
March 5, 2014

Perfection ~ Adaptable Blondies

These blondies really are perfection.
I made them three times in two days.  Dear me!
Twice on one of those days ~ truth be told.  Craziness.  :)

I have stopped making them, just so you know.

Not because they are not good, but, because I ran out of ingredients.
I plan to wait awhile before replacing them.  Wise, don't you think?

I've never actually made blondies before ~
at least, I don't think I have.  If I have, I don't remember.
Regardless, these are the best.  No need to look further.

It's a scary thing when you find a recipe that is this quick
and easy and just as yummy as these happen to be.  Before you know it,
they are mixed up (one bowl), spread into a pan, and baked.

Just. Like. That.

It's actually not a good thing.  Not good at all.
Because, if the ingredients are handy,
there is nothing to prevent you from mixing 'em up,
eating 'em up, and repeating the entire process.

All within an hour.  Twice!

Perhaps you should just make double to begin with.
It will save you some trouble in the long run.  
Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

 Adaptable Blondies ~ Adjusted by me.
Originally found by me here and originally found by JJ here.

1/2 cup Butter, melted (use regular, not unsalted)

1 cup lightly packed Golden Brown Sugar
1 large Egg
1 tsp Vanilla
1/8 tsp Sea Salt (or, Himalayan Rock Salt)
1 cup All Purpose Flour
1/4 cup Sweetened Shredded Coconut**
1/4 cup chopped Pecans**
1/2 cup Chocolate Chips**

**All extras should total no more than 1 cup

Melt the butter in a saucepan.  Put egg, sugar, vanilla and sea salt

into a medium bowl.  Mix with a whisk, and add in the butter.  Mix again.
Stir in the flour, nuts, chocolate chips, or, whatever extras you are using.

Spread into a greased 8 x 8 inch glass baking dish.

The batter will resemble soft cookie dough.  Don't let that alarm you.

Bake at 350 degrees F for 20 to 25 minutes.

Be sure that you don't over bake these.  They firm up as they cool.
These photos show my first batch which were over baked, in my opinion.
It didn't stop us from eating them, however.

These blondies are adaptable ~ you can add in almost any extras you think you'll like
and they will turn out.  Throw in any of your favourites and see what happens.
Apparently, various dried fruits (cherries? craisins?) would make wonderful additions.
The trick is to keep the add-ins to no more than 1 cup.

Now, go, gather up your ingredients and begin!
You'll be enjoying your own batch (or two) in about 30 minutes.  
They are yummy to eat while still warm ~  Enjoy!

Happy Wednesday Y'all! 
Many Blessings, Camille


  1. Wow, these look delicious, Camille!
    I can't wait to try them!
    Happy baking!

  2. Sounds good. After looking over the ingredients again, I think I have everything I need to bake up a batch. I think I might wait though until all the family is together for a meal. Maybe that will keep me from over indulging! Thanks for sharing. Home your having a wonderful week in the Lord!

  3. Dear Sandy ~ I am sure they will be a hit. Enjoy them, my sweet friend. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Patty ~ A good plan...make sure you are surrounded by loved ones when you whip up a batch of these. Enjoy! :)

    With Love,

  4. Oh, my! These look delicious! We're having friends over tomorrow and I'm thinking these would make a nice treat to enjoy while they're here. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Dear joyful Chaos ~ I hope you liked them! :) Many Blessings, Camille


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