
August 10, 2012

Conquering Mayne

Conquering Mayne.

Well...actually only half of Mayne.
So, I don't think it is accurate
to say that we *conquered* after all.
But, it was the way we felt!

Mayne Island is one of the Gulf Islands off the coast of British Columbia ~
About an hour's sail from the Tsawwassen ferry terminal.

We cycled it. All of us.
What a blessing!
What a miracle!!

The day before Fraser's 13th Birthday,
we went over to Mayne Island for the day.
We walked onto the ferry with our bikes in
the morning, and returned about eight hours later.

Here we are about half way through our cycling adventure...
do we look like we know what we are doing?

Have you ever cycled a little island?
They tend to be hilly.
It seems like so much of it was UP.
As soon as we rode off the ferry we were going up.

Up and up and up.

First stop ~ the Lighthouse
for a picnic and some exploring time.

And, the required photo shoot ~
Of course! :)

Isn't the view from this spot pretty?

And, while the children did some of this...

And some of this...

We did a little of this...

I was feeling it for a few days afterward.
But, it was worth it.
And, I would do it all over again.
Just not anytime too soon ~ LOL!

How about you?
Are you doing anything *special* this Summer?
Our *special* times are being slotted in
a day here and a day there ~ it's been a blessing.

Sometimes it's the very best thing to do.

Whatever you all are up to,
I trust you are enjoying it!

Blessings to you!

**Photos in this post were taken
with Calvin and Emma's point and shoot cameras,
and I cannot properly account for who took what. :)


  1. What a fun adventure and wonderful family photos!


    PS-Our your boys going to the Father/Son Retreat this year?

  2. Wow! Looks like it was a grand time!
    We're still at the stage where I race up beside a couple of my little bikers and try to keep them off the road :)

    So happy for you that you are ALL able to enjoy such physical activities! Praise God.

  3. What a wonderful thing to do together as a family, Camille. You are SO blessed! Loved the photos...what wonderful memories you and Howard are building for your children.

  4. Beautiful! "L" and I love that purple star fish!

  5. Dear Nadine ~ Thank you my friend. And, to answer your, Austin is not insured for travel yet due to his recent ill health. It really is a shame...they enjoyed it so much last year! :)

    Dear Heather ~ LOL! Yes, I remember those days my friend...actually, a form of that took place on this trip...I shouted instructions to Emma (from behind) as she travelled super duper fast down the hills!! :) And, yes...the LORD has done Great things in the life of our Austin...we praise HIM!

    Dear Julia ~ What sweet words of encouragement my friend...thank you! I know you have built similar memories with your precious ones as well. :)

    Dear Jenn ~ Emma is fearless when it comes to creatures...where did she get that from?? LOL! I'm sure your little miss is just the same. :)

    Many Blessings,

  6. How fun! I remember riding bikes with some friends from the military out of Tacoma's Point Defiance. We took the ferry to of the San Juan islands, I think. We stopped to pet some horses and pedal up some hills. I have the pleasant memories except the details! *snort* Your pictures make me very homesick for oceans and mountains.

  7. Dear Lois ~ Yes, the details! LOL! And yes...oceans and mountains have a way of making a person homesick...I missed them when I was away at college. You should come visit sometime. :)

    Blessings to you!

  8. Oh Camille, I know I've said it before, but I just find looking at pictures of your four so delightful, knowing that I'm just a few years behind you with a similar crew! What a fun adventure!

  9. Dear Heather ~ Thank you my friend...your words are always a blessing. :) But, please believe me when I say...the days you are living are PRECIOUS!! Don't rush through them!! I know these are busy and exhausting days...but, they are treasures...ENJOY every minute!!

    With Love,


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