
January 26, 2013

Seven Weeks ~ An Update

Just over seven weeks ago,
Austin's pacemaker was inserted.

At the ten day mark, we were at Children's for a check up.
It was determined at that appointment that Austin 
would be re-evaluated after two months ~ that will be mid February.
More information should be revealed at that time.
However, we are observing weekly improvements in our son.

Prior to the pacemaker being placed,
Austin was having trouble climbing stairs and walking around the block.
Since his surgery, there has been a slow, but steady, increase in his energy levels.

He was even able to walk the entire seawall 
at Stanley Park a few weeks ago!
We were able to complete the 5.5 mile (8.8 km) walk in about 1 3/4 hours ~
Austin even said that he could have kept going!
Please join with me in praising the LORD for His Goodness!!

He has done great things ~ we are thankful.

~ L to R: Emma, Austin, Fraser, and Calvin ~

We were at the pacemaker clinic in Vancouver yesterday
for our seven week post-op check-up.
All seems to be stable and the numbers are the same
as they were at our last visit to Children's.

We are so thankful!

Crohn's, however, has been unhappy for awhile now.
We are tweaking and testing and pursuing different things.
We see specialists at Children's for both DCM and Crohn's.
What a blessing it is to know that God is in control,
and that He is Faithful to give wisdom as we require it.
Our gracious God has always given insight so that we have
known the next step to take.

Sometimes it takes awhile to figure out,
but, the answers come and the path is made clear.
By His grace, it is a journey that He is leading us on.
It is His prescription for us.  How precious to rest in that!!

Through it all, Austin continues to have great grace.
And, the LORD gives him patience in this affliction.
We are so thankful that he has been blessed in this way.
God is Good.  Always.

If you want to read the entire story of Austin's journey

over the last year or so, please click here to begin. 

Thank you all, once again, for your kindness,

love, support, and prayers over these last many months.
God is Faithful.  He truly does all things well.
And, we are blessed.

With Love, Camille


  1. So glad to hear how things are going, Camille. We continue to pray for Austin, and it's a blessing to have these updates to know how to pray specifically. How wonderful to hear how his heart issues are improving!! Praying God will bring healing from the Crohn's disease, soon and very soon, and that there will be much peace and submission to His will in this providence. I love you!

  2. Will pray about the Chrones :( hope it settles down soon. So thankful for the praise on his progress with the pacemaker inserted!

    The Lord bless you!

  3. Precious friend, what wonderful news!!! We rejoice in The Lord and thank Him for His provision. We will be praying for the Chrons situation. What a hard path He has called you to, and how reassuring to know He has ordained your every step. Love you!

  4. Oh, dear friend, I rejoice with you. Yes, indeed...God is ALWAYS good!!!

  5. Dear Trisha ~ Thank you SO much for praying and for being such a sweet encouragement my friend! I love you too! :)

    Dear Stacie ~ How I appreciate your prayers my sweet friend...thank you from the bottom of my heart! :)

    Dear Jennifer ~ The only way we can bear it is knowing it is the LORD's prescription for us, and that HE is in it with us!! Thank you so much for praying...what a blessing! Love you too! :)

    Dear Cindy ~ How Precious HE is!! Thank you for rejoicing with us and for your sweet friendship. :)

    With love,

  6. Praising the Lord with you!! What a wonderful gift to watch your son grow stronger by the week. Sooo happy for you!


  7. Wonderful news. Know that even though I'm not blogging or visiting often, I'm praying for your family.


  8. The is GREAT news Camille! Hallelujah...thank you, LOrd!!
    Praying now for God's Wisdom about the Crohns issue.

    Oswald Chambers – “Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.”

    Love and blessings, because of Christ Jesus..

  9. Dear Camille,
    We are praising God with you! Indeed, God is good, always.
    On a side note, we finally cut our little man's hair this week. We prayed before cutting his hair, we think he looks good. Thanks for the tips!! :)
    With God's Love,

  10. So glad the pacemaker is helping. Praying that God would give wisdom and knowledge in regards to the Crohn's. Praying for your family.

  11. Thanks for the update on Austin's health and well being. Praising God along with you for his continued strengthening and continued prayers for him. We were in Stanley Park years ago when we were at the World's Fair....long ways for us when we lived in New Mexico. Now it's much closer. So maybe one of these times we can get there again! Have a blessed week, my friend! Hugs to all!

  12. Dear Cinnamon ~ We are so thankful! Thank you for rejoicing with us my friend. :)

    Dear Connie ~ What a precious thought...thank you for praying...what a blessing you are to me!! :)

    Dear Julia ~ What a lovely quote...thank you for sharing it! Thank you for entering into our joy with us my friend. :)

    Dear Sandy ~ How fun to read that you cut your little man's hair...I'm so glad it went so well! :) Thank you for your friendship and for rejoicing with us...we are thankful for you!

    Dear Patty ~ Than you so much for praying for us my friend...what a blessing it is to know that you are!! May the LORD bless you and your family too. :)

    Dear Becky ~ Hugs to you, too!! Thank you for rejoicing with us my friend...what a blessing to belong to the LORD's Family! How fun to think that you have been to our Stanley Park! Perhaps one day we can meet up there. :)

    With Love,

  13. How wonderful that Austin is improving! I'm praising God with you guys!

  14. Dear Jackie ~ Thank you for rejoicing with us my friend! The LORD is truly to be praised...we are thankful! :)


  15. Thank you so much for the update. Lots of praising going on here! Whooo HOOOO! Our God is good!

  16. Dear Jenn ~ Thank you for rejoicing with us! It really is a miracle for which we are very thankful! We do pray that he would now be able to gain weight...that's the next hurdle. We must continually rest in the Lord's perfect will. Where would we be without HIM?



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