
July 7, 2014

The Quotidian (7. 7. 14)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace.

Apples at the ready.

What we made with them (Emma's idea) ~ YUM!

Blowing away (almost) ~ sheets on the line.

Sick and reading ~ she's fully recovered.  :)

The view looking up and away behind Austin's grave.

Cherries from our neighbour's tree ~ free!
(The boys picked them for me and descended unscathed.)

Crossing more off the list ~ thank you, Calvin!

Not exactly sure what the attraction was ~
this is the way I found them.  :)

Practising for church.

More blooms on Austin's rose tree.

Happy Monday, Y'all!

With Love, Camille


  1. Love your everyday blessings, my sweet friend. It is always a good way to live...always!

    I also discovered the recipe you shared for Nut Granola Bars! I have got to try that! They look SO yummy!

    Hugs to you, Camille.

  2. Everyday common things are a blessing - how we sometimes forget. Such a lovely rose!

  3. I love these pictures, Camille. It's a joy to see God's faithfulness in your home. I love you.

  4. Sitting here with a cup of English breakfast tea enjoying your photos Camille even though it is not too long until dinner time! I have soup in the slow cooker that has been simmering away all day and both my fires are going.. first time the Stanley stove has been used this winter. You now who returned from NZ on the weekend. She did a bungee jump! Chickened out of going on the roller coaster in the mall at Edmonton but jumped off a bridge into a gorge with an elastic rope tied around her ankles! I will have to send you a photo. Next trip is Canada again - May next year! I am looking at the photo of your washing and it has just reminded me to go and fetch our washing in from the line. Just a little bit envious of free cherries. They are not in season here and even when they are they are really expensive so very much a luxury. The twins would eat a bowl full if they were allowed!

  5. Dear Dianna ~ Thank you my are a sweet blessing to me. :)

    Dear Patty ~ Yes, truly...we do often forget, don't we? Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Trisha ~ I love you, too. Hugs. :)

    Dear Ann ~ Yes, cherries truly are a treat. :) Thank you for sending the photos of your crazy girl...what fun! Give her a hug from us. (And the twins, too...of course). Hugs to you. :)

    With Love,

  6. Snippets of your life... same country, so far away :(
    Certainly, they were bird watching out that window! That's what most of us look like here when we spot something interesting :)

  7. Dear Heather ~ Nope. I think it was the gathering of LOTS of people at a neighbour's home. There must have been thirty extra cars lining our street that day. Yes, too far away. :( Love, Camille


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