
February 26, 2012

In Pursuit of J.O.Y.


Not *happiness*.
It is not guaranteed.
It does not last.

True joy does.

In the midst of trials.
In the midst of sorrows
and difficulties.

In the midst of happiness.
In the midst of triumphs
and victories.

Joy is abiding.
Because HE is abiding.

"Underneath are the Everlasting Arms..."
~ Deuteronomy 33:27a ~

We have had trials.

We've also had many
happy times.

And through it all...

God's peace and joy
HE sustains.

We have nothing to fear.
Everything to hope.

It is foolish to
worry about the future.
The future is not ours to hold.
Ours to keep.

"Suffcient unto the day..."
~ Matthew 6:34 ~

Only this day.
Only this moment.

And HE will meet us
in our need.
HE is Faithful.
In that is J.O.Y.

Rest in HIM my friend.
Trust in HIM.
Find joy in HIM.
Only in HIM will
lasting joy be found.

If you do not have the LORD
as your own Saviour,
Please Click Here to learn how
you can belong to HIM too!

Many Blessings,

**Photos in this post courtesy
of our Emma ~
Taken on a recent Beach Walk.
Thank you my little love! XO


  1. Beautiful pictures and a beautiful message of I needed to hear this morning...on a day when I want to KNOW what is to come...what will happen...I struggle to trust that He is good and this is good, because it's His perfect plan. Between losing the baby and watching so many friends progress in their pregnancies and all we have on our plates with this is good to be reminded that He gives joy and deep abiding peace. Thank you for pointing me to Jesus and Truth. Love you!

  2. How true! May His joy be evident in our lives daily ~ regardless of circumstances. Blessing, Camille.

  3. Your girl is becoming a great photographer...maybe something in her future {smile}

    What an awesome post. So very true. Thank you for the reminder. Something that maybe needs to be read every day:-)

    Have a great week.

  4. Very very true Camille! True joy comes from knowing him and growing though the painful situations to rely on His strength and not our own! Joy is knowing His supernatural peace when all else seems chaotic. Many blessings to you as you share your walk! Feeling the same thoughts as you today:)

  5. Emma.. you have an amazing talent. I love your pictures, especially the last ones that your mom put on her post. Keep up the good work,

    Mrs. Van Oort! (Brenda)

  6. Photos are absolutely lovely, Emma is quite the photographer
    So thankful my joy does not depend on my circumstances

  7. Amen!!!!

    Oh dear Camille, this post is perfect! Happiness is just based on circumstance but our true, everlasting joy comes from our loving Savior and what a blessing beyond measure it is knowing Him :)

    I encourage anyone that does not yet have a relationship with Jesus to click on the link sweet Camille provides and enter into our Savior's presence.

    Love to you Camille!

  8. Dear Jennifer ~ Oh how I understand! Our situation is different, of course, but, with similar struggles! Our pastor on Sunday quoted someone (can't recall who it was at the moment) who said basically this ~ God gives us the proportion to each of us that is best...HIS ways are best!! Rest in that my sweet friend. :)

    Dear Patty ~ Yes, indeed...regardless!! :)

    Dear Connie ~ Oh I know I need daily reminding, that's for sure!! Thank you for your sweet comments on Emma's photography...I will be sure to tell her. :)

    Dear Pippa ~ I am sorry you are facing your own struggles my friend. Keep your eyes fixed on the ONE Who is able to meet every need! Blessings to you! :)

    Dear Brenda ~ How sweet that you took the time to encourage Emma...thank you!! I will show her your message. :)

    Dear Maryann ~ How precious our Great God is! That HE gives joy in the midst of life...what a blessing to belong to HIM! Thank you for your kind words to Emma...she will be encouraged I am sure. :)

    Dear Sharon ~ How wonderful it is to belong to our Precious Saviour! May HE shine through us as we walk through both the valleys and on the mountain-tops! :)

    With Love to each of you!

  9. Beautiful. Amazing. A Post full of the truths of our God. Loved it!

    Tell Emma I loved her pictures! That top one wowed me!

  10. Dear Jenn ~ May the LORD truly be glorified in all we say and do. Also, my sweet friend...thank you so much for encouraging Emma in her pursuit of photography...she said she likes the top photo the best too. :)


  11. My sister and I were discussing "joy" last night. As usual, you hit the nail on the head with this post :)

  12. Dear Jackie ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement my friend. :)



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