
May 11, 2012

Budding Entrepreneur?

What do you think?
Will anyone hire these two?

Emma created this flyer by herself.
I don't know if Natalie is aware of what she's been committed to. :)
The flyer says (and I quote) ~

"Emma and Natalie at your service!
$2 each

Natalie and Emma will pull your weeds, plant your flowers,
rake your lawns, and sweep your driveway.

If you would like us to do this for you...please call!

We could do this on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
We do not work on Sunday.  Thank you."

At that price, I think I'd be foolish
not to employ them ~ Wouldn't you agree? :)

Many Blessings,


  1. I would totally hire them! What a deal it would be to have two cute girls working in my garden!

  2. I wish they lived next door! I could keep them busy. I'm sure they could find enough work to stay busy plus some at that rate.

  3. Please tell Emma and Natalie they have a job in Oklahoma! We don't work on Sunday's either so that wouldn't be a problem!!

    God bless you my friend!

  4. Tell Emma I'll employ them for $2..what a bargain! I looove her enthusiasm, colourful advertising and the note stating they definitely DO NOT do Sundays :0)

  5. Dear Taylor ~ Truly a treat! As long as they know the flowers from the weeds. :)

    Dear Patty ~ That's what I am afraid of...they will be too busy at that rate! So far, there is only one flyer and it has not been circulated. There are times when parental intervention is required. LOL! :)

    Dear Donna ~ I don't think they factored in their commuting expenses...LOL! :)

    Dear Julia ~ Yes, enthusiasm is definitely a strong point! LOL! :)

    Blessings to you all!

  6. I would hire them in a minute and and have enough weeds to keep them busy all summer long. Too cute!

  7. That is so cute. Definitely keep that one for the scrapbook. What eager beavers.


  8. Dear Maryann ~ LOL! I wonder if Emma has considered how many weeds there really are *out there*! :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ Yes, I must find it! It has mysteriously disappeared. Perhaps it has gone for colour printing? Aack! :)

    Blessings to you both!
    In HIS Love,

  9. Ummm, Yeah, you might want to jump right on that...or they may to be too busy down the road to pull your weeds! :) CUTE!

  10. Dear Jenn ~ LOL! I know, we have a good thing going, don't we? :)


  11. Girls-do you travel? If so, you are HIRED!!! :)

    So precious!!!

  12. Dear Jennifer ~ We're on our way! :)



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