  2. what a neat tradition to do on Christmas! Our family always does a Mexican feast on Christmas day and caroling on Christmas Eve (with pizza :) ) I love hearing other friends ideas! blessings as you celebrate the birth of our King and Savior!

  3. Oh YUM! I want to come! :) What a wonderful tradition for your family! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

    Have a wonderful, blessed, Christ-filled day, today! ♥

  4. Yummy traditions. We are at a point in our life where our children are now implementing some of the traditions they grew up with into their own lifes (including making some of the traditional foods) It is really neat to see'
    BTW thanks for the book suggestions on your previous post, looks like some good Christmas ideas
    Blessings to you and your family

  5. Dear Lois ~ How fun to read about your family traditions at Christmas! I and grocery stores do not mix well...LOL! What is it about Christmas-time and the shopping habits of our men? Yippeee for your tradition in remembrance of your time in this part of the world. :)

    Dear Charis ~ A Mexican Feast? Yummy!! May the LORD bless you and your family as you celebrate the REAL reason for CHRISTmas! :)

    Dear Jenn ~ I wish you could come my friend! Maybe one day....

    Dear Maryann ~ How wonderful that your children are carrying the torch...what a blessing to a Mama's heart! May the LORD bless you all this CHRISTmas as well. :)

    Many Blessings to you each one!
    In HIS Love,

  6. What wonderful traditions! I need to jot these recipes down. Thanbk you for sharing and I just love scones!! Have a wonderful week!


  7. Oh yummy, CAmille ;) :)

    That all looks so good especially the scones and the Devon cream tea ;) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  8. This all looks so yummy! I'm a big appetizer fan. We do Shepherd's pie on Christmas Eve (in honor of the shepherds who came to visit Jesus), and then we usually do lamb on Christmas day. I'll miss you during the Christmas break. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  9. Dear Jill ~ I hope you enjoy them my friend! Merry Christmas to you and your precious family. :)

    Dear Heather in CA ~ I know the Devon Cream Tea would be something you would appreciate with all those lovely tea things you have! :)

    Dear Jackie ~ I think your traditions sound lovely my friend...what a great idea to serve Shepherd's Pie in honour of the Shepherds who visited the LORD in Bethlehem. :)

    Many Blessings,

  10. Looks and sounds so good! Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas. May the Lord bless and keep you.

  11. Dear Patty ~ Thank you so much my friend! May the LORD bless you and your family this CHRISTmas and throughout the coming year as well. :)

    In HIS Love,

  12. Looks delicious Camille…I will have to try some of those recipes. I pray your family has a blessed Christmas!


  13. Dear Jackie ~ Thank you so much my friend! May the LORD bless you and your family this coming year as well! :)

    In HIS Love,


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