
August 15, 2013

Only a Moment

A few Sundays ago, after the service, a precious friend
took time to talk and listen and encourage.
She said something that has been such a blessing to my heart.
"The days are long, but, the years are short."
It will only seem a moment before we are ushered into glory.
Life here is temporary.  Life there is permanent.

Helpful words?  Yes.  Comforting?  Absolutely.

Every elderly person I have ever spoken to
says the same thing ~ life flies by!
And, in the twinkling of an eye ~ eternity begins.
It happens this way for all of us.
The big questions, in light of this, are these ~

Where will we spend it?  Where will we go?  Are we ready?

It is not on our own merit that we are welcomed into Heaven.
It is all the Lord's.  All of it.  We depend on His works.  Not ours.
The Lord Jesus Christ's perfect life lived on our behalf.  

The complete and perfect payment of the penalty 
for the sin of His people.  He took our sins upon Himself,
in order that He could bestow His perfection on us.
The Lamb of God.  We must look to Him.  Trust in Him.
Surrender to Him ~ utterly and completely.

In His work alone is Salvation to be found.

It's the only way.  He is the only way.

What is He to you?  Is your peace found in Him?

Is He your all in all?  Do you trust Him with your never dying soul?
 Settle with Him before the time He has granted you is gone.
Before we know it, it will be!
We all face the same reality.  Time is short.
We only have this moment ~ none other is guaranteed.

Flee to Christ while He may be found!

"All that the Father giveth me shall come to me;

and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."
~ John 6:37 ~

The best way to be found of Him is to read His Word.

Begin by reading Genesis, and then read the book of John.
His Word, the Bible, is True.  It's Powerful.
The words can only change us if the words are read.
We can only be changed by the power of the Living God.  By His Grace.
In light of this, please ask the Lord to open your eyes to see and
enlighten your heart to understand.  He is able.  He is merciful.
And, He graciously answers prayers like those.

The greatest thing in all of life is to belong to Him.

Be sure you are His and He is yours ~ nothing is more important.  
Absolutely nothing.

Many Blessings,

**Photo in this post courtesy of Calvin ~

Thank you my love!  XO


  1. What a precious post, Camille. Time does seem to fly by and beginning a life relationship with Jesus is the most important thing we can ever do. Thank you for sharing that with others. May He find us all faithful at doing the same.

  2. Good thoughts and thanks for sharing. We never know when our last breathe will be so we need to be ready now as we may not have another chance to be saved. Life is a blessing when we know the Lord. And He helps us through the hard times as well. Hugs!

  3. The words can only change us if the words are read.

    How very true! Oh how I long to be in communion with God through His word...and yet these "long days" do go by so fast

  4. (I hit send too early!)

    I'm so glad He sees the Savior's work and not my own!

  5. I am comforted as well by these words, Camille. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
    Gorgeous photo,Calvin!

  6. Dianna ~ Yes, my is the most important thing! May the LORD bless you abundantly. :)

    Becky ~ Where would we be without HIM? I shudder to even imagine it! Blessings to you! :)

    Michelle ~ How precious it is to have HIS Word in our own language to cherish and read and soak in. HE is Faithful...what a blessing to rest in HIS perfect work! One step at a time my step at a time! :)

    Jenn ~ Yes, because of HIM. All of HIM! Hugs to you my sweet friend. :)

    Heather ~ Thank you for encouraging my means a lot. What a blessing to know that the LORD has us in HIS hands...I am glad you were comforted here. Hugs. :)

    With Love,

  7. Dear Camille,
    What great wisdom indeed..."The days are long but the years are short" true! I can't believe my little man is 1 already, where did the year go?
    Hugs to you my friend!
    In Christ alone,

  8. I SO agree with this post, Camille. Nothing is more important in this life than to settle the issue of our salvation. Jesus is the only way and I wouldn't want it any other way. I can't how fast time goes. As I was saying good-bye to my dying Grandpa this last week, his last words to me where, "Keep raising your kids for the Lord and life a good Christian life". I told him I promised and I mean it. I will treasure those words from him always. I'm sad to see him go from this world, but so happy he knows exactly where he is going. What a comfort indeed! Hugs to you, my sweet friend!

  9. Sandy ~ I firmly believe that once you have children time flies by even more quickly. That's been my experience. We look forward to seeing the three of you soon. :)

    Jackie ~ So sorry for the earthly goodbye you just had to say to your Grandpa. So thankful that he is with the LORD. What a comfort. Truly, it is. But, the separation is felt and I am sorry for your loss. One day we will be together forever with our Saviour! What a thought. :)

    With love,


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