
July 16, 2014

A Little Break...

Just taking a little break from this space for awhile.
I have found it to be necessary every so often.  
My plan is to be silent here for the next few weeks.
Just taking a little time away to refresh and regroup.

Each of you is a sweet blessing to my heart.
Thank you for extending grace to me each time I disappear.
Thank you for understanding.

The Lord-willing, I will catch up with you sometime in August.
If you should choose to leave a comment, it will not appear until then.
Your patience is so appreciated.  Really and truly.

May the Lord bless you each with wonderful summer days.
May you be found making memories and enjoying 
the quickly passing moments as they come.
May His peace and presence be with you always.

With Love, Camille

**The photos in this post were taken in 2010 when we were on a family
vacation together in California.  We will always have four.
We continue to miss our Austin ~ so very, very much!


  1. You will be missed Camille! Enjoy your time away!!!


  2. So sorry Camille for the great hole left in your heart as you wait on the LORD to be reunited with your son Austin. Yes you will always have four. Four years ago I lost my youngest brother to cancer.....I was just telling my husband that I still count him when people ask how many of us there are. Having ten children causes one to ask frequently how many children MY parents had?? praying for you. We will still be here when you come back but if you need us let us know!

  3. Praying a sweet rest and refreshing time away, my friend.

    xo Dianna

  4. Breaks are indeed important; a nourishment for the soul.

    Blessings upon you and your family.

  5. I popped in today because I gain strength from your posts. I have not been actively blogging for some time. Our 19 year old son died on July 4th from complications with leukemia. He had relapsed in June. My heart aches, but I know he was at peace and right with Jesus. That is my comfort.

  6. Praying you will have a restful time away! Blessings and Hugs :).

  7. I will miss you. I understand the need for the break. I sometimes wish that I knew ahead of time that I would be needing one… usually I take one because I can't seem to get back to blogging for a short season.. and then I end up taking a break by accident; which doesn't get the full benefits of the break if you know what I mean. I Will keep you in my prayers.
    Many Blessings

  8. Enjoy your break, sweet friend. I pray it's delightful and refreshing! Hugs and blessings to you!

  9. {{hugs}} Camille. You are so thoughtful to let us (readers) know! You and the family are always in my thoughts and prayers. May the Lord bless and refresh you as you draw nigh to Him XO

  10. Dear Camille,
    You are always in my thoughts and I am keeping you in prayer.
    I look forward to meeting you here when you return to blogging.
    You are such an inspiration sweet friend.
    Love and hugs,

  11. Dear Katy ~ Thank you so much for your kind friendship! :)

    Dear Nikki ~ Yes, you are right...they are to be counted. The Lord is so very good in the midst of all of life's trials, isn't He? :)

    Dear Dianna ~ Thank you for your prayers! :)

    Dear Melissa ~ May the Lord bless you as well. :)

    Dear Marci ~ I was so sorry to learn that your young man was taken home to Heaven! But, so very thankful that His testimony is solid and that you will see him again. Cling to the Lord and His precious is the only way forward. Many hugs to you!! I am praying.

    Dear Joleena ~ Thank you so much...your encouragement is a blessing! :)

    Dear Pam ~ I think we have all done it that way. I do like to release myself from the obligation once in awhile is a blessing for sure. Thank you for praying. :)

    Dear Stephanie ~ Thank you so much my friend! :)

    Dear Julia ~ How wonderful our Great God is! Thank you for praying for us. :)

    Dear Linda ~ You bless my heart. Thank you for your kind friendship. :)

    With Love,


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