
July 24, 2012

Four Months ~ An Update

"Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised..."  Psalm 145:3a

It will be four months ago tomorrow that Austin was admitted to hospital.
He was in heart failure.  We had no idea.
Four months. A lifetime. Or so it seems.
On the other hand, it almost seems like a distant bad dream.
How much has happened!  How much has changed!

It's as if we have been given our son back.  He is healthy and well.
The *old* Austin from about three years ago has emerged.
His personality had been slowly fading away ~ it happened so gradually.

It's been like watching a miracle take place right before our eyes these last few months.
And we cannot stop thinking of all that the LORD has done!
And we cannot help but praise Him for all His goodness and mercy.
And we give HIM thanks.

How different things could have been.

Austin is well. He is healthy.  And we rejoice!
One day at a time.  Cherishing these moments.
Seeking never to take any of these things for granted.
We do not deserve them.

And God is Good. Always.

The future is the Lord's.  We do not own it.
We do not own our children.  We do not even own ourselves!
We belong to HIM.

How has Austin been doing?
Some of you have been asking.  Thank you for your kind interest.
Thank you for your prayers.  It all has been such a blessing!

Before Christmas, Austin got down to 100 lbs.
He is now stabilised at just under 130 lbs.
He feels the best he has in a few years.
He gets stronger all the time.

He is able to do so much!

Last Summer he said that he would never pick up a hockey stick again.
He has been recently found playing street hockey, and enjoying it!
He walked the entire beach walk (over three miles)
and stayed ahead of me the whole way!
He didn't have to stop once, and I did not catch him!

He is constantly going places on his bike.

There is a new zest for life and living.
He is interested in things long forgotten or given up.
The driver's licence is next on his list of *to do's*.
He's even been helping with our renovations.

How all this warms my heart!
Austin still must take three heart medicines each day.
Apparently, he will have to for the life of this heart.

But, God is able to do far above what we ask or think.
We are asking for a complete recovery for our son.
We do not demand these things of Him.
But, we continue to ask.  His ways are higher than ours.

And, His ways are always best.

What a blessing it is to know that He will do what is best for Austin and for us all.
He is Faithful and Good and Perfect in all His ways.
Even when the road is difficult.  By His grace, and in His strength,
we would change nothing.

One day at a time.  For His glory alone.

"Bless the LORD, O my soul,
and all that is within me, bless His holy name."
~ Psalm 103:1 ~

Thank you to each one of you who
has lifted us up in prayer in these last four months.
You may never know how much it has meant to our family!
It truly has been such a great blessing to us all!
We are so very thankful.

May the LORD bless you all!
In HIS Love, Camille

**Photos in this post were taken today ~
Austin built an Ikea bed with his Grandpa.


  1. Each report you share Camille leaves us rejoicing! And what a testimony is it for my children - they know that God answers prayer and it reveals to them that God is real. And wow - he is walking 3 miles just 4 months after being in heart failure! How good is our God. And you are so right about not needing to demand these things of Him. God hears the simplest, most humble of prayers and petitions. I remember my very short prayer on your behalf when you told us how sick Austin was because I was not sure what to pray - it was simply this 'Please Lord give her back her son.' And you say 'It's as if we have been given our son back.' I nearly fell of my chair when I read those words! But all glory to God!
    Time to go and tell the children the good news about Austin - I love these moments!

  2. Oh Camille, that is awesome news. Praising God with you. Will continue to pray for complete healing.

    Hugs and blessings,

  3. This is great news, Camille!! Praise the lord for answered prayer! I'm so glad to hear that Austin has put some weight on, is feeling good and has energy again :o)

  4. Thank you so much for the update! That is such good news to hear.

  5. Dear Ann ~ Your comment brought tears to my think of how Great our God is...and how HE has done this!! Thank you for all the prayers you have prayed for us over these last few months...they are precious! I appreciate your friendship. :)

    Dear Connie ~ It's lovely to have you back in the blogging world my friend...thank you for stopping by! And...thank you for rejoicing with us...God is so Good to us, isn't HE? :)

    Dear Julia ~ It has been such a blessing to observe the has been truly amazing! Thank you for entering into our joy with us my is a blessing to us that you do! :)

    Dear Lisa ~ How thankful we are! Thank you for rejoicing with us my friend. :)

    Many Blessings,

  6. What a wonderful blessing and answer to your prayers! God is good!


  7. Oh - my heart rejoices with you all! God is good and faithful! You are all getting through the obstacles in life in order to get to the GOD who loves and cares for you! He is worth the effort - just to know Him more - and to love Him more - and now to serve Him more!

    I praise God with you for Austin's life. What a JOY of life is shown in those precious pictures. A 2nd chance on life has been granted! May Austin always live his life with Christ at the core and center of his being! No heart disease can take that throne from Christ - it belongs to Him alone - in side the heart of Austin!

    Isaiah 26:3 [KJV] floods my soul as I read this.

    God's LOVE has poured down! Keep trusting - keep smiling - God's team always WINS!!!

    Living in the fullness of JOY,

  8. Wonderful!! So happy for you and your family!

    Good news is...well, great. :)

  9. Rejoicing with you! Your family is a testimony to God's mercy and goodness. Blessing to you all.

  10. Dear Nadine ~ How Good HE truly is. Always. What a blessing to know that HE does all things well, and that we have nothing to fear when we belong to HIM. Thank you for rejoicing with us my friend. :)

    Dear Stephanie ~ Thank you for encouraging my heart today my friend! Yes, indeed...the LORD be praised! HE does all these things for our good and for HIS glory. May we always welcome HIS providences and the sharpening tool of adversity in our lives that we might know HIM more! Thank you for pointing my heart to HIM. :)

    Dear Rhonda ~ Thank you so much for stopping by and for entering into our joy with us. I appreciate you. :)

    Many Blessings,

  11. Dear Patty ~ You were visiting as I was writing...sorry I missed you the first time around! :) Thank you so much for your sweet encouragement my friend...may the LORD receive all the glory that is rightfully due Him. :)

    Many Blessings,

  12. Oh, this brings tears to my eyes!! I am rejoicing with you and your family. Praise God for answered prayers and Austin's comeback!

  13. Camille
    This is wonderful news, rejoicing with your family. What a joy it must be to see your son improve with each day. Through it all you have shown such trust in the Lord, thank you for being willing to share your heart when things were more difficult, it has been a testimony to God's faithfulness in your life and an encouragement to me. Praising God with you for Austins healing

  14. Dear Jane ~ Thank you my friend...thank you! The LORD truly has been so gracious to us...we praise HIM! :)

    Dear Maryann ~ Thank you so much for your sweet is a blessing to my heart! I appreciate you. :)

    Many Blessings,

  15. Dear Camille,
    Indeed, God is Good! Praise His name! We are so glad to hear Austin's progress. What a great testimony. Enjoy the hot Summer days, my friend! Hugs.
    In His Love,

  16. Amazing grace. I'm so thankful to have been a part of the praying friends on this journey because it's so very faith-building! The attitude you've taken through it all has been a most precious example for me, Camille. You are truly a special momma. God bless you and your family as you continue to trust Him.

    Love, Heather

  17. Thank God for your good...great!! I rejoice with you for God's gift, grace and mercy.

  18. Dear Sandy ~ Thank you my friend! God truly is Good. Always. I trust all is well with you and your precious little one....we are excited for the big day. I am praying for you tonight. :)

    Dear Heather ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement throughout this my friend...the LORD has been sustaining us and giving HIS grace. What a blessing to know that HE does all things well and even when things go the way we would not choose, HE is still Good. One step at a time...with HIM! I continue to remember your Mom before HIS Throne as well. :)

    With love,

  19. Dear Sandra ~ Welcome's lovely that you stopped by! I'm sorry I missed you on the above comment as I was leaving my comment when you, here I am replying to you now. :) Yes, indeed...the LORD is Good always...we are thankful. Thank you for rejoicing with us!

    Many Blessings,

  20. I am smiling and thanking the Lord for this!

  21. Dear Jennifer ~ Thank you my friend...we praise HIM together!! :)


  22. Oh Camille, I am so sorry I missed this post! Tears of gratefulness filled my eyes as I read this. GOD IS SO GOOD! I'm praising Him with you today!

  23. Dear Jenn ~ We have been blessed beyond measure and we praise HIM for HIS great mercies. Thank you for rejoicing with us!'s is need to apologize! :)


  24. God is SO amazing!!!! I'm praising the Lord as I read this report on Austin. Only He is able to do such a wonderful healing. Thank you for keeping us updated!

  25. Thank you for rejoicing with us Jackie! Yes, our God is AMAZING, and we stand in awe of HIS provisions! :)


  26. How awesome to hear! What a blessing. Hoping to see you all soon. Love to all!

  27. *Unknown* ~ It's a great blessing for sure! I'm guessing that this note was left by my precious *just south of me* I right? :) If so...yes, we MUST connect soon!!

    Camille xo


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