
August 6, 2013


Fourteen.  Our Fraser is fourteen!

It only seems to my Mama heart to be such a short time ago
that the Lord loving placed him in our home and family.
How precious it was to welcome our third son.
Fraser, on that day, became little brother to
both Austin and Calvin ~ they were thrilled.
And, so were we!  

On birthdays in recent years, we have made an effort

to go on a family outing to celebrate.
For his birthday, Fraser chose to go on a bike ride ~ similar to last year.
The year prior, we went out whale watching for the day.
Summer seems to be the time for activities such as these.

We are so thankful that we have been able to make 

these precious memories together.
They truly are gifts from the Hand of our Great God.

This year was much simpler than the last two.  

We got close enough to see the water,
but, no boat or ferry were required.
We just needed two wheels each and the trailer to get us there.
A family bike!

Howie, however, promptly got a flat tire and opted

to wait quietly while I cycled with the children.
On the return portion of our trip, Calvin got a flat.
Lesson learned ~ don't go cycling without a repair kit along.
Oh well, we still had fun.  :)

The birthday food Fraser requested turned out to be a real treat.

For breakfast, he asked for a cup of coffee (not something he's normally allowed),
hash browned potatoes, bacon, mangoes, and Sugar Crisp cereal.

It was decided that we would order in pizza for dinner

and have a home made coconut cream pie for dessert.
We are all about traditions around here ~ food is a big part of that.

Fraser, you have always been cheerful and easy-going.
We thank the Lord for you!
How wonderful it has been to watch you learn and grow.
You are growing up right before our eyes ~
both physically and spiritually.
Your tender heart and kind ways are a 
great blessing to each one of us ~ please don't stop!  :)

It's been so encouraging to see the Lord's hand upon you.
He is your Saviour, and, that is the most important thing of all.
As you look to Him and follow Him,
we want you to know that we are lifting you up to Him in prayer.
We look forward with you to see what it is He will call you to do.

Your love of languages and cultures is a gift from Him.

We take pleasure in watching the joy it brings you to learn 
about the various places, people and languages of the world.
We all enjoy listening to you create music on the piano ~
what a wonderful thing it is to have these abilities to bless others with.

What does the Lord have in store?

Whatever it may be, use it all for His glory.

He alone is worthy.
We love you so very, very much!
You will always be our precious Freighter Mater.

All our Love,

Daddy and Mummy


  1. Happy birthday Frasier!!!

    Camille-we barely got any school completed today...I spent a lot of time disciplining and training...and the Martha in me wants to reel them in for an afternoon of study to check off everything on our "list"...and yet they are playing. Together. And laughing. And walkie talkies echo through the house and the youngest is pretending to be a pet elephant and I can hear you reminding me that these days pass so quickly. And so I am leaving them to their play for now. I suppose spelling and science can wait another day. For now. :)

  2. Mmmm sugar crisp yummy!!! Haven't had that in years (probably becuase I would eat the entire box).

    Happy birthday Fraser.


  3. Such sweetness. Happy Birthday to Fraser!

  4. All sounds good; grace be with you.

  5. Family bike rides are so much fun, Happy Birthday to your Fraser

  6. Happy Birthday to your Frasier, Camille! What a blessing that you could all do the day together...and love it that food is big part of your family traditions! It is in ours as well!

  7. Happy Birthday Fraser! It sounds like a great day of celebration. Doing things together as a family is very special. Love your breakfast menu too. Coffee is yummy! (my favourite drink). Hope you are all enjoying this great weather.

  8. Happy Birthday Fraser! I hope you enjoyed your special day, with yummy treats and good family time! Many blessings!

  9. Happy Birthday, Fraser! I loved reading that you are seeking the Lord! Keep going and don't ever stop! What a wonderful birthday celebration you had, a bike ride by the ocean... I can't even begin to imagine!

  10. Happy birthday Fraser! Hope you have a truly amazing day and many many more! :)


  11. Happy Birthday, Fraser!
    What a fun day you had with your family.

  12. Happy 14th Birthday, Fraser! May the Lord bless you this coming year. Sounds like you have had a wonderful day, Camille {{hugs}}

  13. Sounds like your birthday was a blast, Fraser :)
    Love the way you do it, Camille. These will be forever-memories for your kids. So thankful for you!

  14. Jennifer ~ Thank you sweet friend. Yes, indeed...cherish the moments! And, yes...Spelling and Science can wait. :)

    Leanna ~ Thank you for your kind words my friend. :)

    Patty ~ Thank you my friend! :)

    Welcome David ~ Yes, in the LORD, all is well. :)

    Maryann ~ Thank you my sweet friend. Yes, bike rides are fun...but, flat tires are not. :)

    Dianna ~ Thank you for your kind words. And, traditions are the best, don't you think? :)

    Connie ~ Thank you my friend! :)

    Angela ~ Mmmmm....kindred spirits we are! Coffee is always *on* around here. :)

    Pippa ~ Thank you for your sweet words to Fraser. Hugs to you. :)

    Jenn ~ One day my day! When you visit we will have to ride by the beach. :)

    Jill ~ Thank you my sweet friend. :)

    Sandy ~ Thank you for your sweet words to our Fraser. :)

    Julia ~ These truly are gifts from His hand. Thank you for your kind friendship. :)

    Heather ~ Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement my friend. I appreciate you. :)

    With Love,

  15. Happy belated birthday Frasier! I pray The Lord will draw you closer to Hom than ever before this next year!
    Love In Christ,

  16. I haven't been at the computer for a few days, so I'm a few days late in passing on birthday greetings to your fantastic fourteen year old!
    I'm encouraged by your writing Camille! Sugar Crisp made me laugh out loud! We too, bestow favorite foods for birthdays! Sugar Crisp has never been on the list! But pie- Braden's favorite birthday treat too! Yum!

  17. Christina ~ Thank you my sweet friend...thank you! :)

    Heather on the Farm ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement my friend. I'm thankful that you are encouraged. Hugs to you. :)

    With Love,


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