
February 20, 2012

Homespun Treasures

Homespun treasures.
We likely all have them.

A quilt made by Grandma long ago.
A baby blanket lovingly knit by
a pair of sweet hands.
A stack of handwritten letters.

Things irreplaceable.
Things priceless.
Of little or no monetary value.

Of great sentimental value.

In this post I share
just a few of my homespun
treasures with you...
and then I will ask you to
share some of yours with me. :)

My husband has always loved airplanes.
As a graduation gift for my Sweetie,
my Dad created this Spitfire
in pen and ink and framed it for him.
It was the year we were married.

My Mom made this cross-stitch for us
as a wedding gift.

And my sister stitched this one
for the same occasion.

Just last week Calvin made us all
bookmarks using photos that he had taken.

Complete with a verse and personal
note on the back of each one.

Our other children
have given us notes and cards (handmade)
and other little gifts of love
over the years.
We treasure them up in special
keepsake boxes.
And then, of course,
there are the photo albums
and home videos of the children
when they were small.

If we should ever have a fire,
these are some of the irreplaceable
things that would be missed the most.

Keeping in mind, of course,
that it is unwise to store up
for ourselves treasures on earth.
(May the LORD give grace to keep
all things in their proper place and
in perspective).

What homespun treasures do you cherish?
And who made them for you?

Do share.
Maybe even post about them?
Please let me know if you do! :)

Many Blessings,


  1. Those treasures are lovely. I will make a post on my blog tomorrow about mine. I love the bookmarks. We were also married in July #1 1995. I think homemade things are the best.

  2. Love the bookmarks. A proper perspective is so important. Have a blessed day, Camille.

    (p.s. I recently read where a man who had crohn's disease for forty years and battled with diarrhea, starting eating two coconut macaroon cookies a day and no longer had a problem with the diarrhea. Maybe the coconut? Don't know if this could actually help but I thought I would pass it along.)

  3. Love the picture of the spitfire. Also think the idea of making photos into book markers with scripture is a great idea.
    Our photo albums would be our treasures...decades of memories tucked inside

  4. Wonderful post Camille. Thank you for sharing these special things with us. I am also the same in a fire I would certainly miss photos capturing all our memories. Have a great week.


  5. I have an old quilt that's been in my family for years. It's so worn but still use it for camping or sitting out somewhere. I think my grandma made it? Not sure. A late 1800s King James Bible that belonged to my grandpa Ernest; a set of field glasses(binoculars) he bought while in Paris, WWI. A hand crocheted afghan made by Phil's sister after we were married. Our colors of couches have changed since then but we still use it. Judy died some years ago so it's even more special. That's a few to sum up special things we have.

  6. That cross-stitch reminds me of the ones I've done for myself (which I intend to give my boys someday) and for others...the Precious Moments wedding party, for instance, went to a brother- and sister-in-law and still hangs in their house.

    I don't quilt, but I've done a lot of stitching. With lots of love woven in.

    Blessed, happy week, Camille!

  7. I love this post Camille..

    Yes, my most treasured possessions have little to no earthly value, however, they carry so much sentimental value..

    Great idea for a post..
    Lord willing I will share soon..

    Thanks and Blessings,

  8. You have some very lovely treasures! I have to say that those bookmarks from Calvin are AWESOME! I would love to see more of his photography! Please tell him I was impressed with his photos.

  9. Dear Chelle ~ Yes, homemade things really are special, aren't they? How lovely that you were married in July too...what a great month to have an anniversary. I will check out your post...thanks for joining in the fun! :)

    Dear Patty ~ Thank you for the tip on Crohn's...we are always open to anything anyone wants to share...thank you so much for thinking of us! :)

    Dear Maryann ~ How wonderful family photo albums are! And what memories they conjure up!! :)

    Dear Jill ~ I really cannot even think about it! What a blessing that these things rarely happen! :)

    Dear Becky ~ What amazing treasures you have!! How lovely that they are tied to those you love. Thank you for sharing! :)

    Dear Rhonda ~ How lovely that you have done those cross stitched pictures for your loved ones...they really are treasures! :)

    Dear Virginia ~ It would be lovely if you would share your treasures on your blog...I would enjoy reading about them. :)

    Dear Jenn ~ What a sweet encourager you are...thank you. He will be so excited to read what you have written. :)

    Many Blessings,

  10. I cherish my sister's pen and ink drawings she made before kids. She is quite a good artist and I hope she is able to get back to it one of these days :) I think my scrapbooks and love letters (from my husband, children and nieces and nephews) are my most cherished items, but even then I have to remind myself that it is all gonna burn someday, so I don't obsess even over preserving memories.

  11. Dear Jackie ~ How we must keep things in perspective...I can totally relate to your comment about not overdoing it with the memory-keeping! How lovely to think that you have artwork from your! :)



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