
June 24, 2014

Simple Perfection

I wasn't looking for another vanilla ice cream recipe.
This one just found me.  It really did.  :)

It's creamy and smooth.  Not too sweet.  Just a little bit tangy.

This ice cream is simple perfection.  It requires no egg yolks, 
no making of a custard and setting in the fridge to cure ~ no fuss.
No wait.  (Except for the initial mixing and the churning.)

Served up straight from the mixer, it's perfect.

~ Sour Cream Vanilla Ice Cream ~
Originally found here and adapted slightly by moi.

2 cups full fat sour cream

1 cup half and half cream
1/2 cup whipping cream (heavy cream, unwhipped)
1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp sugar (I use evaporated cane juice)
2 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice (up to 1 Tbsp if you like it more lemony)
1 tsp vanilla extract (I use pure ~ you could use a little more)
Pinch of sea salt or Himalayan rock salt (ground)

Measure all ingredients into a mixing bowl.

Whisk together until smooth.
Churn in your ice cream maker until thickened.
Serve immediately with berries and cake or just by itself.
This ice cream is best used right away.  It shines as soft serve.
If you want to make it ahead, just pop it into the 
deep freeze for an hour or two to firm it up a bit.  Ideally, no longer.

Whichever way you serve it, you'll enjoy it.

I am sure of that.  :)

Welcome Summer!

Love, Camille 


  1. Sweet and refreshing perfect for summer :) My husband loves homemade ice cream and we usually used the ice cream maker a lot during the summer months. . .I will have to try this recipe on him :)

    Hugs to you, sweet friend! Enjoy your day!

  2. I'm not much of an ice cream lover, but this sounds wonderful. I will have to invite myself over to my dear Stephanie's when she makes some for her hubby. LOL :)
    I pray you are enjoying your summer dear Camille?
    Have a beautiful day. Debbie

  3. Looks delicious! I just bought 2 half gallons of ice cream since it was a great sale. Stock up on favorite flavors!

  4. I really want to make this. It sounds soooo yummy. I wonder if I could use a sugar replacement? Like honey?? Thank you for sharing.

  5. It sounds wonderful and rich. I just got a little ice cream maker, we have been talking about making ice cream lately, and haven't made it in years. I look forward to giving this one a try.

  6. Welcome, Melissa! ~ It's lovely that you stopped by. :)

    Dear Stephanie ~ I hope you like it...and, be sure to save some for your Mom...she says she will stop by to sample. :)

    Dear Debbie ~ I warned Stephanie that you are dropping in on her. The ice cream should be ready when you walk through the door. :)

    Dear Becky ~ Mmmm...stocking up on ice cream? I should come live at your house. :)

    Dear Nikki ~ Yes, I am sure you could use honey. Please let me know how it goes if you try it, okay? :)

    Dear Pam ~ It's wonderful with fruit. I hope you approve. :)

    With love,

  7. So I read this and then I had to go make a batch. Yum.

  8. Dear Jennifer Jo ~ Ah, yes...the power of persuasion. Thank you for posting so long ago...I just came across it, it was new to me. Hugs, Camille


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