
August 14, 2014

Summer Projects

Summer is the time for projects.
At least, that's the way it is around here.

We had a tree felled, which meant we had some wood to deal with.
Fraser and Calvin both took turns splitting logs.
The wood shed is full to overflowing now...just the way I like it.

Look at the size of those logs!  :)

The fence needed some attention.
We got Fraser and Emma going on it.

They got suited up and worked away.

It took two full days, but, they got it all done.

With a little bit of guidance, they did it all by themselves.
Doesn't it remind you a little of Tom Sawyer and the fence he
was required to whitewash?  Ah, those long summer days.
Perfect for painting fences...wouldn't you agree?

Calvin was put to work on the back deck railings and stairs.

He seemed to be happy about it (mostly, I think).
And, he did a great job (bonus).

Ah...the good life!  :)

Can you spot all three of them in this shot?

We are gearing up for another school year once again.

Summer is coming to an end, and so are the outdoor projects.
Do you do extra jobs around your home in the summer?
Or, do you save them up for the winter months 
when the weather is less agreeable?

We have both outdoor and indoor projects to do

on an ongoing basis, it seems.  
Next up around here is the basement hallway.  
The weather is still too nice to tackle it just yet.
I'm not even thinking about it.

Happy Weekend Y'all!
Many Blessings, Camille


  1. We always have projects going on at our home. :) We bought a fixer-upper, older home and there are always things to be improved, fixed and tinkered with. Plus, since we heat our home with an outdoor wood stove, if we don't have a project to work on...we always have wood to split and stack :). I'm not complaining though....hard work is good for people!

    Your fence is quite lovely! What great helpers you have...and those paint suits are a GREAT idea!!! Where ever did you find those?

    Sending warm smiles your way, Camille! :)


  2. Our attic needs to be purged, but it's too hot to get up there now. Hoping we'll have a mild Autumn which will allow me plenty of time to tackle it.

  3. What sweet little helpers you have :) How fun to be working on the home and to have your family working alongside you.

    Have a blessed weekend, dear friend!

  4. We always have projects also. We have been cleaning out my husbands shop so he can have better space to work. He is going to build a second bookshelf for our living room.

    Isn't it great when work is also enjoyable! The kids don't seem to mind their jobs at all!

  5. Your helpers are doing a great job!
    What a beautiful place you have, Camille.
    Seems like there is always a project to do. We tackled some huge ones this spring, and what a blessing to have them completed.
    Next summer will be our year to paint the outside of our home.:)
    The Lord bless you.
    Joy! Debbie

  6. Good to have the children doing outdoor projects. Megan was bored last evening...our internet and tv were down, due to outage in OR and WA. So she transplanted the plants we bought a few weeks ago into other containers. They look nice. I need to cut back the blackberries that are always taking over our flower bed. They never seem to disappear. This week I've been working on a project inside. It's getting closer to completion...been a long road there! Have a good weekend!

  7. Wonderful children. It is very special when everyone pitches in cheerfully.. They have done a great job. We have much painting that needs to be done outside, but haven't begun it yet. Perhaps this fall.

  8. Dear Katy ~ Yes, I agree...hard work is good for people. How lovely that you heat your home with wood...what a blessing! The suits were bought at the local Home Depot (if I remember correctly)...they are disposable. We made them last for about ten years. :)

    Dear Melissa ~ Ohhh...I *love* the idea of an attic. Something so nostalgic about it all. :)

    Dear Stephanie ~ It is a great blessing to have helpers for sure! The Lord is so good to us, isn't He? :)

    Dear Patty ~ Isn't it incredible how much stuff we collect? Purging always seems necessary, doesn't it? :)

    Dear Debbie ~ Thank you for your kind encouragement! Ah, yes...the outside of the house...that's a big job! What a blessing to have those spring projects completed...yippee! :)

    Dear Becky ~ Interesting how much gets done when we go unplugged, isn't it? Yippee for a girl who works around the home for you! :)

    Dear Pam ~ Yes, fall is a good time for painting. Thank you for your sweet encouragement my friend. Hugs to you! :)

    Many Blessings,

  9. I love the pictures of your yard...Everything is so green and beautiful :) And the kids painting the fence...that is way too cute!

  10. Dear Lisa ~ Thank you, sweet friend...we look forward to our visit with you soon! :) Love, Camille


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