
March 7, 2012

A Slice of Life

Just yesterday,
I kept the camera handy.
My desire was to preserve some
memories of this stage of our lives.

A Slice of Life.

Splashes of colour.

Emma has begun
making friendship bracelets
in earnest.

Each one has its
own unique combination
of colours ~
So pretty.

Just had to snap this one...

...And this one too.

Calvin frequently rushes
outdoors to capture
something special on his camera.

Emma copies him.

It's a joy to see
this love of photography
acted upon.

Fraser can often be heard
creating music on the piano.

Austin joins in and they
collaborate their efforts.

I *love* how music is
a part of the *everyday*
in our home.

A stack of vintage (1970's) Disney
comic books (thank you Grandpa!)
sits on the table
(or beside the tub)
as Emma enjoys.

Other reading material
is employed as well ~
just not in the bath! :)

I am so thankful! :)

And yes...

We use workbooks
as well as the computer.

Our wannabe architect *loves* to build things ~
Currently, this rollercoaster
lives in the kitchen.

The ordinary things
make up most of life.

We stop.
Take notice.
And the *ordinary*
things become precious.

The moments.
The days.
The months.
The years.

And they build upon one another
to make memories.
We capture some of them.
And then they are gone.

How quickly one
season gives way to another.
And this is life.

May the LORD continually
give HIS grace to live it for HIM!

Many Blessings,


  1. Sweet photos of your sweet children, Camille! They are growing up so quickly! And they are all so talented!

  2. What a great idea ~ to catch those memories on camera. They will be a blessing in the days to come when you look back on them. Have a great day, Camille.

  3. Oh yes....I too love the ordinary. Blessings from the Lord. How often we forget.

    Thank you for the reminder.

    FYI: My blog is down right now. I loaded some clip art off of photobucket...and ended up with over 65 spam that just kept coming and coming. Had to shut everything off in order to stop it. Virus attached dh said. So now, it's fine but now the "comments" section is missing and I'm missing photos which are replaced by the box and the X.

    So not sure when I will be back. Not enough time in the day.

  4. Enjoyed looking at your "slices of life" my youngest was a big k'nex fan, we would have his creations assembled for weeks...they are now stored safely away waiting for the time his children can play with them.
    Keeping taking these kind of photos you will be so glad you did in years to come
    Blessings to you Camille

  5. Dear Raeann ~ I am painfully aware of how quickly this is all happening! How do you slow it down??!! Thank you for your sweet friendship...I appreciate you. :)

    Dear Patty ~ It's bittersweet, really...don't you find?? Thank you for your faithful friendship in this's lovely to *know* you. :)

    Dear Connie ~ I am sorry you are having so much trouble with your blog...I trust it will all be resolved soon. Take your time...I understand how precious it is! Just come back when you are able...thank you so much for filling me in and for your continued friendship. It's a blessing. :)

    Dear Maryann ~ Yes, those types of toys are timeless and wonderful to keep for future use. We bring things like Lego and Thomas the Train (wooden railway system) out when younger children come to visit in our's great! Thank you for your sweet encouragement to keep on taking these sorts of pictures...I am painfully aware of how fleeting these days are! I am thankful for your friendship. :)

    Many Blessings to you each one!
    In HIS Love,

  6. Where ever the Lord takes me, I will go with Him. Thank you for your prayers for our family. I believe that the prayers of His saints are powerful and effective.

    Thank you for your slice of life.

  7. Dear Stacie ~ I will pray for you all today my friend. Keep following the LORD...HE will never fail you!!

    (Psalm 46)


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