
September 24, 2012

Five Hundred!

This is my 500th post ~
Five Hundred! 

I cannot possibly have that much to say, can I? 
Perhaps I should review my own words here
Or here. Or here

It's always good to take stock.


It has taken over three years to get to this place. 
My reasons for blogging remain the same, however.
Interesting how that is ~ I am encouraged. 

Over the next three years 
(based on my recent rate of publication)
I will not reach 1000 posts. 
So, I learn. And grow. And change.

By God's Grace! 

 HE is always Gracious, and Good, and Merciful. 
For these things, and many, many more ~
I am thankful that I belong to HIM! 

May HE lead us each in HIS Truth.
May we shine as lights for HIM.
After all, nothing else really matters.

"For what is a man profited,
if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul?..."
~ Matthew 16:26 ~

 Many Blessings to you all! 
With love, Camille 

 **Photo in this post courtesy of Calvin ~ 
Thank you my love! XO


  1. Congrats on the milestone!
    That is a gorgeous photo.

  2. It is good to keep a record of God's faithfulness and goodness in our lives, encouraging to hear the heart of another as she seeks to live out the ordinary with God's help and his grace. Congratulations on reaching this milestone and thank you for letting this be a place where I can smile, be encouraged or challenged

  3. Wow! How neat to have this testimony of His goodness and provision recorded. I so hope one day He might use my words on my blog to encourage my girls' hearts - when they are older. Regardless, to Him be the glory! And yay for 500!

    I am still painting...hoping to get a second coat on all the trim tonight! Because we are desperate to get our drapes back up! And we have company coming Thursday...who will stay in our bedroom. Eek! ;)

  4. Dear Lisa ~ Thank you! And, thank you...I will pass your compliments on to my photographer. :)

    Dear Maryann ~ You are a sweet friend. I appreciate your kind words...thank you for taking the time to encourage my heart today. :)

    Dear Jennifer ~ I am sure your girls (and your little man) will be encouraged to read your writings my friend. What a blessing it is to know that the LORD is the ONE Who orders our steps! Yes, God be the Glory!

    I'm not painting trim like you are...rather, the walls...however, I think it's fun that we are painting in tandem. :)

    Blessings to you each one!
    In HIS Love,

  5. Great photo job to your son...and to the God who created such beauty.

    Congrats', on 500. Your blog has been such an inspiration since I've been visiting here with you.


  6. Congratulations on reaching your 500th post, Camille!

    The photo is so pretty!

  7. Dear Connie ~ Thank you for your kind words my friend. The LORD be praised! :)

    Dear Dianna ~ I will tell Calvin you liked his photo...thank you! And, thank you, as always, for your friendship. :)

    Many Blessings,

  8. Congratulations on your 500th post! :-) I love reading what you have to say :-) I love that picture too, what a wonderful shot!


  9. Dear Jill ~ sweet you are! Thank you for your kind words. :)

    Blessings to you!

  10. I just love how you post your kids' photos--makes it their blog too :) Happy 500th, my friend! So glad I get to be part of the journey in some small way.

  11. Dear Heather ~ I'm glad you are part of the journey too. It's a blessing to know you. :)



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