
December 3, 2011

Faith-Building Gift Ideas

Need some gift ideas?

How about one of the following
I've compiled a list of some of
our favourites below.

Happy Shopping!

A One Year Subscription to "Answers" Magazine ~
this is a fabulous resource for any family!

If you have not heard of
Answers in Genesis,
I would encourage you to go and check out their website ~
you will find that they have so many amazing,
faith-building materials available...
really, it's wonderful!

C.H. Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening" devotional ~
This is a classic and a *must-have*
(in my opinion) for every Christian.
We have found the readings in this devotional
book to be a blessing to us year after year after year.

Jerry Bridges' "Holiness ~ Day by Day" devotional ~
Another classic daily reading that will become a favourite.

"365 Days With Calvin"
is a recent addition to our own
library and has (so far) been a blessing.

If you are a Christian homeschool family,
and you do not have a copy of
"When You Rise Up" by R.C. Sproul Jr.,
you *must* get your hands on one!
It is so incredibly encouraging to those of us seeking to do
this task with joyful hearts as unto the LORD.
I cannot possibly tell you in this little space
what a blessing it has been to my own heart and life.
It really is *that* good!

"Little Pilgrim's Progress"
is a faithful adaptation of
Bunyan's classic work that in no way undermines the original.
If you have children between the ages of 9 and 14, this would
be a great blessing to read aloud with them.

This book is a blessing and
seeks to answer these and many other
questions from a biblical standpoint.

It is such an encouragement
to the weary Christian's heart.

"Both Paul and James speak of rejoicing in our sufferings
(see Romans 5:3-4; James 1:2-4).
Most of us, if we are honest with ourselves,
have difficulty with that idea.
Endure them, perhaps, but rejoice?
That often seems like an unreasonable expectation.
We are not masochistic; we don't enjoy pain.

But Paul and James both say that we should rejoice
in our trials because of their beneficial results.
It is not the adversity considered in itself that is
to be the ground of our joy.
Rather, it is the expectation of the results,
the development of our character,
that should cause us to rejoice in adversity.
God does not ask us to rejoice because we have
lost our job or a loved one has been stricken with cancer
or a child has been born with an incurable birth defect.
But He does tell us to rejoice because we believe
He is in control of those circumstances
and is at work through them for our ultimate good.

The Christian life is intended to be one of continuous growth.
We all want to grow, but we often resist the process.
This is because we tend to focus on the events of adversity themselves,
rather than looking with the eye of faith beyond
the events to what God is doing in our lives....

We are to look beyond our adversity to what
God is doing in our lives and rejoice in the certainty
that He is at work to cause us to grow."

~ Quoted from
"Trusting God Even When Life Hurts"
(Pages 186-87)
by Jerry Bridges ~

May the LORD guide us all
as we seek to follow HIM.

Many Blessings,


  1. HI Camille,

    I rememeber you talking about "Morning & Evening" on a previous post awhile back :) :) My dad has this book. I also have a copy of Pilgrim's Progress, the big kid version :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  2. You are a jewel! LOVE book lists from trusted friends!!! How kind of you to list so many that you love.


  3. Wow, wow, wow! What a list!
    We have thoroughly enjoyed our ANSWERS magazines that you sent us!
    I've looked at a couple of these and haven't picked them up yet. Now that you've recommended them, I'll check them out again.
    Thanks, Camille!

  4. I think you did this last year too right? I have put some of your suggestions on my Christmas list. Thank you for sharing~


  5. Wonderful gift suggestions, Camille! Have a blessed day today, by friend! ♥ My little miss says to tell your little miss "Hello!" :)

  6. Great book ideas, Camille. The last book looks like one I need to read!

  7. Dear Heather in CA ~ How wonderful that you have some of these resources in your home...they are treasures! :)

    Dear Tami ~ I trust you will find them to be a blessing to your family as they have been to us! :)

    Dear Heather in Canada ~ May the LORD use them to be a blessing to your family too my friend. :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ I have mentioned them before...sometimes individually...this time I compiled many in one post. :)

    Dear Jenn ~ Hello back to your little miss from mine! She was just talking about your little girl today. :)

    Dear Julia ~ get your hands on a copy if possible my has been SUCH a blessing to my Sweetie! I know you will be encouraged by it too. :)

    Many Blessings,


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