
July 29, 2013

When Plans Are Thwarted

How do we react when our plans are thwarted?
Do we see it as from the hand of a Loving God?
Or, is it something we view as an intrusion ~
An interruption?

Our Uncle Johnny, who is now with the LORD,
was very wise and godly.
He said on more than one occasion ~
"Every interruption is ordained of God."

~ Uncle Johnny with the boys circa 2002 ~

How that alters our perspective!

Directly from HIS hand?
How much easier it is to accept
when we view everything in this light.

We are owned by Him and our times are in His hand.

May we submit ourselves to all He does in our lives.
And, may we rejoice in the fact that
He is with us through everything He brings our way.
By His grace ~ For His glory.  

With Love,


  1. Beautiful and so true. Something I often remind myself in the midst of crisis and it can change my whole perspective of the situation. We may not understand why but God is there and has a reason.

  2. "By His grace....for His glory"
    I love that!
    I might just "steal/borrow/use" that for my sign off's!

    By His grace, For His glory,

    (what'ja think?)

  3. Beautifully said and such a timely reminder for me Camille {{hugs}}

  4. I love what your uncle has left you with. I've leaned on that wisdom myself. It has helped me through tough times. My Creator God already knew what I'd encounter in my life and my response to it and my receiving of His comfort, support, healing and protection is what is going to get me through any storm. He's always there. Praise God!

  5. No other lasting purpose ~ By His Grace ~ For His glory indeed! Hope you and your family have a wonderful day in the Lord!

  6. Dear Nadine ~ Yes, the LORD is Good! Hugs to you my friend. :)

    Dear Junior ~ Yes, the LORD always has a reason...and it is always a Good one! What a blessing to belong to Him! May He continually meet you in all you have to face day after day. :)

    Dear Maryann ~ Oh, how we miss him! :)

    Dear Cindy ~ Love it! I'd be so pleased to see you sign off that way. It's so very, very true. Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Julia ~ Keep your eyes fixed my friend...He is faithful! Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Heather ~ He truly is Precious! I am so thankful that He never leaves us nor forsakes us. May He bless you and yours this day my friend. :)

    Dear Patty ~ So other lasting purpose! I like that. Hugs to you. :)

    With love,

  7. It does change our perspective, doesn't it, my friend? Your Uncle Johnny was a wise man. There have been a few things of late that I've viewed negatively at the onset, but then somewhere along the way I've been reminded that nothing comes to me but through His hands first. And what a difference it has made!

  8. Dear Dianna ~ How true it is. Nothing but what comes through His hands first! I love that! :)



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