
January 1, 2014

Hold Fast the Truth

Much is made of a New Year.
Resolutions are set and special words are chosen.
These things are not necessarily right or wrong if kept in proper perspective.
However, it is not my practice to either make resolutions or choose words.
This past Sunday, our pastor encouraged us to pursue Truth.  Simply.
Not only in 2014, but, always.

At the conclusion of his sermon, he read us the following quote.
It's powerful and conveys the message so well.
Perhaps on this first day of a New Year,
it will be an encouragement to your heart?

Stay awhile and ponder these words taken from
Thomas Brooks' treatise entitled "Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices" ~
Found in Volume 1 of The Works of Thomas Brooks ~ Banner of Truth edition, p. 59-60.

“Ah souls, have you not found truth sweetening your spirits, and cheering your spirits, and warming your spirits, and raising your spirits, and corroborating your spirits? 
Have not you found truth a guide to lead you, a staff to uphold you, 
a cordial to strengthen you, and a plaster to heal you? 

And will you not hold fast the truth? 

Has not truth been your best friend in your worst days? 
Has not truth stood by you when friends have forsaken you? 
Has not truth done more for you than all the world could do against you,
and will you not hold fast the truth? 

 Is not truth your right eye, without which you cannot see for Christ? 
 And your right hand, without which you cannot do for Christ? 
 And your right foot, without which you cannot walk with Christ? 
 And will you not hold fast the truth? 

 Oh! Hold fast the truth in your judgments and understandings, 
in your wills and affections, in your profession and conversation…

You were better let go anything than truth; 
you were better let go your honors and riches, your friends and pleasures, 
and the world’s favors; yea, your nearest and dearest relations,
yes, your very lives, than to let go truth. 

 Oh, keep the truth, and truth will make you safe and happy forever. 
 Blessed are those souls that are kept by truth."

Psalm 91:4 b ~ "...His truth shall be thy shield and buckler."

John 17:17 ~ "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."

Many Blessings for 2014!
With Love, Camille


  1. Welcome back! I love your thoughts. I always have a hard time picking one word. So many run through my mind. I don't like making "resolutions" either but rather just make the changes I want TODAY (my husband always does this so well) and pray for God to change me.

    I like to pray for one thing each year. All year long. At the end of the year God shows me so clearly how he's given me above and beyond what I have prayed for. I love it!

    Happy New Year Camille!


  2. Happy New Year Camille...excellent post!

    Love & Blessings,

  3. Thanks for sharing these words of truth. Happy New Year, my friend. It's good to hear from you again. I hope you had a good Christmas. I thought of you the other day while I was at work. So I prayed, which I always do when I think of people. I just finished helping Megan with sugar cookies. I had to help her with the cookie cutter part, little OJT! Hugs!

  4. Welcome back Camille...I have missed you! {{hugs}} XX

    Thank-you God for His Truth which sets us free from the things that would ensnare us. May each of us walk with The Truth daily during 2014.

  5. Happy New Year my friend!

    I have been praying for you and your family this Christmas season. You have been in my thoughts!

  6. Dear Camille,
    Welcome back! How deep the thoughts in this post. How wonderful it is to have the Truth.
    Happy New Year to you and your family.
    In Christ's Love,

  7. Such an encouraging post for the new year Camille. We thought of you often throughout the holiday especially as we poured maple syrup all the way from Vancouver over our vegetables on Christmas day. I'm hoping for a miracle and that it might be like the jar of oil that never ran out! I am so thankful for my other gift from Canada. The devotional you sent back with our girl I am devouring each day. The January 1st one was so good. Not just about a new year but a joyous eternity for those who love the Lord. It begins here .. our forever with the Lord! I had actually been in some despair as I have come to realize how many Christians are abandoning Truth for wordly, humanistic thinking. People I know who claim Christ as their Saviour but are being influenced by the opinions of friends and the media. Don't they read their Bibles? I asked my husband. Well maybe they don't! So I was greatly encouraged by the first few devotions ... so much encouragement. And if I resolve to do anything it will be to 'hold fast the truth.' I am so grateful in these days to know there are those who are standing firm for Christ. I have a card for you all written here. Our post office shut down over Christmas so I never got round to posting it and today I could not find my address book. The twins were mad at me! I will see the one who visited you later and write it down again.

  8. A very powerful reading from Thomas Brooks to ponder and reflect upon - thank you Camille.
    The gifts we receive from our faith are priceless treasures.
    Thank you for visiting my little corner of the world.

  9. Dear Sweet Camille,
    So good to see you back and I have so missed you! You have been ever in my thoughts and I have been praying for you and your family.
    Thank you for sharing your thought provoking post and thoughts for the New Year. You always inspire and encourage me.
    Much love across the ocean and thankful for your friendship.

  10. Dear Cinnamon ~ Thank you for sharing your heart my's a lovely thing to hear from the Lord's people how He has blessed them. You bless me! Happy New Year. :)

    Dear Nadine ~ Happy New Year to you and yours as well my friend! What an exciting way to begin a new year...expectantly waiting for a new little one to enter the world. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Becky ~ Aww...thank you for praying! How precious it is to belong to the Family of our Great God! Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Julia ~ Thank you for the welcome back my friend! And, yes...may we all walk in HIS Truth this coming year! Blessings to you. :)

    Dear Carrie ~ I so appreciate your prayers my friend...thank you! Happy New Year to you and your family. Hugs. :)

    Dear Sandy ~ Happy New Year to you and your sweet family my friend! We must get together soon. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Ann ~ I am so pleased that you have been blessed by Spurgeon! How I appreciate his words over and over again...he's so encouraging! Many Blessings to you all in this coming year. :)

    Dear Shane ~ You have blessed me with your visits here...thank you for being a sweet encouragement to my heart. Blessings to you! :)

    Dear Linda ~ I am thankful for you! Happy New Year to you and your family my friend. Hugs! :)

    With Love,


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