
June 27, 2014

The Quotidian (27. 6. 14)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace.

Jennifer Jo was the inspiration for these quotidian posts
and she graciously shared with me.  Wasn't that sweet?

I like posting about the everyday things ~
they have a way of changing suddenly and without warning.
How often will I publish posts under this heading?  
Time will tell ~ I make no promises.  :)

One thing is for certain ~ I don't want to miss noticing the seemingly
small and insignificant things of life that can so easily get lost in the shuffle.
This is one way to do avoid doing that.

The pile-up at the front door ~ gear for one.

The hide-out ~ complete with orange pylons.

External spring cleaning (in summer).

Flowers gifted to us in memory of our Austin ~
Our second summer without him here has begun.


Using those supplies.

Outdoor cushions indoors until the rains pass.

The view from my chair one evening as the sun was setting.

Seeking to keep eyes wide open to the joys of now.

Truly, these are gifts directly from HIS hand.
May the Lord help us all to slow down long enough to really see.

Happy Weekend Y'all!

With love, Camille


  1. Your front window is absolutely beautiful! :) Every time you speak of Austin, even though I never knew him in this life, my heart is saddened. My heart thinks of the hurt you must go through each season of the year and going through each thing without leaves my heart heavy. I feel a sense of joy and exuberance, though, when I think how you will be joined again one day. xo

  2. Your view is lovely. Thanks for sharing you high lights of life. Mine include some clean laundry, done by Megan when she got home from camp. Then there's more laundry in the laundry room to do tomorrow. Chocolate chip banana bread baking in the oven, can you smell it? Church picnic tomorrow after church! Praying it doesn't rain! Hugs and have a blessed weekend!

  3. It's always fun to take a peak into the daily happenings of other families! And I agree with the other two comments...your view is lovely! What a warm and beautiful photo! Fun post:)

  4. Dear Katy ~ Your words make me smile. Yes, we rejoice in the Lord and His goodness to us...we have eternal hope in HIM! Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Becky ~ Is there still some banana bread left?? I'm on my way over for a cup of coffee...okay? :)

    Dear Holly ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement here...hugs to you! :)

    With Love,


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